

Ask @abbeysuffer

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Who owns ghita and what did you show her in??

Lielle Rhodes dad kobi, and some other people . i showed her in the low and medium juniors

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Any tips on jumping big like how you should approach I sit to the jump. Is that bad

same way you do to normal jumps

You have two sets of boots and helmet??? Are they just older ones for harlon

yea i have 5 helmets and 4 pairs of boots hahah

One really weird question but i keep asking everyone and no one answers🙈 anyways when you where at WEF or when you compete, when do you put your helmet on? Like after you walk the course and in front if everyone? Or you to the bathroom?

no you put it on ring side, and if it's a big class like 40+ i won't put it on until the middle . i've never gone to the bathroom to put it on

Do you have a show bag? If you do, do you have your show jacket inside and who keeps it or where do you put it?

yes and no cause it'll get wrinkled so i either wear it till i show or keep it on my arm

at home, do you leave your helmet, gloves, boots, etc at the barn? or take them back home

i have two sets, one for harlon and one for ashland

I don't know because she looks like she could show in the smalls at WEF and win with the right training😂

well something is probably wrong if it's that cheap so check it out

Where do you eat in Wellington? The food is terrible

chain restaurants, bolay, olis, white horse, the grille, kontiki, cha chas,

Would you buy A super adorable small welsh pony that's for auction if they had a minor case of laminitis a few years ago but are perfectly fine now? Just wondering because I found one that's super adorable but I don't want her history to affect her in the future

well it's hard to tell unless you get them vetted. if it's cheaper than normal then yes


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