

Ask @abbeysuffer

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How many showjackets do you have ? What colors ?

I have 6 I think. I have a Grey one, black, navy, hunter green but

I have a black showjacket and a blue one, I want a red one but I don't know if it's pretty, what do you think?

o think a red jacket is only suitable if your a Olympian

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Why cant i say anything? Cause its like my little brother is his only kid and he has traveled everywhere and ughhh i think its unfair :/

okay then say something

and maldives in spring break and i think its super unfair because its like my little brother (half) is his only son he travels my little bro has traveled pretty much the world and me and my brothers have only gone to some places in europe and argentina (im from there) with him and im pissed! Cont


And if hes so worried about money then he should stop spending and traveling! Im scared to tell him bc he just payed a huge vet bill(my horse is sick) and i dont want him to be oh i spend a lot of money on so u shouldnt be complaining :/ wat should i do?

don't say anything

I'm looking for a new saddle and I have a $2,000 budget what saddle would you recommend that's within that budget

I would get one that's over that price new and just get it used

are lianas trainers really strict? bc from what is sounds like on her ask she cant do anything she wants to do w them. like she can only do what her trainers want like its their horse and not hers

it's for her and her horses own good. they're not going to let her do a bunch of random stuff that could hurt her or her horses. they're just careful
Liked by: Logan.P

do you get 1 more year of you're born after the cut off ?

well however old you are by December 1 is your USEF age for the rest of the year until next December 1st.

bc my friend emailed them screenshots of Liana telling people to go kill themselves and making fake hate instas for herself



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