

Ask @abbeysuffer

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thoughts on the dynasty wave bridle? I am probably going to order one from dynasty just not sure on what design:)

I like it!

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I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY. I'm the one who ask you the first question about your concussion. I didn't know that you didn't want to talk about that I feel so bad right now😟

no don't !

recognized as much. it's just not fair to nice girls with killer eq to fall in the cracks to little kids who don't know how to release yet. I'm sorry but some accounts..

I agree. like someone's in the high juniors and they get like2 likes while people jumping cross rails are getting thousands like cudos to them but like it's confusing

ok. I respect beginner riders. but l just don't find it fair that girls that jump crossrails for lessons and cant properly ride yet should he famous! there are some accounts that have 10k+ and ppl saying they're amazing FOR JUMPING 1ft?!? there arenas workers jumping AT LEAST 2'6 and they aren't

yea I get that

wait how'd u get a concussion

omg I don't feel like answering any more concussion questions please don't bring it up again :)

I've been riding for 4 years and I'm doing low and high childrens. Is that about where I should be?


Are u aware that all of the coupon codes in your instagram giveaway are public on Retail Me not. Which is obviously where you got them haha what a giveaway.

I was told to post them by one of the people by sponser me so yell at them lol

Ohnygod like a car accident? That's so bad but also kinda funny

no like in golf carts and dirt bikes

Omg yes Pokemon go is lit I though I'd be judged for playing it bahaha

every single person at the horse show was running around getting them one almost caused an accident


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