

Ask @abbeysuffer

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will you take a picture of the animal that is sitting closest to you. also did you say you have a goat?

I'm not around an animal right now and yea

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how come you only accepted/added back certain people on your private snap?

because it's private...

weren't you pissed at the people you bought sheldon from for selling you a horse that can't jump?

he jumped amazing for 1 yr

What is the most you would pay for a mini horse?

like 900 dollars of its like some fancy thing idk

honestly i do not understand why you're not jumping sheldon anymore. its not like he can't. if you're too scared you should sell him to people who can school him and ride him to his fullest potential

please read his story. jimmy Torano who's one of the most renowned older GP riders and trainers was trying to sell him and tried every discipline. Sheldon would stop with him, his students, people who tried him. he told my dad that his only route is dressage. don't say things if you don't know

I just wanted to say that your my favorite insta person ever in the whole world!!!And also favorite person ever!!!Your such an inspiration! I wish I could be you and your friend at the same time! I just hope that when I'm 16 I have everything like you!Also I hope I can be like you.Keep being awesome

thank you so much this is so sweet !

i feel like people always talk about strenthening their legs by doing no stirrup work-i do agree it builds muscle but honestly i dont think it builds the muscles we use when we ride. idk just my opinion. what do you think?

it's all the muscles we use if you do it properly

What's more important to have strong for riding, thigh (upper leg) muscles or calf (lower leg)? (Obvi both are important but)

I have a lot of upper leg strength but not enough lower. both are very important.

Is rivaldo at Harlon Farms? Because he isn't in your bio I wasn't sure if you still owned him

yea but I don't do anything with him and I'm trying to rehime him


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