

Ask @abbeysuffer

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Currently I'm in the Bahamas. Any recommendations? I definitely want to go to Harbor Island.

harbor island is great. bakers bay. idk

What is the minis name? On one post it says udon and the other says Garfield😂😂 v confused


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what's ur op on people saying the n word

I feel like if your African American you have the right idk but it's not cool for other races to say it unless like its apart of the song you're singing in the car by yourself 😂😂😂

Your such an inspiration! I hope I get to meet you one day ur eq is like prefect I mean u can jump like 1.30 without ur leg moving an inch.. Your actual goals❤️

awe thank you!!'

what's your groomming routine?

I brush the animal. put the healthy spray thing on. brush them again. comb mane and tail. wipe them down with a towel. pick it their feet and put oil on it. and then fly spray

why are samshields so expensive and what would you say makes them worth the price. because I get when boots are more expensive cause better quality but I just feel like a helmet is a helmet

they're very safe. every helmet is different, I've seen many helmets break VERY easily, fall off before the ride hits the ground, shatter and cause cuts and lacerations in the riders head during a fall. I have never seen a Samshield do that, I've fallen on my head a lot and it's fine and so am I. there is a reason they're so expensive lol.
Liked by: Lanie Stock

I'm looking for a mini but I don't know where to start looking. I don't want like exact details on where you got yours, but just a general idea???

someone was like do u want this mini


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