@anonamouse89887#9 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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What was the last prank you pulled on someone, if you can remember? Inspired by the prank my other half and I pulled on our friends this passed week 🤣

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
I’ll be honest, my last “prank” ended up turning out a little different than I anticipated. Mind you, the last time I pulled a prank was when I was in high school several years ago. 😂
So, what happened was, it was April Fools day, and my mom and step-dad were out and about, and I was home alone… And for some reason, I thought it was a good idea to make one of the toilets look like it was leaking a bunch of water… So I grabbed a large cup and filled it with water from the sink, and just dumped it on the floor. Then, I splash some on the piping underneath the toilet, and also down the sides of it as well.
After it was all staged, I called my mom in a “panic” saying I didn’t know what to do, that I walked into the bathroom and found water all over the floor and that the toilet may be broken.
So her and my step-dad come home a little while later, and after the three of us cleaned all the water, my step-dad, who is quite handy said he would take a look at the toilet. So I’m pacing around, and totally expecting him to say there’s nothing wrong and then I’d be in big trouble. But that’s not what happened… Instead he turns to me and says, “looks like some of the mechanisms inside the toilet that make it run, and fill properly with water are broken, so that’s why it’s leaking.” So I stood there, totally in disbelief, and I’m trying to play it off like “oh okay, that makes sense.” But I was SHOOK. 😆
That night, my step-dad fixed the toilet, and all was fine and dandy, and I actually never confessed to them that it was supposed to be a prank. I just went along with it and was like “oh phew, glad the toilet isn’t broke anymore.” I was worried if I said anything, they’d think I broke it intentionally. 😅🙈

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What was the last prank you pulled on someone if you can remember Inspired by
Liked by: Tobbe Emmagine_This

What do you remember most about your first crush?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I remember his name, and that we were in the same first grade class together. I remember he had light brown hair and blue eyes. He was very quiet, like I was, but he was super kind. I remember I’d try to talk to him any chance I got, and always wanted to be near him.
I also remember he seemed to have a bit of a crush on me too. Whenever I had my mom paint my nails or if I was wearing one of my favorite outfits, I’d show it off to him and he’d tell me that anything I showed him was his “favorite thing I’d ever worn.” And it was just so innocent and sweet. 🥺 He switched schools after first grade so I’ve never seen him again. But I always remember him for those reasons!
What do you remember most about your first crush

What kind of wildlife do you see where you live? You have a favorite of those animals? 🦆🦔🐰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
What I typically see around where I live are geese, ducks, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and a large variety of other birds. Some of them include cranes, hawks, cardinals, seagulls, robins, doves, turkey buzzards, and crows.
My favorite of these has to be cardinals! I love them so much, and I find them to be very beautiful. They also, for me, signify much more, as several people in my life who have passed away adored cardinals, and it reminds me of them as well! So anytime I see one, I just feel very peaceful and happy, and I almost feel connected to those people in some way. ☺️
(Not my pictures)
What kind of wildlife do you see where you live You have a favorite of those

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Do you remember the very first place you ever traveled to?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I don’t remember it, no. But I’ve heard about it. The first place I ever travelled was to Arizona when I was about a year old. I went out there with my family basically every year, sometimes two or three times to visit my great-grandma, up until I was about 15 years old. ☺️
It quickly became like a second home for me and I loved going out there, especially because the elderly care home where my great-grandma lived was full of many people who looked forward to seeing me as well.
One notable mention was an 103 year old woman who, despite having memory issues, never forgot who I was or what I told her, despite me not seeing her for many months, sometimes a year at a time. She was like a second great-grandma to me and I was always splitting my time to spend with her as much as my family. 🥹
Do you remember the very first place you ever traveled to

How good or bad are you at remembering things you need to do? Do you have any tricks that help you remember?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I feel like it depends on if I actually want to do the thing(s) I’m supposed to/need to do. Like, if I really wanna do something, I won’t forget about it. In fact, the majority of the time, I can’t stop thinking/talking about it. 🤩
However, if I have things I don’t particularly want to do, or things I need to do that I don’t deem super important, or that I’m anxious about, I need to write it down or set reminders on my phone, cause I will, and do forget. One could say I selectively forget things and push things out of my mind that I’m not fond of doing. 😂🙈
But I guess my biggest tip to remembering things, is just having as many reminders and notes as I can telling me to do something so that way, I’ll just wanna get it done and not have all these notes staring at me anymore. 😆
How good or bad are you at remembering things you need to do Do you have any
Liked by: Tobbe

When you've had a crush on someone, how open were you about that to said person? Could it take a while for you to approach them about it, if you did? 🙈🥰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m very shy and rarely know how to express myself properly in the average social situation… So, when I have a crush on someone, it’s pretty much guaranteed I’m not gonna be able to articulate that I have a crush on them through my words. 😂
However, I do show I have a crush on someone through body language, and how much I wanna be around them. Like, any opportunity I have to be near them and potentially interact with them in some way, I take it.
And when I do get the chance to interact, I wanna talk to them as much as I possibly can.
And a lot of times, it’s also pretty obvious I like them because I’m all smiles around them, and I blush super easily, like when they compliment me or something. 🙈
When youve had a crush on someone how open were you about that to said person

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Liked by: Tobbe Simon says

What things make you feel anxious? 😰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
A whole lot, to be fair. I’m a highly anxious person, always have been. But I guess to list a few…
-Big crowds/being in large groups of people in general
-Phone calls (besides people I’m very comfortable with)
-New/unknown situations
-People yelling/loud noises
-Tight or crowded spaces
-Bridges/Tunnels (I actually have a phobia of them)
-Being the center of attention
-Confrontation (even when it’s completely necessary)
And many more things I’m not thinking of at the moment… 😅
What things make you feel anxious

Would you say you're more of a city person or country person 🤔

I’d say I’m a more of country person, but not by a huge margin. I feel like I enjoy a mix of both, however, what makes me lean towards the country is that I get fairly overwhelmed spending too much time in the city. With all the people, the excessive amounts of noise, and overall stimulation is just a lot for me. So, I like being in the city for a limited amount of time, and then I need a while to decompress. 😌
Would you say youre more of a city person or country person
Liked by: Tobbe Amy Rose

If toys were alive like in Toy Story and you walked in on a few of them not standing still, how'd you react? What'd you do? 👩‍🚀🦖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh my gosh, this would’ve made younger me squeal with excitement!! Even now, my inner child would be so freaking happy!! Like, legit, this was my whole childhood. I was constantly imagining my toys, dolls, stuffed animals, etc, were alive and had feelings. 🥹
I think if that happened to me now, I’d probably me in disbelief, but then I’d wanna have a conversation with them or something! Since I still own many of the stuffed animals and things I had as a young child. I bet they’d know things I’d completely forgotten about.
Also, imagine if toys could like hug you back?! Like if you were upset or something. That’d be so comforting, at least for me. Cause I always loved having softer toys like stuffed animals or soft dolls that I could keep on my bed to sleep with, as like emotional support. I think I’d love that! 🥰

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If toys were alive like in Toy Story and you walked in on a few of them not

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Liked by: Amy Rose Tobbe

Have you ever done speed dating? How was it? If no, would you ever do it? (if you were single of course)

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I haven’t tried it, no. And honestly, while it sounds interesting, I don’t know if that would work for me? Simply because I’m a very shy, socially awkward person who stumbles over my words or doesn’t know what to say in the average conversation, not to mention that I get rather flustered sometimes trying to speak to people I don’t know. So speaking to people I don’t know on a time limit… It just feels like I’d be too awkward for it to be successful. 😬
Have you ever done speed dating How was it If no would you ever do it if you
Liked by: Tobbe

How do you usually pick a good movie to watch? Do you watch the trailer/ do you check out the ratings? How do you choose the movies?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I’m not gonna lie, I solely watch the trailer, and if I think it looks interesting and it intrigues me, I’ll go for it! 😆
Only other thing I do sometimes is ask other people, like my friends, if I know they’ve watched the movie, what they thought of it (without spoiling it of course) and if they seemed to enjoy it, I’ll be even more excited to see it!
I usually save reading reviews for after I watch the movie. Simply because I guess, I like to read people’s opinions once i’ve formed my own, just to like compare and contrast. 🤔
How do you usually pick a good movie to watch Do you watch the trailer do you
Liked by: Tobbe Star. i

Where did you grow up? Do you still live there, or have you moved?

I grew up all over the place… 😂 My parents have been divorced since I was little, and they seemed to be constantly moving to different towns and such. So I don’t feel like I really have a true hometown, or like a childhood home, at all. I’ve moved too many times to even count at this point.
What I will say is, I grew up exclusively in small, rural towns for my entire life. So moving wasn’t super different, cause most of the towns looked the same. Like, I’m talking the middle of nowhere. 😆 And to be honest, where I live now is a little less rural, but not by much. But I haven’t been back to the town I lived in as a young child, in well over a decade!
Where did you grow up Do you still live there or have you moved
Liked by: Tobbe

What's your ideal indoor temperature? Does your temp change much throughout the year? 🌡️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My ideal temperature is somewhere between 68-71°F (20-21.6°C) and that changes throughout the year. During the spring and summer, I tend to prefer 68-69°F and then when it’s cooler, during fall and winter, I go up 70-71°F.
But, it doesn’t always go that way, as when the weather hits extreme hot/cold, having the air-con or heat running constantly to maintain that temperature is pretty expensive. Not to mention very strenuous on the furnace and such itself. 😅
So I tend to turn it up past where I’d normally have it, or turn it off. Great example, in my current apartment, lately it’s been around 73-75°F (22.7-23.8°C) even though it’s getting warmer out, but the air-con just can’t keep up with anything cooler and it’s hikes up the price SO much.
Whats your ideal indoor temperature Does your temp change much throughout the
Liked by: Tobbe

Have you ever fainted? 😵 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I have, only once. It was back in like… 2015 I think, and I was going in for a procedure. Long story short, I got very overwhelmed and scared beforehand, as the doctors and nurses weren’t the greatest, and didn’t like listening to me. So I ended up fainting as a result of my heightened stress and anxiety of the whole thing. Hopefully that will never happen again, it wasn’t fun. 😅
Have you ever fainted

What is your worst habit?

Biting my nails, for sure. It’s been the one habit I’ve never been able to break. I just do it constantly. I started when I was 8-9 years old and just never stopped. 🙈
The only thing that makes it better is if I have fake nails on, or if I get acrylics. I’ll still gnaw at them, just not chew them. But as soon as they come off, I’m right back at it. And I’ve tried just about everything people recommend for breaking the habit… It never works. 🥲
What is your worst habit
Liked by: Tobbe

If you play Mario Kart, what character do you usually choose? 🏎️👑

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooo, my favorite for many years now is Koopa Troopa, I adore him! I think he’s just way too cute! He’s my go-to every time I play Mario Kart. 🥹
In the past, when I’d play with my step-sister I used to be obsessed with playing Waluigi because I found his sound effects to be hilarious. And also, sometimes I’d purposely not do well in the race, just to see (and sometimes imitate) his reaction to losing. 😂 It never failed to make me laugh.
My short term favorite in high school was Wario, but, I quickly found him to be boring and went on to Koopa Troopa, and just never went back. 😁
(Not my picture)
If you play Mario Kart what character do you usually choose
Liked by: Tobbe

What kinds of ticks for notifications do you use here? (I use new personal question and new mention) 😁💬

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Actually, I don’t use any notifications for this app at the moment. I turned them off like a week ago. For some reason, my notifications were being glitchy and weird, and I was getting notifications for things I didn’t even want. Like random shoutouts and such, even when I had them turned off. 😩
Prior to turning them off, here is what I had on:
-New mention
-New like
-New reward
-New answer
I’m gonna see about turning them back on soon, and hopefully it won’t cause anymore issues! Cause I do like having some notifications for ask. 😁
What kinds of ticks for notifications do you use here I use new personal
Liked by: Tobbe Star. i

If you work out, what does your weekly workout schedule look like? 🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♂️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I wanted to answer this, even though I don’t currently work out at all… But during the lockdowns in 2020 and even into early 2021, I worked out basically everyday. So, since I still remember my “schedule” I figured I’d share. 😁
Even before the pandemic, I never felt good going to a gym, so I always did workouts at home. I had like a workout playlist and everything on Youtube that I’d follow and switch up all the time. I also walked a bunch during that time.
Typically I’d try to walk 6-8k steps per day. And then I’d do 45 minutes or so of either cardio/HIIT workouts, or I’d focus on legs or abs and back. Usually it’d be like cardio Mon-Wed-Fri and then legs on Tuesday, abs and back Thursday, and then usually I’d just walk Saturdays and Sundays. And sometimes, I’d take one of those days off and just rest. ☺️
This photo was when I probably was at my peak of my time working out. (Also, I blurred out the background cause my room was hot mess, specifically my bed lol)

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If you work out what does your weekly workout schedule look like
Liked by: Tobbe

What's something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do?

NoraKitties’s Profile PhotoNora May
Well, there are a few things that I pretty regularly stay up almost all night to do already… 😅🙈
One is Sims. I get so hooked on that game, that I’ll play it until all hours of the night. Sometimes like 5am. I just love it way too much!
Two is talking to international friends. It’s so easy to do cause the time difference is so drastic. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve chatted the night away! But it’s always so much fun and time just flies when you talk to people who mean a lot to you! 😁
And three… is kinda miscellaneous. Like binge watching a show, or reading a book I can’t seem to put down, or doing some creative project that I get super invested in. All of those things are so easy for me to stay up late doing, and I do it fairly regularly as well!
Whats something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do
Liked by: Tobbe Nora May

Do you still worry about the same things you worried about 10 years ago, or have you grown to accept or deal with said things better?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I still worry about my health the same way I did 10 years ago. I maybe even worry about it more now than I did then. One of the things that comes with being chronically ill, unfortunately. 😅 Though, I think the way I worry about it now is different, because I know my illness and body a lot better, so I recognize what’s a real issue and what isn’t. Just the worry itself never goes away.
The other thing I worry about in a similar way is just the future, and if I’m gonna be able to do the things I want to do, achieve my goals, etc… It’s a constant worry. And it does kinda go along with having health issues as well, cause I just never know how they will affect my plans.
I would say, generally speaking, that I worry about very different things now though. Like, those are the two main things that have never changed. I honestly don’t even know if I vividly remember what else I worried about back then. 🙈 But one thing is for sure, I have developed much healthier coping techniques for dealing with the things that make me anxious.

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Do you still worry about the same things you worried about 10 years ago or have
Liked by: Tobbe Lou

When you're sick, what's your philosophy around staying home? Like, how recovered do you need to be to carry on like normal? 🤒

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
As someone who is chronically ill, I often struggle to know how recovered I truly am. Sometimes, the temporary sickness can blend with my “normal” everyday symptoms which makes it nearly impossible for me to say “Now I’m good to go out.”
Not to mention the fact that me being immunocompromised makes me fight off illnesses much slower than the average person, so I need to take that into account as well. 😬
So, depending on what sickness I have, I will typically wait at least 2-3 weeks before I continue on like usual. So in that time, I go out if I absolutely need to, but apart from that, I’ll just rest. Just to be super safe and make sure I’m not actually causing myself more suffering by thinking I’m good too soon, and then unknowingly extending my recovery time even further.
When youre sick whats your philosophy around staying home Like how recovered do
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you have a current goal you're working towards? If so, what is it? (Could he something big or small)

My current goal is to achieve remission from my chronic illness so I can go back to college and get my barbering license! It’s something that I’ve been dreaming of doing for so long now and I just haven’t felt well enough to go for it.
But I’m hoping this year, I can change that. So I’m just trying to take care of myself, and gradually take steps towards getting better. Also, just keeping my hopes up that I truly can achieve my goal like I have in the past, when I became a Cosmetologist. 😄
Do you have a current goal youre working towards If so what is it Could he
Liked by: Tobbe

On bad days, do you like others to cheer you up or leave you alone?

Really depends on what kind of bad day it is, and how I’m feeling as a result…
Like for example, if I feel very frustrated or angry, I want to be left alone so I can process things and calm down before I interact or discuss my situation with anyone. Same goes for if I’m feeling drained and exhausted, I want to be left alone to decompress and gather my thoughts before sharing, and maybe even just sleep it off.
However, if I’m feeling really down and sad, or just defeated, being by myself tends to make things worse, and I just feel awful. So, in those instances, I like to talk about it and have people around me that I trust. And honestly, just people being there for me is enough to make me feel better. 🥹
On bad days do you like others to cheer you up or leave you alone
Liked by: Tobbe

If you eat savoury pies, what is your favourite type? 🥧 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Ooo, my step-dad used to make Canadian style meat pies when I was little! It’s still my favorite type of savory pie, even though I haven’t had it in a long while. 😋
It was essentially a mix of ground beef and pork that was spiced a certain way, with a flaky crust, and served with either ketchup, salsa, or sour cream. It might not sound amazing, but trust me, it is! And no one I’ve ever met can make them like he did. 🤤
(Not my picture)
If you eat savoury pies what is your favourite type

Favorite things to do in your free time?

briceicebaby’s Profile PhotoBrice
There’s many things I love doing in my free time! ☺️
To list a few:
-Playing video games/watching video game content
-Doing something creative (namely, painting and drawing)
-Anything Cosmetology or beauty related, but my most favorite things are cutting hair and doing makeup
-Watch Youtube videos or Twitch streams
-Exploring nature/going on hikes (I don’t get to do this very often, but I always love it when I do).
Favorite things to do in your free time


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