@anonamouse89887#9 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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Have you ever been involved in a physical fight? Do you think they are necessary?

I have never been in a physical fight, no. I have no plan on ever being in one. I’ve never really been much of a fighter, anyway. I’d much rather talk things out, if possible.
And no, with a few very, very rare exceptions, I think it is highly unnecessary to get in physical fights. Especially over insignificant things that just do not matter, and don’t warrant being potentially injured for.
Have you ever been involved in a physical fight Do you think they are necessary
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Do you smoke?

Nope! Never have, never will. It’s not something I have any desire to try, and I’ve also just never found it appealing.
Plus, addiction issues run in my family, so it’s in my best interest to avoid it…

Do you think being a YouTuber counts as a career?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I mean, technically, yes it is a career…
A lot of people are able to fund their lives and their passions through Youtube. Some people make more money on Youtube than they would pursuing a “normal” career in the same field.
Also, I think this is something that will continue to get bigger and bigger as technology keeps evolving, and people find other ways to make money that isn’t just a bland 9-5 job.
People want to experiment and feel inspired by what they do. It’s not gonna be everyone’s dream job or anything… But, if that’s what someone is looking for, I think Youtube is one of the best outlets we currently have, to do that.
Do you think being a YouTuber counts as a career

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Liked by: MK aka Koval Tobbe

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What type of music are you into?

rachelmyriehopp’s Profile Photomyrierahel
I feel like I don’t have a “type” per say… Like I’m fairly open to listening to most types of music.
What I mainly listen to is pop, R&B, hip hop, EDM, certain types of rock music, and on a very rare occasion, country. I’m also not opposed to listening to classical or jazz music.
What type of music are you into
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Ladies, any advice on dealing with cramps?

Yeah! I’ve got a few that I would recommend trying… Obviously you should go to a doctor if it’s really unbearable or you notice anything unusual.
-A heating pad/patch or even a hot water bottle works wonders for me
-Use essential oils on your belly, like sage, lavender, or rose. You can even use a blend, which works even better.
-Take an over the counter pain medicine (if possible).
-Take a hot bath
-Try movement like exercise or yoga
-Try a TENS unit. You can get them for fairly cheap online. It’s basically a bunch of patches that you place on your belly, you turn the unit on, and there is an electrical current that contracts your muscles (sounds horrible, but trust me, it’s actually quite nice).
Hope that helps!
Liked by: ʚ♡ɞ Tobbe

Do you think it's possible to think 100% logically or are we always influenced by emotions to some extent?

No. Personally, I don’t think human brains are designed to work that way.
Just based on what I know, which isn’t a ton… Humans are flawed beings, and we always have some form of bias whether that’s an emotional bias, or something regarding our environment, or from our upbringing, etc….
Like there will always be one or more influences of some kind that impacts our decision making. And I think it also depends on who is making the decision. Some people’s decision making is based on emotion and the influence of others more than it is, by logic alone.
So what I’m getting at is, I think trying to be 100% logical is more or less impossible.
Liked by: Tobbe MK aka Koval

What's one thing you always look forward to at the end of your day?

jakegenocide420’s Profile PhotoEternally Apathetic
Relaxing on the couch or in bed and journaling… I have been trying my hardest to make it a habit, especially in the last year or so.
It’s really to just vent when I have an overflow of emotions, anxiety, etc… And it helps me sort out what I’m truly thinking and feeling.
So that way, if I want to share it at some point, I can be vulnerable, and feel okay doing so.
It’s been quite healthy for me and it’s led to a lot of growth, which I’m quite proud of myself for. 🙂
Whats one thing you always look forward to at the end of your day

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how do you feel about snow?

I like it when I don’t have to drive in it… And I also, at times, wish it was only around for the holiday season and then it would go away. But it is pretty to look at, at least!
how do you feel about snow
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6/1 what’s your favorite month?

TeejhayFuna’s Profile PhotoTeejhayFuna
December has to be my favorite month. I’ve always loved it! I haven’t lost that like magical feeling that some people describe around the holidays. In that regard, I think it just fuels my inner child…😂
Like, I just feel the most content, and fulfilled, and happy around that time of year. It’s also my birthday month, which is always nice too!
61 whats your favorite month
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Do you ever wear certain colors to bring out your eye color? 👁👁

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
I do, sometimes! My eyes are hazel, but in certain lighting, they look green. My favorite colors to wear to bring out my eyes are pink or purple, cause it really does emphasize the green!
Also, fun fact, when I color my hair, I often like to go for one of those two colors. Hence, why my hair is pink right now. 😆
Do you ever wear certain colors to bring out your eye color

Where would you put yourself on the workaholic to relaxaholic spectrum?

rachelmyriehopp’s Profile Photomyrierahel
I feel like I lean more towards being a workaholic… Especially when I’m doing something that I am passionate about and genuinely enjoy doing.
Like, if it was healthy, I’d have absolutely no problem working for 10-12 hours a day, everyday, at a job I love doing. I just become totally immersed in what I do.
But of course, that’s not healthy, and I wouldn’t be able to do that anyway because of my health.
So, being chronically ill/disabled has it’s “benefits” per say, because it keeps me from being a total workaholic, and I made time for socialization, and relaxing… And I actually take care of myself, which is important too. 🙂
Where would you put yourself on the workaholic to relaxaholic spectrum
Liked by: Tobbe MK aka Koval

What is a memory that never fails to make you happy when you look back on it? 😊💭

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
All my memories of traveling have to be my favorite!
Specifically, my memories of traveling to Ireland in 2015 always make me happy!
It was not only my first trip outside of the US, but it was my first family trip and I got to spend a lot of quality time with my cousins.
We ended up going on a lot of day trips to different parts of Ireland, and those experiences are like some of my fondest, life-long memories.
This is one of my favorite pictures I took while we were there! 😌
What is a memory that never fails to make you happy when you look back on it

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🌺 do you have any plans for the month of june?

poetalunam’s Profile Photola mantra mori.
I don’t have too many plans but here’s what I’ve got so far…
I’m going to spend a weekend in the city to celebrate my aunt’s birthday, and I’ll get to see some of my cousins. So that should be fun!
And then… Shortly after that, I will potentially have to go back into the city because I’ve been summoned for jury duty.
Liked by: MK aka Koval Tobbe

Are you still friends with anyone from high school?

rachelmyriehopp’s Profile Photomyrierahel
I only have like 3 friends from high school that I still talk to. Not super often, but we catch up a few times a year! It’s quite nice actually! 🙂
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Who do you ask for advice?

It largely depends on what I need advice on. My parents are usually my go-to for general advice.
And from there, I kind of branch out from there, and talk to friends or other relatives.
Sometimes, I ask multiple people for advice on the same topic.
It’s more situational than anything, is what I’m getting at.
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When during the day do you feel the most productive? Do you ever have issues working at other times of the day? 💻📚💼

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Usually, mid-afternoon into early evening is when I’m most productive. I feel like my focus is the best during those times, and my brain isn’t so sluggish from the morning. The later into the evening it gets, the more creative I am. I also tend to have clearer thoughts, not just about work-related things, but life, in general!
With that said, mornings are the hardest time of day for me to work. I rarely get much done, unless I’m forced to for whatever the reason. And even then, it doesn’t usually end up being something I’m proud of.
Honestly, getting me to do anything productive in the morning is like trying motivate a sloth to workout… 😂
When during the day do you feel the most productive Do you ever have issues

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Liked by: MK aka Koval Tobbe

What's your favorite time of day in general? Why? 🌞🌛

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooo, definitely nighttime is my favorite!
I find that I am the most creative and generally upbeat at night. Like, even if I’ve had a really bad day, my mood tends to naturally shift once nighttime rolls around, and I’m just happier.
I really love late night car rides, or being at a friends house and everything has kind of calmed down after a day of fun. And best of all, most of my favorite memories and conversations have happened at night.
It just feels very peaceful when everything is so still and quiet! It calms me down and it grounds me after all day of being surrounded by noise, and just general commotion. ☺️
Whats your favorite time of day in general Why
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Well, I gotta get up early to attend one of my friend's thesis seminar and it's 11 PM already 😬 So I'm gonna try and send out a question to everyone and then call it a night. Good night! 😴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Have a great night, friend! Always super fun to chat with you! Have fun tomorrow ☺️
Well I gotta get up early to attend one of my friends thesis seminar and its 11

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Have you tried deleting your social media? Feels kinda nice

Stax89221’s Profile PhotoSin.low
Not all of it… But I did delete Twitter like 2 years ago cause it was destroying my mental health. 😬 Haven’t gone back to it since, and it’s been pretty good honestly!

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