
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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What do you think of girls who arent virgins anymore? Girls who used to give everything to their ex, who did "it" even inside of a church/mushola/vihara, and is now regretting it. Please give us your honest answer :')

I will date a girl because she is interesting and her wondrous mind takes me to places, not because of a fucking membrane inside her crotch.

I'm dating a human, not a fucking sex toy.

Ka,aku cowok. Gimana sih caranya buat chat sama cewek yg gak bikin garing? Aku kadang panik buat cari topik pembicaraan. Menurut kaka bahas apa sih yg bikin gak garing gitu?

PDKT ke cewek (maupun cowok) sebenarnya adalah salah satu jenis personal branding. Unlike all businesses which focus on market before product, in PDKT you need to focus on your product before your market. In this case, the product being marketed is YOURSELF.

In other words, sebelum mulai PDKT, you must know what conversation subjects your strength lies in.

For example, gue nggak bakalan bicara mengenai fashion because I don't have the necessary knowledge to keep the conversation going.

Instead, I'll steer the conversation to topics I know of, e.g. science and/or religion.

However, product knowledge by itself is NEVER enough. To win the market, you need to comprehend what the market needs.

What does your aforementioned girl like? First, establish a common interest and steer the conversation toward the subjects you're confident in.

For example, if she happens to like Hannibal and you somehow know that roasted human flesh tastes eeriely like BBQ pork, that's a plus point for you.

Keep iterating those steps over and over, hoping she doesn't indulge in mundane topics such as the Kardashian or twerking, and you'll be set.


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kent, what do you think of your own flash fiction? are you satisfied with it? or do you think there are a lot more to learn?

Out of the many flash fictions I've written, I probably only genuinely like, like 20% of them.

The rest I think are just meh.

But I believe I write a lot better in English. (Which is why I'm forcing myself to write in Indonesian so it can be better, too.)

Btw, Minal Aidin ya guys. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin! :)

Kak how do you keep your relationship alive? It's getting boring and me and my partner is running out of things to talk about.... (selain humor receh ya) thanks!

Keep in mind that you're asking someone whose longest relationship is seven months.

With that said, try to stay up-to-date with world news!
For example, read up on Greece's crippling debt.
Or US' interest rate hike.
Or China's current stock market which is eeriely similar with 1929's US Great Depression.
And then you can discuss those issues with your partner.
Or if that's not your cup of tea, read up on self-help articles that can spark discussion and further promote growth for both you and your partner.

Good luck!

Hello, I just stumbled upon your account and instantly fell in love with your writing. I was into writing ages ago but kinda abandoned it since college life was super demanding *maaf curcol*. Thank you for reminding me of the beauty of it, you rock!! Ditunggu ff selanjutnya! 💞

Shella Andani
Hi, Shella!
I know that feeling!
I currently work in a startup company (which is, to say the least, very exhausting). Left to my own, I wouldn't be writing either sih.
That's why I allocate a time of the week to just write.
Like shower.
Even when you wake up in the morning feeling sleepy, you will still shower (please pardon me if this presumption is inaccurate).
Do it with writing, too. Even if you're tired with all the shit that you have to handle, keep writing.

Also, thanks for reaching out. Kind words like yours fuel me to keep writing. :)

how do you know that you are a selebask? what is the parameter?

Hi I've never seriously dubbed myself as a "selebask."

You guys (yes, you guys) flailed those labels around and slapped them on some users' forehead.
Some people (yes, including me) are actually perturbed by that label.
I would very much prefer to be known as someone who writes well than as someone who has amassed a minuscule amount of followers and likes (most of which I would attribute to @einedame; were it not for her, I would still be writing shits and releasing them into abyss without anyone reading it).

So yes, to cut the story short: there is no such thing as a selebask.
All we are is just people who are passionate about something and become somewhat known for it.
@devlinputra is passionate about drawing comic strip.
@jxnxt is passionate about cooking.
@danulabda and @gilangkharisma are passionate about comics.
For me, it just so happens that I am (somewhat) passionate about devouring words and churning out stories.

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