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Tengo 17 años y mi novio 20 es normal irme una noche a pasarlo con el a un hotel de 1h de casa ??

Te diría que si , porque yo lo he hecho . No veo nada de malo que a esa edad seguramente tú vivas con tus padres y el probablemente viva también y encuentro muy normal que queráis buscar momentos de intimidad de estar juntos y no tener que estar pendiente si hay gente y si están tus padres y yo lo encuentro lo más normal

Nunca he tenido novio

No sé qué edad tienes , pero no pasa nada , no creo que sea algo con lo que tienes que correr , luego que sea super importante y que todo llega en esta vida , también está bien vivir tu vida como tú quieras disfrutar el momento y no te metas en dramas porque al final vale ? Es muy bonito pero todo conlleva sus cosas así que no te agobies que ya vendrá

Tengo una amiga un poco toxica pero no admite sus errores , que puedo hacer ?

Este es un tema muy importante porque parece que siempre hablemos de personas tóxicas en cuanto a parejas y si sobretodo en parejas yo lo he visto , a veces las personas más tóxicas de nuestro alrededor son las que menos nos pensamos por decirlo así , no se no nos damos cuenta y los amigos realmente no nos damos cuenta y encima son personas en las que nos volcamos mucho . Yo siempre he sido la que calla y lo asume y se aguanta y yo te doy mi consejo y es que no lo aguantes , no te dé miedo a decirlo que lo hables con ella que seas sincera mi consejo es que te alejes de este tipo de personas que sería lo más sano pero lo más difícil o que realmente habléis las cosas y si tampoco lo va a aceptar puerta

Cuales son los sueños de Lucia?

Me encantan estas preguntas, en serio. Pues mira, a pesar de que lo he comentado alguna vez por aquí, siempre he pensado lo bonito que sería montar una galería, pinacoteca o incluso tener una biblioteca enorme con ediciones príncipes de todos los clásicos de la literatura universal.

are you hopeless romantic?

I am just hopeless.
I woke up at 5 in the morning. Still, I was late for the first class of my favorite Sir. He has really pretty hands. I mean you just can't take your eyes off of his hands. He said we girls are always smiling even though we understand the lecture or not and thats how students should be in the class. 🤣

¿ Os quedaréis en ask hasta el 1 de Diciembre o desactivareis la cuenta antes?

jaldebaran94’s Profile PhotoMajor Tom coming home
Flipando me quedo con la noticia, no lo esperaba. Pero supongo que tras tantos años no es sorprendente. Ask ya llevaba mucho tiempo en declive, todos los usuarios lo sabíamos y lo comentábamos.
Lo que sí me sorprende es que me ha dado pena. Al final aquí he leído a mucha gente con la que he acabado empatizando y que me cae genial. Me da pena no saber cómo les irá la vida en el futuro, ya que no tengo otras redes sociales para mantener contacto con la gente de aquí.
También me entretenía y a veces algunas preguntas me hacían pensar.
No sé, me ha dado pena esto. Pero era cuestión de tiempo. Me imagino que me quedaré hasta que cierren. Total, después de más de una década por aquí qué más da un mes o dos más.

Sigues enamorada? Te da pereza ya buscarte a otro novio y contarle tus cosas?

El enamoramiento, en términos fisiológicos, no dura más de dos o tres años. El amor, en cambio, sí.
En cualquier caso, yo siempre he sentido que las fases por las que pasa una pareja durante una relación larga son cíclicas. Siempre va a haber etapas en las que te sientas más independiente y otras en las que andes más "enchochao". Así que el enamoramiento no dura para siempre, pero tampoco desaparece para siempre pasada la fase inicial.
Y desde luego no sigo con mi pareja por pereza. De hecho, me parece muy triste ver a las personas como objetos que usar mientras dura el flechazo inicial y luego tirar una vez llega el momento de construir algo sólido sin el empuje del enamoramiento. No sé, final parece una forma de consumismo de personas.
Si estuviera soltera la verdad es que no buscaría otra relación. Construir una relación sana con mi novio nos ha costado años de esfuerzos y de quebraderos de cabeza. Dudo que me quedasen ganas de volver a invertir toda esa energía en otra relación en bastante tiempo.

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Qué aplicaciones similares a Ask conocéis 🥲 porque me he enterado de que lo cierran y quería mudarme a otra red social del estilo

JulieSimon00’s Profile PhotoJulia.
Te recomiendo Tellonym. Antes estaba muy de moda. Además, es facililla de usar. El único contra que le veo es cosas como esta pregunta: que llega a cualquiera, en tellonym no hay esa opción.
Yo dejo el mío (otra vez) por si alguien se va animando: https://tellonym.me/_miwi_

Porque dicen que van a cerrar ask el 1 de Diciembre? no he visto nada y he mirado en wiki, en internet y ahora le consultare a suport, porque si vana cerrar realmente que lod udo, me tengo que guardar algunas cosas

Yo lo vi porque me pasaron la foto en el grupo de WhatsApp porque saben que yo tengo ask al igual que mi pareja para informarnos porque si no nos enteramos jaja pero aquí te lo dejo
Porque dicen que van a cerrar ask el 1 de Diciembre no he visto nada y he mirado

¿Cúal es el mejor recuerdo que vais tener de ask?

jaldebaran94’s Profile PhotoMajor Tom coming home
Haber conocido y haber seguido manteniendo contacto recíproco con @doblememedoble, @/Carliessss (Anna) y @justesksp. Son personas increíbles y conecté muy guay con ellos, les quiero un montón🤍.
Ha habido más personas a las que he conocido y mantuve el contacto, pero ese momento pasó, evidentemente tengo buen recuerdo de ellos, pero nada más.
Y luego, la aplicación, me ha ayudado mucho para mi desarrollo personal, pudiéndome explayar con libertad y sin sentirme muy pesada✨️.
Le guardaré un buen recuerdo a Ask🤍.

Holi Ya que todo el mundo se empieza a despedir de Ask, pues yo también me despido de todos vosotros y vosotras. Que todo os vaya muy bien y que os trate bien la vida Si hay alguien con quien tenía relación y quiere que retomemos un poquito de contacto, qué no dude en hablarme también ❤️

doblememedoble’s Profile Photo『 ❥ Miwi 』
Como le he dicho a todos los usuarios espero que te vaya todo genial, ha sido un placer hablar con todos y todas

Quien haya tenido alguna interacción conmigo, hayamos hablado o nos hayamos caído bien en algun momento, que se pase por mi ask y nos damos alguna otra red social, ya que esta se marcha para siempre 🤎🍂 Un placer señor ask, han sido 10 años aquí 🏽

pochoolate11’s Profile Photo♕SrtᥲOrᥱo♕♀️
Un placer, Srta Oreo.
La he conocido tarde, pero ha sido intensa su andadura y sus preguntas a las que he respondido con la mayor sinceridad y falta de malicia que he podido.
Seguiremos en contacto. Un saludoooo.

Kate is a blame for Liam's death!

So much for being respectful. I'm gonna quote this with something we've all heard from our parents.
" If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. "
Kate was Liam's rock through so many hardships and good journeys, the last thing we should be doing is placing blame on anyone who he loved.

Porque dicen que van a cerrar ask el 1 de Diciembre? no he visto nada y he mirado en wiki, en internet y ahora le consultare a suport, porque si vana cerrar realmente que lod udo, me tengo que guardar algunas cosas

Ya que nos queda poco vamos a querernos eono. Luisimi te exo d menos bb, Chacón te como las tta, anonimos depravados descubrireis el pxrno, ánimo, el fin de la era HP, los mg y puntúas, el fin de una historia, esto es terrible.
Os kiero wapos, nos queda poco y no sé cuánto mas voy a responder pero ando por aki observando desde el bajo fondo de Ask.

Pues si es cierto que cierra, Ask ha publicado un comunicado 😱😱 pues nada, se acabó lo que se daba, ya incluso mañana no admite ya a nuevos usuarios, así que dadle gas a lo que tengáis pendiente jaja

zorroblackz’s Profile Photozorroblackz
Pues sí.
Tengo la cuenta desde 2011 y esta fue siempre mi red social favorita, mi rincón de decir mamarrachadas.
He conocido buena gente y me lo he pasado bien. Al mardito Ask le debo haber conocido a Sandro, mi marío, MUY FUERTE.
Si cualquiera de las personas con las que trato por aquí quiere seguir manteniendo contacto conmigo que me lo diga y les paso mi Instagram.
Pues si es cierto que cierra Ask ha publicado un comunicado  pues nada se acabó

Perrie 💔 all of this brought me to the old days and I just remembered how closed you must have been with the boys 💔 sending much love

Back in the day I like to think that in some sort of way we were all close to each other, apart from touring with Little Mix I have spent most of my free time following the boys around due to my relationship at the time, Liam had the kindest soul and was always making sure that I was ok, he always supported me and the girls. Our paths crossed a few times when he was working on his solo career, he always had the sweetest smile on his face, and every time he would ask me about Axel, that’s the sweet boy I’ll always keep in my memory and in my heart. x

What's the scariest mythological creature in your country? What's the story about it? 🧙‍♂️🧟‍♂️

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Once upon a time there was a man who was driving his car and the world was silent, and he saw a beautiful woman standing near a track, her hair was very beautiful, caressed by the wind, she came closer and closer, the man was nervous and the beautiful woman approached and left him "Sir, can you take me home?" and the man answered and left him with a very good face "Of course I'll take you" and the beautiful woman got into his car, Ivan talking everything on the way he was already near his house Bella, the man asked where he would get off, she did not answer, the man turned his head back there was no one.🖤💕🌷😎
Whats the scariest mythological creature in your country Whats the story about

Jose Luis tu intelecto esta por encima de la media?

Digo que sí; o por lo menos paso a creer que soy poco común a la hora de expresarme siempre sin ánimos de quedar bien o mąl con los demás; ni por sentimentalismos, fanatismos, regionalismos (nacionalismos), sólo uso la lógica así sea cruel la realidad (aunque al pasar el tiempo he aprendido a ser más empático usando palabras/oraciones no despectivas). Saludos.

Do you have people you care about on Ask Fm?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
About three months ago, when I joined this app, I had one thing in mind: to write my raw and genuine thoughts on different topics, no matter what people might say.
But I really appreciate those who share their own narratives and perspectives. Like these two people—how they accepted my thoughts and influenced me is something I truly admire.
@reeniiemo : I literally cried once after reading the words she wrote to me. She taught me the importance of being kind to strangers and how your words can deeply impact others. I’m so grateful for her genuine kindness.
@GoLiBaZz : I appreciate how he changed my view on “isolation” and showed me how it can kill dreams. I used to be a hardcore believer in “purposeful solitude” and “isolate yourself, work on your dreams in silence,” but I didn’t realize how isolation could lead to chronic loneliness.
I’m thankful for these amazing minds, and I’m sure there are more great people out there I haven’t interacted with yet.

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Do you have people you care about on Ask Fm

صَباحُ الخَيرِ، كُنْ مُبتَسمًا، تَجاهَلْ أَنّ هُناكَ مَا يُسمّىٰ سُوءُ حَظٍ، قُلْ بِأَنّها خِيرةٌ وَدعْ أَمرَكَ لِلّه ^^

sohasama831’s Profile Photoسُّـــهَـــا | ١٤١٩ هِــ
Good morning 😇🌄
May the day be blessed by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wa'Tala. May He help us become better, repent, and find peaceful ways to live. Ameen. 💙
صباح الخير كن مبتسما تجاهل أن هناك ما يسمى سوء حظ قل بأنها خيرة ودع أمرك لله

Do you think I’ll likely never find someone who’s interested in me just as much as I am interested in them? In my early 20s, I still haven’t been asked out once and when I was in high school, my crushes friend pointed out that I’m ugly from across the room. He probably thought I couldn’t hear him.

-you have not met all the people who will love/understand you yet-
Remember, give yourself time. Don’t chase those who are not interested in you as much as you are interested in them. ✨🍃
Do you think Ill likely never find someone whos interested in me just as much as

Do you think it’s bad thing that idk how to pray anymore as a Muslim? I used to be more involved in the religious community that I was a part of when I was younger but ever since becoming a college student, I haven’t prayed and forgot about the Arabic words to recite during prayers.

Once, Hazrat Musa (AS) came across a shepherd who was expressing his love for Allah by saying,
“If you were here, I would comb your hair, clean your clothes, and give you milk to drink.”
Musa (AS) told him that this wasn’t the right way to speak about Allah because Allah doesn’t need these things.
The shepherd felt ashamed and left.
But Allah revealed to Musa that He loved the shepherd’s sincere, simple expression of love.
Allah told Musa that He listens to the hearts of His servants, not just their words.
I don’t believe that someone who doesn’t practice Islam regularly is a bad Muslim.
Being a Muslim is more about your personal connection with the one and only God, Allah.
He is the Most Merciful and Kind. He is Al-Wadud, the Best Friend, the One who is the Most Forgiving, and He loves you more than your mother.
His love for a human being is greater than if a person had 70 mothers. He always waits for His creation—man—to call Him. He says if you call Him once, He will respond 10 times.🍃🤍

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Do you think its bad thing that idk how to pray anymore as a Muslim I used to be

I remember showing you the profile of some loser who said something annoying and rude, and we started gossiping about him, but I forgot who he was and what he even said. Lmao! Do you remember?

I think I remember who you’re taking about but don’t remember his profile. Was it someone that you said was like a male version of a certain woman on here that I won’t mention?
I remember showing you the profile of some loser who said something annoying and

What would be the worst thing to happen to you right now?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
It already just happened; I lost it as a mother.
I was sitting with my son, who had fallen asleep on my lap when I remembered some work and had to get up. This, of course, woke him up. The look of disdain and betrayal in his sleepy eyes was so clear, and it’s haunting me—I know it will haunt me forever. When I tried to get him back with me, he got up on all fours and catwalked away.
(I hope some of y'all confused as eff.)

Would you support your wife in doing Parda? What if your family opposes it?

Most definitely, In Sha Allah. Isn't marriage another name for helping each other as a couple to become better humans and Muslims? 🙂✌🏻
Allah always comes first, and family and everything else come second. My family also follows Islam and wouldn’t oppose anything Halal. But even if someone does in the future, I'll take a stand, as I should, In Sha Allah. I’ve been doing that my whole life, Alhamdulilah. 😇
It's a husband's responsibility to safeguard the rights of his wife. It's her right and his duty. She left her home to be with him. The least he can do is take care of her heart and mind while offering immense love, care, affection, and attention. ❤️
Would you support your wife in doing Parda What if your family opposes it

How many of you here suffered from family crisis?

Lisa pulled blanket on face,tears rolled down her cheeks.She could still hear her parents fighting.The voices started to fade nd she went deep into sleep with wet cheeks."Miracle" was the word that stayed in her mind before sleep.
Lisa! Where r u?Hurry up we are late. Her father yelled from the car.Lisa went to her bedroom, pulled a jar from drawer and counted coins in it.Carefully placing the coins back in the jar she ran downstairs to her daddy, in the car.
After a few mins Lisa and her father were in market. As soon as she found her father busy, she walked to the salesman. She banged the jar on the counter. "What do u want?" The salesman asked in annoyed tone.
"Well I wanted to talk about miracle"
"What? The salesman was surprised. Lisa cleared her throat and continued.."actually it's about my parents, they r in trouble nd I don't understand why they fight daily...Our family is about to break apart but I heard my father saying "Only a miracle can save our family now"So tell me plz how much does a miracle cost?"
The salesman couldn't speak a word.
"listen! I have the money to pay for it..." said Lisa.
"how much do you have?" He asked.
"1 dollar,11 cents" Lisa answered barely audible.
The salesman looked and Lisa's father,who was standing behind listening to all the conversation of her daughter.The salesman said "well what a coincidence! 1dollar 11 cents, is the exact price of miracle for this family"
The salesman packed some fresh flowers, walked towards Lisa's father and said with smile "take this miracle & go safe ur family" Lisa's father took the flowers with guilt on face.
A week passed, and Lisa was at that market again. This time they were not 2 but 3. Lisa with both her parents.Lisa's father walked towards the salesman and whispered "those flowers were really a miracle,I wonder how much it would have cost?"
The salesman while looking at the happy faces of Lisa and her mother, said "1 dollar 11cents plus the faith of little girl"

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Aoa, Ahmed what are your views on it since am confused isn't it sound extremist some sort of k ab ghar mae bhi banda niqab kr k beith jaye https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8Y_lAit9sl/?igsh=OTV1OHUzOHU4a3Rl

Wa Alaikum Salam! 🙂
Dr. Israr Ahmed was one of the best scholars in the history of Islam. However, some of his views, particularly on Parda and growing a beard, may seem a bit extr*me. This is understandable, as none of us are perfect. At times, we may lean toward rigidity or excessive flexibility. Scholars, being human, are also prone to making mistakes.
However, the clip you shared isn't about extr*mism. What he said is true. As obsc*nity and secular values have become normalized, people tend to view these matters as extr*me. But they're not. Parda must be observed even with cousins, uncles, and other women. There's plenty of information available online regarding this. I know some women, Ma Sha Allah, who observe such Parda and are successful in their worldly affairs too. Since the norms often conflict with Islamic teachings, this might appear a little extr*me to some. I recommend studying Surah An-Noor and Surah An-Nisa.
May Allah allow us to become true Muslims who live according to the Quran and Sunnah. Ameen. 🤲🏻
[Reference] Quran: Surah An-Noor, Ayat no. 31

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Aoa Ahmed what are your views on it since am confused isnt it sound extremist

How has it been for you lately?

gottaagirl8’s Profile PhotoAliya.
Yesterday I was taking the cat to the clinic. I reached the place and it wasn't open yet so I stood there and waited for some time. Then I decided for some reason that I should go stand by the side of the road outside the street. So I was just standing there looking at the cat and there was this sound of the breaks of some car. As I looked up, an SUV gliding it's way through the road just hit a man right in front of it. He fell forward, rolled over and as everyone rushed to him in the middle of the traffic that paused for some time, the man stood up saying he's fine. Then they all walked away with him. Happy ending. The traffic resumed and the crowd started cheering (Okay I'm exaggerating) But, just as everyone went back to normal, I remembered something. Just the very night before it, I saw this really strange dream where a boy was run over by a car. Then he was alright too. Coincidence?

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For ur fav person ☕🖇

amoryahmed20’s Profile Photo؏۾ࢪ♡
To my favorite person, wherever you are and whoever you may be, may God Almighty protect you from all the vultures of society. Ameen. 🤲🏻
It’s a dang*rous world out there, and I don’t trust anyone with your safety. May Allah Ta’ala protect your sanity, innocence, faith, character, and all the goodness within you from any harm. Ameen.
And may He guide you to me... or rather, lead you to me. Ameen tenfold! 😂
For ur fav person

If someone is interested in you but hesitant between two people, how would you react?

I'd rather he not choose me and stay with the other person. I'm not anyone's option, I'm worth too much to be anyone's option. And if they give you a choice, it means they don't care much about you.
Liked by: Rochelle Diamante

Physicality or personality during a meeting?

I mainly look at the physical. They have to be physically attracted to each other for me to want anything beyond a friendship with this person. And then I have to like his personality because otherwise, no matter how good looking he seems to me, if his personality is shit, then obviously he would have nothing.
Liked by: Rochelle Diamante

What does it mean that a person doesn't want to be with you but doesn't want you to be with anyone, how would you define it?

He is a narcissistic person. He wants you for yourself, because you fill his ego, and he knows he will always have you but he also doesn't want anything serious with you, and he won't love you either even though sometimes he makes you believe he will. . do it. change.
Liked by: Rochelle Diamante

What do you think bothers a narcissistic person the most?

When they find out about her lies, that's when she attacks you as crazy and toxic. And even worse, when he sees that he can't have you anymore and the move doesn't go the way he wanted.

Language: English