

Ask @MuhammadHassanKhan

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Post something worth reading?

If you feel offended due to some post like "Men are trash. Men are disappointing. Men are ye, Men are woh." etc, then it's because you are a part of those men that post is targeting. Real men know what they are and they don't get bothered by some online posts. Know yourself. If you are not what is described in the post, chill. Don't go like, "Har mard nhi hota aisa." Oh bhai, sab ko pata hai har koi aisa nhi hota.
Liked by: Leeemayy FantanA Saira.

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Fav song with reason why? (~‾▿‾)~

khushi_bunny’s Profile PhotoKei~
GUMAAN - Young Stunners.
I have rattafied it way better than I rattafied any definition in my entire education life. I just sang the whole rap with 100% synchronization. I just love that song so damn much.
But someday tu samajh jaegi dur ho key ham se ke
Hum mein wo qaraar nae, pehle waali baat nae
Tujhe kiya azaad ya di hai khud ko saza
Lekin dil ke mohalley mein ab tera makaan nahi


Language: English