@anonamouse89887#10 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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Who do you consider your hero?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
There are a couple of people who I could honestly say is my hero. But if I needed to pick one, it would be my grandpa on my dad’s side.
He was basically a father figure to me, and I spent loads of time with him, as my dad was constantly away on business trips. He would pick me up after school, and we would eat Cheerios while watching TV shows. Sometimes, instead of watching TV, we’d play Super Mario Bros together!
He always gave me the best advice, he would sing to me before bed, and he would always do things to make me laugh when I was anxious or upset. He passed away when I was 15, and it was one of the hardest losses I’ve experienced to date. I miss him a whole lot. 🥹🥲
Who do you consider your hero
Liked by: Tobbe Mary Jane

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How good are you at throwing away things that are way past their expiration date? Have you ever left something for so long so it became moldy etc.? 🤢😆

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m… not so good at it. 🙈
Not so much the stuff in the fridge/freezer, more so I’m terrible at throwing away my non-perishable items. Like, I don’t clean out my pantry nearly as much as I should.
Sooo, if I’m not careful, I end up with rancid peanut butter, expired canned goods, or stale chips,cereal, etc… But I’m most notorious for leaving bread until it gets moldy cause I just completely forget about it. 🥴
How good are you at throwing away things that are way past their expiration date
Liked by: Tobbe Allison Marie

What are some of the things that you'd love to have with a built-in GPS tracker? (Perhaps because you lose something way too often?)

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Does everything count? 😂 I lose stuff SO often.
But for real, I think my glasses would be the main one. I don’t wear them nearly as often as I should. But when I do, I’ll set them down somewhere afterwards and then can’t find them again for a while. 🙈
Another one would be earrings… I lose my earrings or the backings/posts to my earrings more often than I’d like to admit. Like, they’ll fall on the floor and I swear they just vanish and I can’t find them again.
And then the other one would be ponytail holders/elastics. I’ll buy this huge pack of them, and within the year, they are all just… gone. I don’t know how it happens, but I manage to lose them constantly. 😅
I know it sounds weird to want a GPS tracker inside of an elastic, but I swear it would help me out A LOT! 😆
What are some of the things that youd love to have with a builtin GPS tracker

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Liked by: Tobbe Star. i

Has it gotten cold where you live?

NineGDxFour’s Profile PhotoDemure♡
It’s not super cold yet! But it’s definitely starting to feel like Fall. It’s been around 60°F (15.5°C) lately! ☺️
Has it gotten cold where you live
Liked by: Tobbe

Are you a social person?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
To some extent, yes! I have periods of time where I can be social, and enjoy myself. But, I get burnt out very quickly and need time to decompress.
I will also say, I’m not much of a party person nor do I particularly enjoy events with a ton of people, as I tend to be pretty shy and reserved.
I prefer smaller, more intimate gatherings with a close group of friends who I feel safe with, and can more easily come out of my shell.
Are you a social person
Liked by: Tobbe Allison Marie

did u go to prom in high school?

javacow’s Profile PhotoJavacow
I didn’t go to prom, no. I really didn’t go to school dances, in general. Not so much because I didn’t want to, but I wasn’t exactly well enough to go. I had a ton of health issues that would’ve gotten in the way. Also, I had no one to go with, unfortunately. 🥲
did u go to prom in high school
Liked by: Tobbe Allison Marie

What time do you usually sleep?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
Very much depends on the night, as I tend to procrastinate going to bed, or just have bad insomnia and can’t sleep in general… But I try to get to bed before 3am. I’m not always successful at it, but that’s what I typically aim for. 😴
What time do you usually sleep
Liked by: Tobbe

In the student musical I'm a part of there are several sections: Stage, dance, band, prop builders, PR (💙), cooks, makeup, sewing, sound / lights and party-fixers. Imagine you were gonna apply to join, which of those sections speak to you the most? Why? 🎭👨‍🍳📸🎺💃

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Makeup would definitely speak to me the most, if I were to join! ☺️
To put it very simply, I looove doing other people’s makeup... Probably just as much if not more than I enjoy doing my own. It makes me so happy!
Seeing someones face light up afterwards, and knowing you made them feel good about themselves is so fulfilling and heartwarming to me! 🥰 Also, it’s just a lot of fun!
In the student musical Im a part of there are several sections Stage dance band

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Is it ever OK to lie?

Only when it’s absolutely necessary to, like if it’s gonna protect someone else, for example. Apart from that, no… There is simply no reason for lying. Also, it takes a lot more effort than just being honest, in my opinion.
Is it ever OK to lie
Liked by: Tobbe

Has anything made you excited lately?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
Yes! I might have found an apartment to move into come winter time. That has made me super excited! I’m very much hoping all goes to plan, and I do end up living there. 😁
Has anything made you excited lately
Liked by: Tobbe

In the winter are you a sweatpants type of person or a jean kind of person?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
A bit of both, to be honest! I love wearing sweatpants when I’m home, but I very rarely wear them when I go out. I much prefer to wear jeans when I’m going out to do stuff! 😄
In the winter are you a sweatpants type of person or a jean kind of person
Liked by: Tobbe

What's something you feel like you could teach others?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
I could teach others how to cut hair, as that is my favorite thing to do, and what I ultimately want to pursue as my career.
I am already a licensed Cosmetologist, and aspire to be a Barber in the future! Hopefully next year, I can make that happen, if everything goes to plan.
Haircutting is my biggest passion, and I feel like I would have enough confidence to teach it where people could understand! At least, I hope so. 😁
Whats something you feel like you could teach others
Liked by: Tobbe Mary Jane

Do you like to keep plants in your home? Maybe post a picture of a plant you own? 🌿📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
As much as I love plants and flowers, I tend not to have real ones, at least for very long, as a majority of them don’t do well in my care. 😅
However, a few times a year, I do try to buy some fresh flowers to put out for a change, or I’ve even bought live succulents before. And I think I’m slowly getting better at caring for them!
This particular picture is not super recent, and it’s a weird angle, but I did actually manage to keep these flowers alive and well for a good while! 😁
Do you like to keep plants in your home Maybe post a picture of a plant you own
Liked by: Tobbe

Are you a happy person?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
I would say so! In general, I tend to be pretty upbeat, and have a fairly positive view on life. I always like to look at the good in things, and in people, and I just enjoy spreading kindness and making others happy! 😄
Are you a happy person
Liked by: Tobbe

what has been your longest friendship so far?

eleonoratrajanoski’s Profile PhotoEleonora Trajanoski
18 years! ☺️ My best friend and I grew up together, and we have an even deeper connection as our parents have been dating for that long as well (my mom, her dad).
She’s basically as close as I’ll ever get to having a biological sibling without actually having one, and she is without a doubt the person who knows me best! We have endless memories together, and I will forever cherish them. 🥰
what has been your longest friendship so far
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you keep up with local crime and news?

BinaryBabe’s Profile PhotoGoddess Gwendoll
I try to, yes! I’m not super consistent about doing it daily, but I feel like the most important things to know around my area, I know. Which is good enough for me! 😁
Do you keep up with local crime and news
Liked by: Tobbe

What are the three scents you like?

rachelmyriehopp’s Profile Photomyrierahel
Ooo I have sooo many that I like! Vanilla, Cinnamon, Coffee, Lavender, Apple, Pumpkin, Mint, Cedar, Pine, and Rose. Just to name a few…
But I guess if I had to choose my top three, it would be Coffee, Cedar, and Apple. 🥰
What are the three scents you like
Liked by: Tobbe

What’s an outfit that you feel the most comfortable in? Like it’s your all-time favorite outfit, if not one of them

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
This is my all-time favorite outfit, by far! The dress itself is so soft and comfy, and I can dress it up or down, as it’s pretty basic without all the jewelry and the belt. And then, in the summer, I can just wear it without tights, and it still works perfectly fine! ☺️
Whats an outfit that you feel the most comfortable in Like its your alltime

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Liked by: Tobbe

What is your ultimate favorite movie?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
Van Helsing! I’ve watched that movie probably over 1000 times at this point. My dad showed it to me back when it came out like 17-18 years ago, and it’s been my all time favorite movie ever since. I have basically the entire movie and all the lines memorized by heart. 😂
Though, I’ve been under the assumption for a while that I like it more for nostalgia purposes now. But still… Haven’t watched any other movie as much as this one. 😄
I mainly love the way the vampires and werewolves and such look in that movie. Like the animation and everything, in my opinion, is just sooo cool! 🤩
What is your ultimate favorite movie
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you / have you ever collected anything? How large is / was that collection? ⚾️🖊💰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh gosh, I’ve collected numerous things in the past! They included dolls, stuffed animals, funky wallets, healing stones, seashells, pens, keychains, coins, various figurines (most notably cardinals and sea turtles), and magnets. 😁
I still have some of my old collections stored away in bins, as a lot of them have sentimental value to me. 🥰
However, I don’t think any of those are as well known as my mug collection! My family always jokes about how I was slowly overtaking the kitchen with several cupboards filled to the brim with mugs. 😅😂
Here’s a video I have of just some of them. This was roughly 60 or so, but I had around 100 total, including seasonal mugs. 🤯
anonamouse89887’s Video 172043786644

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Liked by: Tobbe

What's your favorite outdoor activity?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
It’s gotta be hiking! I just love it SO much. 😍
Like, being in nature, in general, is so calming and deeply therapeutic to me, and hiking takes it up a notch. It clears my head better than anything else I’ve ever tried, and it just does so much for my mental health. 😌
I think the more challenging hikes I’ve been on have helped me the most. And some of the best ones are from my Hawaii trip in 2018. I’ve never felt more content and at peace than I did while I was making my way through all the lush forests and such. I wanna go back so bad! 🥺
Whats your favorite outdoor activity

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Liked by: Tobbe Mary Jane


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