

Ask @nunggudebut

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fay aku suka nulis sama kayak kamu tp aku ga bisa nulis pake english hehehe knp ya hm

asabianglala’s Profile Photoasha
bukan ga bisa!! blm bisa!! X) pasti bisa kok lama2 hehe semangatt!!! aku jg masih belajarr

kak fay, kira-kira noni kalo keterima di hogwarts bakal masuk kemana? gryffindor/slytherin/hufflepuff/ravenclaw? tengs sblm'a,,,,,,,

kalo u masuk gryffindor
nanti diajak kelayapan malem2
kalo u masuk slytherin
nanti belajar berdagang darah naga ilegal
kalo u masuk ravenclaw
password masuk common room nya suseh nanti kalo kekonci di luar gmn
hufflepuff aja adem ayem tiada fanwar antar asrama ((emang ada)) mentok2 cedric diggory itu juga cuma setaun korbannya dia doang lagi
luv ♡

ada yg ask kamu aku asha terus aku kaget. BTW AKU GATAU KAMU KE UI KEMAREN SEBEL GA KETEMU.

KAKAK KEMARWN KE UI JUGA??? kupikir kakak uts??

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kalian sama-sama pengetahuannya banyak terus dia paling gak banyak ini-itu cascus wkwkw TP MEREKA GAK MAKAN PAKE TANGAN YEOKSHI huhuu tapi kasian amat itu gaada yang ngenalin mereka haha

bellaurellian’s Profile Photoaurel
WKWKK JUNMYEON "i'm kpop singer" tp gw lemes rel kalo dia bahasa inggrisnya lama2 jago kayak taecyeon GMN
kyuhyun bawa sendok sendiri wkwkw

Fay itu kamu collage fotonya pake app apa? Di laptop atau hape?

pake pixlr sama picsart hehe di hape kokk aku ga bisa photoshop sama sekali wkwk

Hai, ceritanya aku lagi nonton fluttering India terus si Junmyeonnya beneran keliatan pinter yang tau segalanya tentang India ((aku yang orang India aja gatau eee)) terus tbtb kepikiran Kak Fay, kok kalian mirip<3333 gaperlu dibales gpp

bellaurellian’s Profile Photoaurel
MIRIP GMN REL WKWKWKWKKW btw dia malu2in pls gw urut dada nonton gituan bias gw kelakuannya gini amat

Fay boleh tau gak kamu crack pair apa aja yg kamu ship?

banyak bgt wkwk literally banyak bgt i ship for fun kalo mas mbaknya enak diliat bareng2 aku pasti suka i ship for fun trs kalo enak dibikin fanfic aku pasti suka
jackson-youngji (((crackship bkn sih wkwk))
jongin-barbara palvin
ed sheeran-allison harvard
GAME-allison harvard
suho-taylor swift ((iya. beneran. ada drabblenya di hape gue yang lama.))
terus masih banyak lagi wkwk yang kepikiran baru itu
bonus namrin ♡
Fay boleh tau gak kamu crack pair apa aja yg kamu ship

fay, in case you need to break up with namjoon. what will it be? whats the reason(s)?

WKWK ini lama bgt mikirnya sampe butuh hasil diskusi dengan kak @firdul ya tp intinya
bgm: panic at the disco - always
fay: "mbak aku mau pergi dulu"
taeyeon: "ke mana?"
"ketemu namjun"
"oh yaudah... nanti pulang jam berapa?"
"mmm gatau nanti pulang sama namjun kayaknya"
"ya udah kabarin aja ya nanti malem mbak juga mau pergi soalnya"
pas udah ketemu
((udh lama banget ga ketemu 2 2 nya sibuk no phone calls no texts)))
namjun: "hai"
fay: "hai"
"macet nggak"
namjun: "so how have you been"
fay: "good, you"
diem lagi
fay: "sorry i've been busy"
namjun: "no, i've been busy too--i was the one who went out of town a lot"
"i can understand"
"i know"
terus diem lagi trs sama2 ketawa awkward
fay: "why is this awkward"
namjun: "i don't know, it's not supposed to be awkward"
"i know"
"we're having fun. we're good. you and me"
namjun: "right?"
fay: "no"
diem lagi dua-duanya duduk frustrasi
"what went wrong?"
"i don't know"
"it feels like something's misplaced"
"maybe it's us. maybe we're misplaced."
"we're both puzzle pieces and we're supposed to complete each other"
"maybe puzzle pieces change over time and now we're parts of different pictures."
"you know what, i think that's pretty much it."
udah sama2 gatau mau ngomong apa trs banyak orang jadi gamau baper akhirnya sama2 senyum aja walaupun nyelekit
namjun: "let's go home--i'll drive."
di mobil sama2 diem tapi ngga marah
pas udah sampe ga langsung turun tp diem dulu
namjun: "we'll be okay."
fay: "yeah. yeah we will."
"take care, little one."
"you too--take care.
masuk rumah
taeyeon: "lah kok pulangnya cepet? namjun mana?"
fay: "m-mbak gausah bahas namjun lagi ya"
nangisnya baru di rumah

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fay in case you need to break up with namjoon what will it be whats the reasons
Liked by: naya

kamu nulis ff di blog wordpress yang ada di bio? ah aku jadi penasaran pengen baca nanti

iyaa itu banyak yang ff wkwk

ugh tapi sepertinya nyaman anon ;_; jadi gini fay, jujur aku kalo dalam soal bikin ide alur/plot aku bisa banget, cuma pasti akhir-akhirnya ga diterusin, trus jadi lupa. di laptop aku banyaaak banget draft yg ga aku lanjutin soalnya ide baru pasti dateng terus... any tips for me?? thank you so much

i'm really... not the right person to talk about this... KM TAU GA DI LEPTOP AKU DRAFT ADA BERAPA..... :"""""""""""""
aku juga lagi belajar menyelesaikan sesuatu hahah and finishing my ideas
gapapasih it's normal kayaknya semuanya juga pernah writer's block
um mungkin kamu bisa nyoba nulis yang pendek2 dulu? drabble 100 kata an atau conversations antar tokoh kamu, atau ngecaption foto oppa!! atau tweetfic itu ngebantu banget
nah kalo udah coba bikin cerita pendek yang pendek2 banget dulu, nanti lama2 kamu gak puas nulis pendek terus makin panjang ((aku sih gitu tapi aku masih mentok di 2000-4000 kata))
semangattt!!!!! ayo sama2 belajar ^^
oiya kalo ide yg dateng banyak dicatet aja!!! jangan didiemin gpp dicatet aja nanti lama2 kepake... aku punya buku catetan kecil buat nulis yang tiba2 kepikiran nanti aku baru kerjain beneran di laptop atau hp

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Liked by: STE ℜachmah

AKHIRNYAAAA coba gantian gmn ketemu aku jangan menyesal ya ketemu dengan ridhawr cetakan sundanese 100 persen gede di betawi emang gini coba tell me gimana kesan nya wkwkwk

KAKAK SERU BGT RAME BGT trs people are comfortable around you gampang bgt buat ngerasa luwes sama kakak TP KAKAK SEMPET ILANG SAMA KAK BEBBY WKWK tapi akhirnya ketemu juga :') maaf ya aku banyakan ngomongin cara menemukan stasiun pocin wkwk makasih photocard moni sama suhonya :"""""" luv luv ayo kita ketemu lagi (((Kapok gak ketemu fay))) ♡

halo fay! aku pengen ngomongin tentang tulis-menulis sama kamu.... should i ask you un-anon? thx!


emangnya kamu orang mana fay? kok 'susah' ngomong indo?

orang indonesia asli kok beneran sunda 200% but a lot of things happened faktornya ada banyak yang bikin aku ga bisa sama lancarnya 2 2 nya

itu yg foto sujeong x taehyung poster ff kamu? aku mau baca dong ffnyaa

enggak wkwk itu iseng bikin aku biasanya post di instagram: pluiecheztoi
kadang2 aku bikin lanjutan berseri gt, kadang aku bikin ff juga tp mostly hasil iseng2 hehe memuaskan hobi crackship

GMN first impression ketemu aku hah hah

Firdul’s Profile Photoppr tgr
2 kata
tp emang iya???? aku kebayang bgt di kepalaku udh paling bener kak firda x mino ((((walaupun ujungnya sama umin))) ((gpp)) kalo misalnya tbtb ada mino muncul jemput kak firda jg aku ga kaget kali wkwk
i reallly really really want a real conversation with you let's meet again sometime!! I KNOW I'M CREEPY wkwk but you handled it so well kapok ga ketemu fay kak :')
Liked by: ppr tgr

FAY FAY FAAAYYYY AKHIRNYA TADI KITA BERTEMUUU!!!!! coba deh coba skg aku mau tanya gmn kesan pesan kritik dan saran setelah ketemu aku HAHAHAH luvyu :"""""

lenargh’s Profile Photolena astari
KAK LENA ASIK BGT PARAH trs seru sama ramah maafin akunya yang masih awkward + suka cerita2 gajelas :"""" HUHU TRS MAKASIH PHOTOCARD MONI NYA duh aku masih gaenak :""""""" ya intinya makasih banyak wkkw let's meet again! kapok ga ketemu fay :')
Liked by: lena astari

faaay ngeship sujeong taehyung gak? btw sujeong di bash gt sm knetz huhu

SUKAAA mereka gemss apalagi yg jadi mc bareng itu gila gw nontonnya remek2 bantal GEMES BGT trs mereka enak dibikin editan aku senang ♡♡♡
gara2 yang sujeong salah ngomong lovelyz di bawah SM itu bukan sih? :"" hopefully this will pass soon sujeong pls be careful! ♡♡♡
bonus taejeong X)
faaay ngeship sujeong taehyung gak btw sujeong di bash gt sm knetz huhu

fay, suka bgt sih kata2 yg suka kamu tulis ditwitter. jago bgt sih bikin baper

ruruu30’s Profile Photoy a r
;______; makasih kak yariii ;__________; itu iseng wkwkw kadang2 suka ada foto yang lewat di tl trs gatel pengen ngomentarin jadi ya wkwk terus pada baper maaf ya ;____;

aku asha suka kpop2 juga hehehe tp paling suka btob sama namjun sama aktor2 nugus

asabianglala’s Profile Photoasha
aku juga suka namjun! X) hehe talk to me anytimee ^^

teaser comeback bangtan kan udh keluar kak, menurut kakak konsepnya akan seperti apa? tq^^

gw baru nonton td pagi soalnya gamau nonton malem2 takut nangis (((iya))) ((anaknya cemen)))
IT'S REALLY POETIC I'M IN LOVE the comeback title can be translated into so many things i'M SO--
and the lyrics i just--YOONGI--
i don't really dig the animation for some reasons agak2 kayak anime2 space toon (((hah))) (((abis ini dibash))) ga kok aku sayang bangtan HEHE it's just the animation is a bit odd to my eyes
i think this comeback would be some kind of transition from boys to men? idk the whole 'growing up' concept? what i like about bangtan is that they let us grow up with them and it's beautiful
trs kayaknya bakal penuh makna ((cielah)) ((makna)) tp beneran kayak banyak maknanya trs double entendre nya jg banyak ya intinya i'm in love


HUHUHUHUHUHU KAK MAYANG AKU PLG JAM SET. 4 :(((((((((((( KU JG NYARI KAK MAYANG HUHU kapan2 kita ketemu lagi ya ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ ((((((kapok ga ketemu fay))))) :')

Bagaimana kesan dan pesan pertemuan kita hari ini Fay?

KAKAK BAIK BGT you're reallyy nice and friendly and even when i don't know what to say you always try to talk to me thank youㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ kak nanay jg baik banget ans it's easy to blend in with the two of you maaf fay gatau jalan HAHA :") ayo kita ketemu lg!! X)

do you rarely speak bahasa in daily life, fay? because you said that bahasa indonesia susah

i can answer questions and ask questions and hold a conversation and joke around in bahasa but most of the time i have to translate it first and idk it doesn't really come out well and it's tiring
i actually talk to everyone at school and my family in bahasa--and i don't talk as much and i'm not really that talkative when i have to communicate in bahasa. i don't tell what i really want to tell either
makanya kalo pertama kali ketemu orang (((in situations that require me to use bahasa))) pasti aku ga bisa ngomong banyak not because i want to be quiet or sth it's just i know what i want to say to you but i don't know how to translate it and it would be improper for me to speak in english--people's reactions would be kayak "apaan sih lo" "sok banget" "ga cinta negara" nO it's NOT like that i don't know how--jadi pasti aku diem dulu because i need time to adapt ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
gimana ya susah bgt jelasinnya i'm really really really really really reallyyyyy sorry--

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Gantian!! gimana kesan2nya bertemu denganku apa berbeda atau bagaimana?? hehehehe

BENER2 KYK KETEMU @.KYUNGSHEEY TIDA ADA BEDANYA trs kakak gemes cantik bgt lucu bgt makanya aku rada diem soalnya masih proses loading too many pretty people in one place
maaf kalo akunya awkwardㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ bahasa indonesia susahㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ ((i mean it))) (((ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ))) POKOKNYA SANGAT SENANG SUDAH KETEMU YEY let's meet again sometime ㅠㅠ jangan kapok ketemu fay yaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ ♡♡♡♡

hai fay aku ngga kenal kamu tp mau kenalan soalnya tiba tiba muncul di timeline askfm pdhl ga inget kapan nge follownya heheh lets be friends? ^-^

asabianglala’s Profile Photoasha
HAI HAI ayo kenalan X)

pesan dan kesan buat namjunmyeon yang mau ketemuan /coughs

jangan bikin gw pusing sih intinya tapi guenya udah telanjur pusing jadi--ya--

hello fay why you so good at english is there any tips?? can you share it with me :3

no hahah i'm not really that good yet. paling um nonton film eng sub or no sub, dengerin lagu, baca buku full bahasa inggris, sama rajin2 buka kamuss hehe
oh sama harus ada temen ngomong!! jd kamu bikin perjanjian aja sama satu temen "eh kita kalo ngobrol harus bahasa inggris terus ya" nanti lama2 biasa
semangatt ♡♡♡
Liked by: naya

Hi, it's me. Ada gak suatu kebiasaan orang lain yang sebenarnya biasa aja, tapi kalian sangat terganggu dengan hal itu? Have a nice week for you!<3

ini sebenernya harusnya gak 'biasa' sih tapi apparently a lot of people do that and i honestly find it disturbing
you know when people intentionally misspell "subhanallah" jadi "subhanallove" or "masya Allah" jadi "saoloh" atau "ya Allah" jadi "yaolo" gw kek... literally mikir 'paan sih'
keak it literally doesn't take 10 seconds to type "ya Allah" properly and it doesn't sound funny or cute like at all
sometimes people forget that words are powerful and diction is so much more than picking your words it's how you use your words and how you understand that some words have very particular purposes. and using those words properly does not mean that you're strict or uptight--it means you're well-informed and aware about what you're saying and the words you're using, and you know that some words have very particular meanings and purposes.
have a nice day <3

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Liked by: D. Azzahra

yang suka makan ayam KFC, mau nanya nih? kalau makan ayamnya, Kalian #TeamKulitDiAwal atau #TeamKulitDiAkhir ??

Mariaastuti’s Profile Photoig:airamirs
selang seling ayam sama kulit biar adil

tp kalo lg sakit bener-bener sakit minum aj 1 botol. sbnr'y flu/ demam jg lbh bagus dsembuhin pake vitC drpd konsumsi obat kt salah 1 temen ak yg brprofesi sbg dokter. hopefully this help~ well take care of ur health & have a nice day tomorrow :))

;A; makasihhhh

terkait dengan kapal fayjun-ku yang baru berlayar.. gimana nih ceritanya kok bisa samaan gt maskernya? jawab kapan aja fay <3 tq

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
HAHAHA :""" judulnya menghibur diri saat sakit aja ya
jd aku sakit flu demam harus pake masker lalu tiba2 dia upload foto pake masker hore semangat
namjun: "hah"
fay: "knp--"
"kok kamu panas"
"batuk2 sama bersin juga dari tadi"
"apanya gapapa. kamu sakit"
dua-duanya diem dulu
namjun: "dokter ya"
"ga mau..."
"kenapa sih"
"aku gabisa minum obat teratur gitu"
"gapapa biar sembuh. ke dokter ya"
"kamu nanti ketularan loh"
"ya makanya ke dokter biar ga nularin aku"
namjun: "yah"
namjun: "aku ketularan juga"
terkait dengan kapal fayjunku yang baru berlayar gimana nih ceritanya kok bisa
Liked by: annisa

abt UC1000, i drank it only pas punya feeling bakalan sakit & ada deadline penting dlm waktu dekat. sblm'y jg googling & nanya kawan yg emg uda minum it duluan, and it works. kalo mau konsumsi harian, 1 botol bs dminum utk 3 hr laa. krn kbutuhan vitC harian kita ga sampe 1000 mg

omg thank youu ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ pls have a nice day!!!
abt UC1000 i drank it only pas punya feeling bakalan sakit  ada deadline penting

hi kak Fay! thought on me dong hihi

babysoulxxx’s Profile Photonaya
we've just known each other but you're so cute the way you love junmyeon is just ;__________; you know what's good and bad for you you're mature for someone your age and you have a way of getting along with people you're so endearing i don't understand anymore
;A; ♡
Liked by: naya

I can feel you, Fay. No other pretty face can compete with Taehyun when it comes to personality. That's why is easier to write a fic with his character :')

tapi dia bikin capek beneran mentally tiring capekkkkkkk banget nulis dia tp gimana liat foto dia tuh bawaannya
mino justru buat aku kebalikannya wkwk mino susah banget

Hi, it's me. Boleh post a picture koleksi (apapun) kalian gak? Terus ceritain kenapa milih barang tersebut buat dikoleksi? Have a nice day!<3

jekyll loves collecting books because she likes them but we're both messy so it's all over the house and it's impossible to take a picture
hyde loves collecting stress in all forms

faaay maapin kalo jumat aku suka kayak reminder fridayshortstory kamu. maybe i'm just too excited bcs i like your writing without knowing it could be 'membebanimu' :( xoxo

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
Noo don't beeee fridayshortstory was my idea I'm the only one to blame if I don't write /hugs/

fay mau request kai ff yg angst boleh gak ya:( apa kamu cuman nerima yang bias kamu aja? aku suka banget sama ff bikinan kamu

Aku gak 'nerima' request ff--aku nulis yang aku mau/yang aku kepikiran aja hahah you can suggest tapi aku gak jamin aku bakal nulis ff dari itu (a lengthy, real fan fiction) you can suggest and drop a question here trs nanti aku kasih tahu kalo aku nulis sesuatu yang kayak gitu. But it's not 'requesting' because the prerogative right to write about it or not is still mine.
Conversations, however, are a bit different. If I know you well and I know how you interact with your bias I can probably write a conversation between you and him/her. IF I don't know you and you only tell me to write "conv with (name)" it's too blurry. And yes, it's easier to write conversations between me and my biases because I know how I would react to them. The results are controllable.
I'm sorry I'm being stern about this because I've had another ask.fm and it ended with me not writing for half a year because people really thought that what they want = what I should do and it's honestly very annoying when people get pushy/hateful.
Sebenernya aku malah jarang nulis buat biasku-- Nam Taehyun is my favourite to write and he's not even my bias. Aku nulis kalo dia bikin aku pengen nulis/gives me ideas.
So you can SUGGEST, but not REQUEST. I don't want this to end with another writing hiatus. The prerogative right to write is still mine and I have no plans of losing it.
Have a nice day! :)

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fay mau request kai ff yg angst boleh gak ya apa kamu cuman nerima yang bias
Liked by: annisa naya

Aku mau aku dan mas min malam mingguan dong lg kangen ne huhu

Firdul’s Profile Photoppr tgr
okk <3
malam minggu bersama mino itu ada 2 tipe. niat sekali dan agak kurang niat tapi tetap disebut malam mingguan
versi niat sekali:
mino: "fir"
kakak: "apa"
"aku udah otw rumah kamu"
"dandannya cepetan"
trs taunya beneran 15 menit kemudian udah ketok2 padahal kak firda baru ganti baju belom ngapa2in lagi
"udah gausah dandan lagi gini aja"
"no apaan sih"
"udah cantik" trs nyisirin yang pake jari gitu kebayang kan
trs di mobil
"no emangnya kita mau ke mana"
"udah gpp aku yang urus"
ya trs literally beneran niat gt reserved table di kafe lucu ala-ala yang ada lampionnya di luar
kakak: "lampu-lampunya bagus"
mino: nopang dagu sambil ngeliatin senyum2 rese "bagusan kamu tapi"
versi agak kurang niat tapi tetap disebut malam mingguan:
line (bagian ini optional. mino sering datang tiba2.)
mino: "fir"
kakak: "apa"
"aku ke sana ya"
pas nyampe dua-duanya sibuk sendiri saling nyender mino main game kak firda ngetik/baca buku
mino: "mau jalan gak"
kakak: "emangnya kamu mau"
"udah pewe" sambil makin nyender
"aku juga"
berujung maraton film sama pesen pizza sambil ngobrol ngalor ngidul kek
kak firda: "no"
mino: "hm"
"main film gih"
"kayak gitu. jadi penjahatnya"
"gamau enak aja mau jadi yang baiknya lah"
"yang dapet ceweknya pasti yang baik. nanti kalo aku ga dapet kamu gimana"
ya intinya begitu

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Aku mau aku dan mas min malam mingguan dong lg kangen ne huhu
Liked by: ppr tgr

What was your first paid job?

At the drugstore hahah I watched the counter for a while back in secondary school

hi i just read your blog, and to my surprise when knowing that you're indonesian.. your english is.. flawless. i feel disgusted to myself and my writing because you are so freaking talented. idk what to say anymore but im more than just adoring your writing ;''')

No omg don't. I'm serious I don't like it when people treat me like this.
I'm really touched that you read my writing and you liked it, but please please please please please please please don't feel bad about yourself and your writing. Saya nulis bukan buat pamer, bukan buat bikin orang ngerasa buruk. Saya nulis karena saya harus nulis, karena suka. And I like to touch people, I like to make people feel things. Bukan malah buat orang ngerasa buruk sama dirinya sendiri sama tulisannya sendiri. Saya nulis dan ngomong pake bahasa Inggris karena memang yang pertama kepikiran kalo mau ngomong atau nulis ya bahasa Inggris. Bukan biar orang ngerasa minder. Saya gamau itu.
Don't put yourself down. I can't write like you. Nobody could. I haven't lived as you, I'll never be able to write like you. And I'm not flawless, I make mistakes. I'd rather have people telling me how they feel about my works and which part is their favourite than have people telling me kalo mereka malah ngerasa minder gara-gara saya. Kalo orang malah ngerasa minder, ngerasa buruk abis baca tulisan saya tandanya saya masih gagal jadi penulis. So please please please please please please pleaseee don't feel that way. You're wonderful and so are your writings.
Let's write together! Talk to me here or on Twitter and let's write together, I'm not mean to fellow learners.
Have a nice day!

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Language: English