

Ask @nunggudebut

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btw pls on dong sampe tgl 8 biar bisa selebrasi bareng dalam rangka debut unnie2 qesayangan

albrtnputri’s Profile PhotoAlbertine
gw gatau al HUHUHU akan q usahakan :""" unnir maafkan aku tanggal debutmu bertepatan dengan tanggal debutku :""""

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Kak Fay, sebelumnya aku mau ngucapin selamat dulu karena kak Fay sudah jadi anak kuliahan yuhuuu!!! 😄😄😄 aku mau nanya dong waktu snmptn milih jurusan dan ptnnya berdasarkan apa? soalnya denger2 kalo snmptn itu harus pake strategi gitu ya?

Wkwk makasiih! Iya ada strateginyaa. Gak menjamin 100% lulus tapi it does improve your chances
there are a few things that improve your chances of going into a major/uni:
-nilai: usahain 8 ke atas. Kalo ada teman yang daftar ke jurusan dan PTN yang sama nilai paling tinggi yang bakal lulus. Kadang ada PTN yang ngambil 2, jaranggg bgt 3 tapi ada. Tapi jarang. Diusahakan tidak gambling.
-sertifikat: usahain tingkat kota, provinsi, nasional atau inter. Kalo menang medali osn kamu udah gausah ikut snmptn malah pake jalur osn aja.
-track record sekolah: INI PENTING. BANGET. akreditasi sekolahnya apa? Lulusannya udah banyak yang masuk PTN yang kamu mau? Lulusannya udah banyak di jurusan yang kamu mau? Pernah kena kasus nggak? Etc etc
-kepopuleran jurusan: masuk kedokteran bakal selalu lebih susah daripada masuk sastra, jadi jangan heran kalo nilai kamu lebih tinggi dari si B tapi si B keterima snmptn sastra jawa soalnya kamu applynya kedokteran dan saingannya jelas lebih banyak
-kualitas/prestasi alumni: misal kamu mau masuk PTN X. Alumni SMA kamu di PTN X pinter2 bgt, IPnya 3.9, pernah menang lomba ini itu. Otomatis PTN X bakal percaya sama SMA kamu dan mungkin naikin kuotanya atau mudahin nerima lulusan sma kamu. Trs kalo ada alumni (ketentuan jarak alumni sama angkatan kamu beda2 tiap PTN, UI kalo gak salah 3) yang dapet undangan tapi gak diambil/keluar sebelum 4 tahun itu bisa pengaruh ke angkatan kamu dan bisa bikin keblokir dan gak bisa/susah masuk jurusan/ptn tsb
-jumlah alumni: SMA A yang alumninya ada 100 di PTN X kuotanya bakal lebih banyak dan lebih gampang daripada SMA B yang alumninya cuma 3
-jangan rely on pilihan kedua, biasanya your 1st choice is your only choice, di snmptn PTN tida suka diduakan, kecuali sekolah kamu track record/alumninya bagus
-doa yang banyak semoga nothing goes wrong
also there are a few things that i would like to note:
-snmptn BUKAN kocok arisan jadi yang dapet itu gak cuma 'hoki'. Banyak yang dipertimbangin, walaupun kamu rengking 1 di sekolah tetep bisa kalah kalo kamu dihadepin sama yang rengking 5 dari sekolah lain tapi sekolahnya track recordnya lebih bagus dan alumninya bagus2/banyak
-usahanya harus dari kelas 10, nilai kalo bisa naik terus/stabil, minimal di mapel un dan yang berkaitan sama jurusan kamu (krn aku sasper jadi bahasa asing), belajar instan pengaruhnya dikit
-pastiin NISN kamu bener, rapor kamu gaada typo2 dan nilainya bener semua, kamu bisa keterima dan gak jadi masuk gara2 nilai kamu beda di web sama di kertas
-also snmptn BUKAN fasilitas, snmptn itu hasil kerja keras guru2 kamu, hasil kerja keras alumni kamu buat dapet akreditasi dan nilai bagus biar kamu gampang masuknya, hasil kerja keras kamu juga. Kalo dapet, ambil. Selesain 4 tahun, jangan ditinggal, kasian adek kelas kamu, kasian yang udah usaha buat kamu
ya segitu sih kira2 huhu SEMANGAT YAAAA aku sayang kamu anonchan semoga lancar aamiinn!! ♡♡♡

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halo fay! what are your thoughts on the little prince by saint-exupéry? have a good day~

I love it i love love it i love it it's the first book that i read in 3 languages. That book and Baudelaire poems are the reason why i'm in the major i'm in right now.
It's just very interesting because i read it as a child and as a more grown up person--as a child it was an entertainment and an adventure but as a more grown up person i noticed things that i didn't realize before as a child and i don't know maybe when i'm older i'll notice more things and i will be able to relate more to the pilot. I was the prince when i was younger and i'm the pilot now.
It's a beautiful book, i'd make sure my kids read it.

aku harap kamu bakalan suksea fay kuliahnya. Barakallah :)

YA ALLAH MAKASIIH aamiin you too anon sini peluk huhu ;_____; aku excited tapi ketar ketir banget mau kuliah wkwk makasih doanyaa! ♡♡♡ i hope things go well for you too! ♡

fayy, jujur aku seneng banget baca askfm-mu huhuh, kayak aku tuh sering banget bacain bestmu. sedih sebulan ini kamu ngilang, jafi gabisa baca askfm-mu lagi :((

:((( IM REALLY SORRY huhu aku kayaknya gabisa be permanently back on my sns accounts lagi soalnya aku udah jarang update kpop trs i want to do really well in college really really well and i want to get a job too sambil kuliah jadi sepertinya aku bakal cuma balik once in a while gitu seringan deactnya :""
yang main askfm banyak!! and im sure that there are many accounts out there who are just as interesting but point is i might not be as active as i used to be (i'll probably make another account but that's after i adapt with my college life)
i cant be permanently back on my sns accounts but i can be back every once in a while so lets have fun while we're at it! Also if you want to improve your english you can also ask to be added to the english 101 group chat we're always accepting members!! ♡♡♡
have a great night!! ♡

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fay aku request fayjun ospek au -ninda di rumah

nindayd’s Profile Photonyd
nin aku ospek dia lulus :(((( palingan angkatan aku yang nyanyi ngiringin wisuda dia wkwkwk pas akhir2 ospek :'

ah udahlah gausah ngomongin mas aku bete sama dia :(

Non tp beneran aku pusing seokmin bgt versi kalem dan sangat baper-inducing sekarang aku mengerti kenapa masmu bikin pusing
Liked by: Ayam Bertelur

kak fay welcome back!!!!!!! ini first time aku off anon btw


KAK FAY halo kak apa kabar??? Akhirnya kembali lagi huhuhu

im good!!! Wkwk tapi kayaknya not permanently soalnya lagi hectic :< dan sepertinya akan tambah hectic soalnya aku lagi masa2 ospek but it's fun so far!!! I hope youre doing well tooo ♡♡♡♡♡

Haii cek https://kitabisa.com/bantusesama yuk bantuin ibu yang terkena tumor otak, ibu ini sedang terbaring lemah, dan membutuhkan sumbangan, karena kekurangan dana. Please answer ya. Berapapun yg kmu sumbangkan Sgt kmi butuhkan. Terimakasih

Sadhee_’s Profile PhotoSadhena Putri Erlangga
^^^ guys, if any of you can help pls help!
thank you for spreading this around! i hope you have a great day and i hope the lady gets well soon too :(((
Liked by: gt Shabela

Hallo, have you watch this video? https://youtu.be/aW8BDgLpZkI i really like this video, i kept smiling while watching this. How about you?

i've seen it and oh my God now that you've brought it up i feel like i want to cry again (and you should see Dove's commercial it made me cry so many times)
i've been on a positive streak these few days. a few days ago my dad asked me why i wore my jilbab a certain way (i pull the part under my chin all the way to the front of my chin instead of letting it stick back to my neck) and i said that it was because i look ugly if i push it back to my neck. my dad scrunched up his face and commented (in indonesian) "no, you have your perfect ways."
and idk my dad has never said things like that to me and it gave me the same effect as this video. i've never liked me. but my dad likes me and how i look. my mum likes me and how i look.
and idk, it makes me like how i look too, in a way.
so in case you haven't heard it today, i think you're beautiful.
have a great night, anon! (and you're beautiful too!)
(btw, it's almost Ramadhan and i think i will be inactive on my social medias! have a great great blessed Ramadhan, everyone! ♡)

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kak di english101 ngebahas apa aja?

Apa aja wkwkwk literally every topic you could think of the topic shifts all the time

kak fay!! do you have any favourite romance novels??

hi!! unfortunately no :((( i don't really read romance novels, i usually read novels whose main theme isn't romance but contains romance as a side plot... does that make sense wkwk but yeah i don't usually read novels with romance as the main theme

fay aku coba klik linknya tapi kok group does not exist...

HUHU emang kayaknya beberapa ada yang gabisa ngakses deh... tadi ada yang bilang gitu juga tapi sampe sekarang masih banyak yang bisa join jadi aku juga tidak tahu kenapa ;____; huhu maaf ya ;____;

mention your 3 top quotes and tell us why! XD

hi!! :D
i have a lot but i'll just say the first 3 that came to mind! :D
• "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it." This one was by Mark Twain and i heard it at the end of a Criminal Minds episode when i was in the first year of junior high and i've never forgotten it idk why--'man' in this context means the whole human race
• "She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted lines. But in my arms she was always Lolita." from Nabokov's Lolita, obviously wkkw (and this is also my askfm bio lol) i really, really like the way the book was written and it left a lot of memorable lines
• "You are the daughter of the sea, oregano's first cousin." from Pablo Neruda's Sonnet XXIV--i really really like this poem it has a beautiful flow and it's lovely how he referred to the girl as 'naiad' it's a 'cute pet name' on a whole other level
yay have a great night!! :D

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fay huhu telat ngga mau join groupchatnya ;_;

Ngga kok hehe it's always open selama belum limit! :D

What was the best meal you’ve ever eaten?

i really feel like answering literature-related questions tonight feel free to drop me one! XD

fay bhs inggris mu bagus trs ngerti baca puisi gt.. km ada saran ga untuk pemula yg mau serius belajar bhs dan brusaha mengerti isi puisi? thankss

hi!! :D
No, I still have a lot to improve--shakespeare knew approximately 29.000 words he's the real senpai.
But i do like poems! Ngga susah kok hehe gaada cara patennya jugaa it's not math! :3 sebenernya ya apa yang kamu tangkep dan rasain itu udah bisa dibilang 'ngerti' sih
hmm mungkin kayak ngerti konteks kata2nya gitu ya? emang harus banyak2 baca puisi sama literatur sih biar kebiasa, mungkin buka2 kamus kadang-kadang, but it's not hard really! as long as you like poems i think that's already a big enough motivation :D
or maybe you can go join the English 101 group chat and we can talk more about the poems that you read! :D
have a great great night! ♡♡
Liked by: kayelinth ayaya

dari semua nama kenapa ezra ya (((teringat masa lalu))) d4mN,,,

chromehurt’s Profile Photoayaya
DAmN,,,, aku juga baru inget ezra nama si ieu ya nay,,,, WKWK ngga kok namesake-nya si ikan itu ezra pound ceunah yang nulis ini
dari semua nama kenapa ezra ya teringat masa lalu d4mN
Liked by: ayaya

Would you ever want to clone yourself?

No. You've probably heard of the phrase 'either Mozart or Jack the Ripper', and I'm the same case. I'd rather not gamble.
Liked by: moondust

Faaay, gmna sih bikin grup kek gitu? Selama ini aku bikin grup selalu yg manual yg harus diinvite sdgkn punya kamu di klik linknya bisa langsung bisa milih join/declaine 😳

Hi!! Hmm nanti kan pas buka grup ada tombol invite, nah itu diklik aja terus ada tulisan 'invite link' nah itu dicopy aja linknyaa hehe
Liked by: afifaaaaaaaaaf

hu fay aku pgn deh join. tp i feel like bingung ntr mo ngobrolin ttg apah wkwkwkwㅠㅠ adakah chingu yg udh kuliahan jg?? hehehehe

Hi! i'm saying this again--you will be asked to fill in an introduction post and people will respond to what you write! Iya, ada yang kuliah juga kok :) here's the link! http://line.me/R/ti/g/a0VliwcQeF

kak fay aku mau ikut gc nya tapi takut awkward kalo tau-tau buka link grupnya dan langsung join :<

gapapa kokk! :D hehe semuanya juga gitui wkwk terus langsung pada nyautin kok tenamg saja kamu tidak akan masuk tida disambut :33 it's ok if you dont feel comfortable in group chats! But if you feel like joining always remember that we're always happy to have new members! ♡

jun, pernah cemburu kan kalo fay deket sama cowok lain? terus ngapain tuh kalo cemburu? :>

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
"Nggak sih, jarang ada cowok yang deket-deket dia.
Palingan cuma kalo lagi kayak gini nih bikin bete."
jun pernah cemburu kan kalo fay deket sama cowok lain terus ngapain tuh kalo
Liked by: dhifa fafa yash. ayaya

no I was about to go pray wkwk AND THEN SAW THIS GUY THAT LOOKS LIKE ASA BUTTERFIELD WITH GLASSES ON I SWEAR tapi a bit chubbier but HAHAHA kiyut

Liked by: annisa k. w.

saw a guy that looks so much like p e a c e f u l earlier in balairung and then langsung keingetan you lololololololol

annisakw’s Profile Photoannisa k. w.
DID YOU TAKE A PI C but im pretty sure it's not him though wkwk
Liked by: annisa k. w.

http://ask.fm/nunggudebut/answers/136872048874 may i know who is the man? and what did you say to him? thanks kalo mau jawab!! :)

hi! :D he was a very close friend of mine! He was like an older brother and i even called him abang--there's nothing special really hahah i just told him that i wanted him to be healthy and he was really, really smart i told him that i'd really hate to see that kind of brain and talent go to waste.
Liked by: .

huhuhu fayjun x aquarium kenapa gemes banget:(((

HUHUHUH WHY ARE U ALL SO NICE aku suka ikan :((( dan namjun :(((((


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