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paling suka kalo direquest au apa?

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
AU yang aneh sebenernya?? kayak di askfm ku yang satunya lagi ada yang pernah minta AU perang dunia, terus AU pasangan cacat so i made the girl gapunya kaki dan cowoknya gapunya tangan, ada yang pernah minta AU meja teh mad hatter di alice in wonderland, terus AU mentally challenged dll wkwk yang aneh2, the plot that has flaws and is broken and makes me think

your very first crush in kpop?

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
pada suatu hari yang cerah di sekitar tahun 2008 dalam sebuah mobil jemputan SDIT Darul Abidin seorang adik kelas membuka HP memutar lagu super junior dan mengenalkan kakak kelasnya kepada tak lain dan tak bukan lee donghae
your very first crush in kpop

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kamu keberatan tidak kalo aku minta kontak personal or mau dm via twitter atau lewat sini saja? huhu maaf ya merepotkan :"")

twitter gapapa kokk hehe :D

hai fay, setauku kamu pernah ikut lomba debat. kalo jadi panitia pernah ngga? aku mau tanya2 dong perihal lomba debat kalo ngga keberataaan

pernaah hehe boleehh !! <333

What's the last book you read?

fangirl by rainbow rowell
and as someone who likes to write i've never related to any book as much as i related to this one
like it's so accurate it's either creepy or science i don't even know anymore--every writer's block every writing phase every emotional rollercoaster is perfectly described in it i have the urge to highlight every sentence i need to lie down

Kakkkk nonton problematic man yg engsub dimana, pengen nonton oppa namjoooonnn kak info dong

belom ada yang engsub tapi gw nonton no sub aja udah ngegelepar padahal gue gatau dia ngomong apa kim namjun tuh ga sehat
Kakkkk nonton problematic man yg engsub dimana pengen nonton oppa namjoooonnn

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

banyak soalnya temen wa kewarasannya diragukan semua tapi ini aja most recent
segini pengennya jadi pager bagus sampe udah nawar2in diri 5 tahun sebelumnya
What is the weirdest thing youve heard somebody say

Kak, udah... Gak kuat liat bahasan nya kakak. Jadi kepo ama acaranya tapi takut gak kuat

raniaqlb’s Profile Photorania
basically gw semalem liat skrinkep acaranya namjun:
Kak udah Gak kuat liat bahasan nya kakak Jadi kepo ama acaranya tapi takut gak

Kayaknya dia cocok masuk TI/elektro. Kalo kampus expo ke sma doi bakal pake jas almet yg lengannya digulung sampe siku trus siul-siul kalo liat ada anak sma kece. Ketauan sama seniornya doi langsung dijitak trus senyum sok inosen sampe lesung pipinya keliatan. AH.

ah dia mah kakak php anak SMA semuanya dibaikin disenyumin dimintain id line nya tapi gaada yang diseriusin kak namjun cuma main2 doang kecengannya banyak nyebar dari seoul sampe depok
Kayaknya dia cocok masuk TIelektro Kalo kampus expo ke sma doi bakal pake jas

fay sudahi perih ini

aku semalem perdebatan batin bgt MAU LIAT SKRINKEP NAMJUN JG GA KUAT,,,,,,
gataudeh gimana kalo udah keluar eng sub ku butuh dukungan moral
mana dia diskusi gitu tapi mukanya gemes namjun tuh maunya apa ya sama perempuan
fay sudahi perih ini

Anak teknik di kampusku banyak yang gayanya begitu tapi yang mukanya mendekati Namjoon sepertinya ga ada.... di situ kadang saya merasa sedih. Namjoon FT!AU sepertinya menarik ((HM)) ((bersiul))

knpsih dia tuh tampangnya anak teknik atau ngga fasilkom banget so kakak-kakak kampus yang suka dateng lagi ke SMA pas hari konsultasi kuliah
Anak teknik di kampusku banyak yang gayanya begitu tapi yang mukanya mendekati

Bayanganku tentang Namjoon kalau dia ada di sekita kita, dia tuh anak ukm science club di kampus yang suka menang lomba karya tulis. Meskipun gayanya slengean & suka bikin kesel dosen, nilai dia gapernah ada yg C. Di kls kayak suka tidur di pojok tp pas dipanggil disuruh ngerjain soal kalkulus, bisa

KAK ;____________;
iya bgt BGT bentukannya manusia banget seperti bisa digapai
tipe2 yang gapernah belajar tapi nilainya bagus terus mana anaknya santai banget motto hidupnya we live as we go
((Bonus foto namjun college!AU abis pulang main ke kosan temen)))
Bayanganku tentang Namjoon kalau dia ada di sekita kita dia tuh anak ukm science

Ketampanan Namjun bertambah 10x lipat karena pinter. Fay yang tabah http://twitter.com/pfT5YeVGvp

user not found ;____; tp iya tauah aku capek banget sama dia dia terlalu ideal
liat screencap aja aku udah capek gimana nanti eng subnya sudahlah buang saja fayati ke rawa-rawa

ceritain dong what you usually do on sunday or saturday morning

rachmahpm’s Profile Photoℜachmah
sama aja kayak biasanya tapi abis subuh suka tidur lagi ((yha))) bayar utang tidur 5 hari sebelumnya
trs les
trs sekolah lagi ngurus ekskul dll
but my mum usually lets me loose on weekends and allows me to eat random things for breakfast (((which is fun wkwk))

fay ini gw machang hehe i really lovd your writings so much! next time bikin akun fanfic aja hehe

rachmahpm’s Profile Photoℜachmah
makasihh kakak wkwk aku punya akun aff tapi blm diupdate ;___;

Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

Rich and happy.
I was taught to go big or go home. Why can't you have both when it's possible? :D
Liked by: paramitha.

Kakak buat ff wenmin lagi dong kak #ketagihan

raniaqlb’s Profile Photorania
((Ini abis wendy dijemput jimin trs dipulangin))
Nobody would want to wake up in a cold morning with a severe hangover in their last night's clothes. Not Son Wendy, at least, but that morning she did.
She didn't have a nice sleep, it was an odd one--one of the sleeps that passed like a blink of an eye and full of recollections of what happened last night. Blurry images of Jimin, particularly.
For a couple of comfortable seconds before her eyes shot open she hoped that she would wake up in his bed and that the ceiling she'd be staring at would be his. And none of the things that she remembered about the previous night had to be real--she hadn't kissed Mino, she hadn't fought with Jimin, she hadn't been out of her mind.
But she opened her eyes and the ceiling she was staring at was hers. The sheets around her was familiar and the sunlight fell on her exactly the way they always fell through her window. And everything did happen--the kiss, the fight, the late night phone calls. Everything.
Jimin might not be coming back. Not after what she did to him.
Sometimes she hated how irreversible time could be.
Wendy made her way out of the bed, staggering with weak knees and a heavy head, one arm stretched out looking for support from anything she passed between her bedroom and the kitchen.
Her roommate Jisoo was standing there facing the frying pan, fully dressed and sober.
"You're awake."
"Mm." Wendy muttered with her head in her hands.
"Jimin's here, by the way."
Wendy's head shot up. "What?"
Jisoo tilted her head at the couch. "He insisted on staying over in case you needed anything."
And he was there. Jimin was lying on the couch with one of their spare blankets covering his body, exactly how he looked last night and in her sleep.
There was a long silence before Jisoo spoke up. "I'm going for a short run. You might want to talk things out with Jimin."
Wendy grabbed her arm. "Don't," she begged. "Don't leave."
"I have to."
"No you don't."
"This guy picked you up in the middle of the night and took care of you when you were so drunk you couldn't remember where the door was. Explaining things to him would be the least you can do."
And she was right.
The door closed behind Jisoo, leaving Wendy seated in front of her breakfast, staring at the man who slept a couple of feet away from her.
The toast Jisoo made her was beginning to get cold when Jimin moved in his sleep and woke up. Wendy froze in her seat, one eye fixed on his silhouette and the other on the wall behind the couch, as if she couldn't decide whether she wanted to be there when he woke up or not.
It was too late to leave. Jimin was already sitting on the couch, staring back at her.
Both were silent until Jimin let out a quiet mutter.
"You alright?"
Wendy nodded.
"You hurt me, you know," he continued. "A lot."
"I know," she replied, suffocated by the tears building up in her eyelids, "I'm sorry."

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hi fay! heres namjoonxfay drabble as promised, sorry for lacking here and there hehe http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/912926

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
day 30 50 100 yaampun mz jangankan 100 hari satu purnama pun
duh knp ya namjoon smoker!AU tuh HUHU MAKASIH KAK NISAA ;_________; wkwkwk takut jungkukinya jd perokok juga huhu luv ♡♡♡ makasiih
Liked by: annisa

How did you come up with your username?

Karena gue nunggu banyak banget orang debut. I get very attached to several trainees dan gw gatau kapan debutnya.
Jennie Kim started it all. Jennie is probably my ultimate along with Taeyeon pokoknya gue gak paham kenapa gue sayang banget sama dia sama ygnewgg. They're all just too lovable trs gue kenal seulgi trs kayak 'hah anjir 7 taun belom debut kasian bgt senasib sama suho' jadi gue nungguin dia juga. Alhamdulillah mbaknya udah debut dan grupnya luar biasa. Trs gue lupa kapan tp gue liat mv yoo jiae yang ada baro nya "ih lucu banget" terus katanya mbaknya mau didebutin jadi girlgroup. Trs sekarang udah debut.
Nah terus gw nyari bahaya nonton smtm soalnya kepo kayak apa trs ketemu bobby sama hanbin trs kepo TRS KEPELET ABIS GABALIK2 SAMPE SEKARANG mana debutnya lama survival showsnya ada 2 pusing pala nunggudebut
Tapi ya paling parah sih ygnewgg dari gw smp sampe kelas 2 SMA debutnya wacana doang dilangkahin 2 grup (which i like but please don't forget the girls) pak bu tolong lah masa mau setaun lagi kita dikasih fantaken blur sama foto minimarket @ygent_official
Sebenernya gue udah rada bosen koreaan soalnya udah 8 taun?? Trs beneran tinggal nungguin ygnewgg aja sih

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How did you come up with your username

Hello! Good morning :) In need of a new music to hear here,would you mind to give me some of your all-time favorite songs/recent favorite songs? Thank you!

-my comfort songs from Eminem: Stan, Mockingbird, Lose Yourself, My Band (with D12), 97 Bonnie and Clyde, The Sauce (it's a diss track but it's really good), and there's more but that's all I can think of for now. His narrative rap is beautiful and it's always nice to listen to Eminem when you really want to slap someone but you still want to act like a civilised human being.
-J Cole's Dreams--it's just a rEALLY CUTE rap song it explains very well how boys can be total softies--and Poetic Justice with Drake.
-Love Letter by The Cataracs. Cute. Super cute. My jam.
-My Only Offer by Mates of State--it contains one of the realest love stories that I've ever heard in a song. Like love's not all about sappy lyrics and beds of roses--sometimes it's just being so comfortable in the middle of things that aren't that great and you become so used to it until the person you're in love with starts to feel like your own limbs.
-The Gambler by fun. Will I ever stop wanting to cry when I hear this song the world may never know.
-Panic at the Disco's Northern Downpour because the lyrics
-Kiss It All Better by He is We. It's lovely. It's not just a song, it's a story.
-Kim Taeyeon's Be Alright cover--for the days when you feel worthless and broken and you just need someone to tell you that you won't be broken forever.
There's more and you've probably heard of these songs but enjoy! Let me know if you like one of these songs and have a great day! :D

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Liked by: paramitha.

hai fay, hehehehehe request sensei x jinyoung dong -dari yg sedang terjinyoungkan (GAK) http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B934-rLCQAAB0sb.jpg

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
(awal mula)
People told him that high school would be memorable. High school would be the three years that could either make or break him, high school would be full of love and lessons, his first taste of a life outside his comfort circle.
And Jinyoung had waited all his life for it. He'd pictured it all--bright hallways, handwritten scribbles on his used desk, textbooks full of things that he was supposed to learn, long-haired girls with hair clips and gel ballpoints and tartan check school skirts. Maybe he'd join the football team, or perhaps the basketball team--and he had interests in maths, too, but maybe not so soon. He wanted to do things, something exciting and life-changing, something that would prove to him that high school really was a moment to remember.
Park Jinyoung had pictured it all--but never, never in his wildest thoughts had he imagined that his life wasn't meant to be changed in a football field, between basketball rings, or an exchange of looks with a girl from the chemistry class.
The turning point of his life, his moment to remember--began exactly the second when his first Korean class in high school started and his teacher walked in.
He wasn't expecting anything from a boring Korean class that he'd had since he was little, but in minutes there he was, sinking in his desk, overwhelmed by everything.
She was everything his mind would never be capable of imagining--small and lovely, with firm but lively steps, a warm smile and a soothing voice. She had a way of looking out of the window like she knew something no one else did when she was sure that the whole class was concentrating on their books. The whole class, except a boy with bright eyes in the second row, third seat from the left.
Little did Park Jinyoung know that his Korean teacher, Nisa-sonsaengnim, would be the first page of the turning point of his life.

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hai fay hehehehehe request sensei x jinyoung dong dari yg sedang terjinyoungkan
Liked by: annisa

fay, aku nggak kuat liat tweetsmu tentang jin lewat di tlku. *butuh pegangan*

dia terlalu 9172917292792818% husband & father material
bentukannya kesayangan ibu mertua banget

fay bhs inggris km bagus bgt:( dulu belajarnya gimana hehe dan kalo boleh minta tips2nya dongg :>

Alhamdulillah makasih! Tapi masih harus banyak banget belajar kok i have ten million things to learn
Awalnya gara2 ayah sama ibuku sering ngomong bahasa inggris ke satu sama lain atau ke temen kerja terus aku dengerin kok enak aku mau belajar juga
Terus aku kelas 1 sd dapet pr bahasa inggris pertama kali. Ortuku bantuin ngerjain pr terus ayahku marah pas tahu guruku cuma ngajarin cara jawab soalnya tapi nggak ngajarin tulisan lain di bukunya artinya apa. Katanya nggak boleh gitu belajar nggak boleh nanggung. Jadi aku sehalaman penuh harus ngerti. Pokoknya waktu itu ngerjainnya sampe malem bgt
Sisanya modal nekat WKWK nekat ikut lomba ngirim cerita bahasa inggris hancur2an pas kelas 3 sd. Nekat ngomong bahasa inggris belepetan ke anak pindahan dari uk (diba, terus dia jadi temenku wkwk). Nekat baca buku full bahasa inggris, nekat nonton gapake subtitle, terus aku punya 3 temen (icha, sasha, adiba) trs kita ngomong pake bahasa inggris terus tiap hari pokoknya gaboleh pake bahasa indonesia. Dikatain sering kok dibilang sok dibilang norak dll tapi gapapa nanti juga yang pinter kita. Trs akhirnya smp kelas 2 les LIA soalnya aku pengen tau grammar
Tipsnya apa ya wkwk...dengerin lagu bahasa inggris, tulis liriknya trs cek bener apa engga, nonton film eng sub atau no sub, baca buku full bahasa inggris sambil buka kamus (lama2 ngerti! beneran) trs paling ngaruh sih punya temen ngomong yang kalo sama dia harus ngomong bahasa inggris terus. Jadi speaking listening sama idiomnya juga kepake
Semangat2 pasti bisa kokk! Pasti bisa lebih bagus dari aku semangat yaa kalo mau latihan ngomong sama aku pake bahasa inggris juga gapapa. I'm not mean to people who learn.
♡♡♡♡♡ lots of love and have a beautiful day! :D

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fay bhs inggris km bagus bgt dulu belajarnya gimana hehe dan kalo boleh minta

Are you stylish?

I enjoy reading and going through fashion/model updates but I tend to be not fussy when it comes to clothes. I do like nice clothes tapi yang penting bisa dipake solat
And there's 0 point of being proud or fussy over clothes when you don't buy them yourself. I've seen girls my age throwing their parents' money for clothes and accessories and imo that's not a pretty sight.

Pernah merasa terinspirasi sama temen sendiri?

And i sort of had a muse...? Back in secondary school? I was most productive and I improved the most during that period. Due to the presence of my muse.

did you guys watching some nice movies or having a good reading recently?

kejonginan’s Profile PhotoLeonie
hai kak leonie! :D
-i watched submarine and it was interesting tapi blm selesai... flipped juga bagus ceritanya hehe
-dickens's a tale of two cities ;______; BAGUS BGT :((( bagus bgt bgt deskripsinya semuanya pas ngga terlalu sedikit ngga terlalu banyak terus disturbing and real and everything it's definitely dickens's work
-all the president's men, tentang skandal watergate ditulis langsung sama wartawan yang nanganin kasusnya, bagus jugaa hehe
have a nice day! :D
Liked by: Leonie

FAY GANTIAN mau di describe pake lirik lagu juga n__n

prmth’s Profile Photoparamitha.
"See the glow up above
See it glow telling us it rained the streets of London
Like it pours on other towns
But the glistening of make-up helps to construct a better clown
And you will surely find this news pleasing to your ears"
-mates of state, fraud in the 80s

........korelasi lirik tsb sama aku tuh apa.....

Ngga tau kayaknya cocok aja yohey kapan2 kita jalan2 naik kereta sambil ngitung duit deh biar ada korelasinya

gantian dong kak describe me with song lyrics hehe

"My friend and I we've cracked the code
We count our dollars on the train to the party
And everyone who knows us knows
That we're fine with this
We didn't come for money"
-lorde baby

Kak fayyy! Coba ff lee geon ganti warna rambut dong hehe makasih

bellaurellian’s Profile Photoaurel
Di studio madtown
geon: "nyet"
6nya lagi: "ye"
geon: "gue kok jadi pengen serius ya"
heojun: "hah sama siapa?"
geon: "ya aurel lah masa elu"
jaeho: "hah yang bener hyung"
geon: "iya bener"
geon: "apa gue besok langsung ke rumahnya aja ya"
sangbae: "jangan kocak rambut lu masih pirang gitu mau ngelamar anak perawan apa kata nyokapnya"
buffy: "iya mending itemin dulu rambutnya"
daewon: "nanti daewon anterin ke salon deh"
geon: "hah"
geon: "iya juga ya"
geon: "boljug ide lu"
Keesokan harinya dengan rambut hitam mapan bujangan terpercaya met siang tante hehe saya kyungtak aurelnya ada gak

How did you feel when you woke up?

"Lah gw dmn"
Trs gue inget gue lagi nginep di rumah nenek
Maaf anaknya ingetannya kadang suka korslet

If you could change anything about your school, what would it be and why?

mushala ceweknya so limited trs kalo mau shalat harus cepet2an kalo ga mau desek2an (((tapi tetep aja desek2an sih biasanya ujung2nya)) trs tempat wudhunya jg limited tapi alhamdulillah udah mau digedein mohon doanya dan semoga tetep penuh walaupun udah digedein ^^ aaamin

who is your fav Indonesian actor?

-lukman sardi ultimate fav
-rio dewanto oppa segala oppa jika tida mendapat oppa bolehlah rio dewanto
-herjunot ali bcs adem sekali subhanallah
-adipati dolken ganteng bgt masya Allah kurang paham
-reza rahadian giling ganteng bgt ga nalar

fay. lagi bete sm kaha katanya janji bantuin nanyain bahan uprak bhs indonesia ke narasumber terpercaya tapi dianya gak nongol. haruz apa fay haruz apa

putusin kaha jadian sama kris nanti pasti dikasih ruang sampel narasumber dari cina

10facts about me?

-istrinya kris
-kaha ((EEITSS))
-fangirl choi sooyoung yang berdedikasi
-ces sayang aku aku sayang ces
-tadi lagi ngerjain ppt bahasa indonesia
-ga suka kalo orang buka pintu trs ga ditutup lg ((sama))
-sekarang kelas 12
-kenal aurel

what's your childhood reading? and which is your favorite one?

-beatrix potter
GEMES BGT POKOKNYA GEMES cerita2 fabel ringan menyenangkan gt seru deh
-harry potter
ya klan potter masih merajai pokoknya ini sangat seru ini masa kecilku
-enid blyton
aku suka enid blyton semuanya!! lima sekawan, sapta siaga, elizabeth allen, st. clare, malory towers dll parah sih 5 sekawan semua anak harus baca 5 sekawan itu cinta pertamaku
dulu aku sering dititip di rumah kakek nenekku trs omku maniak tintin parah ayahku juga jadi aku suka tintin...sama goscinny-uderzo yang asterix & obelix jg deh
-hans christian andersen & perrault & grimm
digabungin aja soalnya setipe cerita2 rakyat gitu seru deh
SERUUU BGTTTT and peter is so ideal
-bee magazine
Lo belom tau serunya nungguin kiriman bee magazine tiap bulan trs ada bonus komik sejarahnya dll
-buku2nya pak drajat, s.pd
matematika tapi dikemasnya seru banget?? enak trs langsung ngeh gitu loh ohhh ini tuh bisa gini karena begini, ceritanya seru
-aisyah putri!!!!!
SUKA BGT SERU BGT ceritanya bagus pesannya juga bagus
-izzati sama faiz
soalnya kalo bukan gara2 mereka gue mungkin gaakan suka nulis

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Tinggal beberapa jam lagi sebelum valentine, btw. Apa namjoon punya persiapan khusus buat ngerayain valentine besok sama fay? ihihi♡♡

i don't celebrate valentine's day wkwk so namjun sibuk sendiri fay sibuk sendiri wkwk

Kasian... Member bts kok kuat banget ya sesibuk" nya mereka ya mereka tetep ketawa", padahal jadwal mereka padat dan bikin capek semua...

raniaqlb’s Profile Photorania
iya makanya pada cepet punya cewe deh watir gw gaada yang ngurus ;________;


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