

Ask @nunggudebut

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Iya pls?!?! Aduh gapaham deh i dont even like lisa tbh she's a bit rude :/ siapa sih namanya allison ya??? Aduh aku jg suka antm bgttt tp yg baru baru yg campur cewek cowok aku kyk ga terlalu suka lg T____T kyk kurang model bgt skrg imo???


fay mau juga dong "me in 10 years and our relationship" thanks in advance :))

haiii kak ishmaah hehe XD
kak ishmah berarti 30 ya? 31?
anyway kakak pasti udah mapan with your dream job!! sama suami, rumah sama anak (((trs aku kebayangnya kakak yang tipe punya anak kembar gatau knp?))
anaknya kakak mungkin udah tk trs kakak suka nganterin ke sekolah sama suami kakak nanti pulang sekolah dijemput wkwk
trs juga mungkin kakak masih suka kpop tapi udah casually gt jadi kalo liat mv di tv sama drama korea masih tetep nyambung
as for our relationship i would be... 27?? ((HAH 27)) ((serius baru sadar)) jadi aku kayaknya bakal nanya2 ke kakak cara ngurus anak ((if i ever have them)) ngurus rumah dll trs juga casual chatime meetings wkwk and even if we don't talk as much kayaknya kita masih tetep jadi socmed friends kayak di line snapchat instagram dll
yey have a great day <3

HU MAU BGT kalo bisa ketemu mbaknya sih brb fotoin dia banyak bgt T^T omg lol yes?!?!?! I KNOW HER SHE'S THE QUIRKY ONE FROM ANTM RIGHT?!?!? I ROOTED FOR HER BACK THEN

YESSSS WKWKKW MIRIS GASIH IKUT 2X JUARA 2 2X JUGA padahal???? dia bagus bgt??? lebih bagus malah dari lisa d'amato yg menang allstars plis dia kesayanganku ㅠㅠ aku suka bgtttbgtbgt antm dan semua franchisenya

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Pls akhirnya aku ada temen susah bener nyari yg suka steph juga?!?!? AYO KITA SPAZZ DIA KPN KPN

AYOOO HUHUHU lama2 bikin fansite juga nih buat mbaknya
it's funny how we always spazz over the weirdest people??? liszt and then mozart then beethoven then andersen then grimm now her?? XD
btw ini ada my other fav cantiknya setipe sama mbak stef you might like her XD
Pls akhirnya aku ada temen susah bener nyari yg suka steph juga AYO KITA SPAZZ
Liked by: Kirana Abdullah

Hai kak Fay! aku sepertinya lagi suka Bangtan :3 Kak Fay punya Bangtan stater pack? hihi makasii

babysoulxxx’s Profile Photonaya
HAII heheh adaa!!
umm mungkin nonton aja mvnya dulu, trs kalo udah nonton aja rookie king sama american hustle life
trs ada beatles code sama weekly idolnya mereka juga, sama 4things show edisi namjun (((ini juga cocok kalo kamu mau ngebias namjun))) ((tengs bgt aurel))
sama lagu2 mereka yg lama juga boleh, udah sih itu aja sama bangtanbomb2 WKWK yay ♡♡♡
Liked by: aurel rania naya

Hi it's me. Apasih best feature/things dari setiap tlist kamu? Have a nice day <33

their ability to teach me something new each day?
semuanya beda2 tapi gabisa aku sebutin satu2 karena pasti ada yang kelupaan tapi intinya itu--mereka semua pinter di bidang yang beda2 and they have new things to teach me, background semua orang beda kepribadian sama interestsnya beda but everyone is good, my timeline is really diverse and i love it
trs my interests are really odd and it's hard to find someone irl who would talk to me about them but to them i can talk freely about everything that i find interesting--kita bisa ngomongin apa aja, dari jungian theories to classical composers to grimm and andersen, kartun2 lama, semuanya
trs my tlist are mostly the kalem and positive ones, the ones that really consider the whole korean culture (that serves as something we have in common) as something that can be a positive influence hahah pokoknya gitu deh

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Hi, it's me. Lagu apa sih yang bisa ngedescribe bias kalian? Atau lagu yang ingetin kalian akan bias? Have a nice dayy!<333

hai hai ♡
namjoon: london beckoned songs about money written by machines - panic at the disco / papaoutai - stromae
taeyeon: yellow - coldplay
junmyeon: sight of the sun - fun
yerin: cosmic love - florence and the machine
yugyeom: gentleman - cody simpson
sujeong: all about us - he is we
sangbae: can we dance - the vamps / girls - the 1975
jennie: telephone - lady gaga / all night - icona pop
choa: everybody talks - neon trees
yerin: yellow flicker beat - lorde
jiyong: my band - D12
cl: fashion beats - black eyed peas
donghae: hey stephen - taylor swift
(rv semuanya)
irene: kiss me - ed sheeran
wendy: baby blue eyes - a rocket to the moon
seulgi: nerds - bo burnham
joy: downtown girl - hot chelle rae
yeri: when we were young - lucy schwartz
yey segitu dulu hehe ♡
Liked by: naya

fay mau tanya2 bhs inggris dong. apa bedanya adore sama admire? angry sama mad?

haiii X)
adore sm admire itu: kalo adore there's emotional involvement--ada keterlibatan emosi di adore, jadi kamu mengagumi/memuja/menyayangi sesuatu bcs you're emotionally tied to it, ada hubungan emosional
kalo admire, admire is more objective? admire itu lebih ke kagum karena kualitas2nya sebagai benda/orang, and not because you feel a certain emotion
jd: 'i adore you' --> i feel very emotionally attached to you and my heart aches, you're more than just a thing or a person
'i admire you' --> i think you are amazing and that's great but that's it it doesn't make me feel anything more but yeah you're great
angry sama mad itu kira2 sama, but mad is more informal? lebih kasual gt lebih informal, jarang dipake di situasi2 formal atau speech gtgt
i hope i helped have a nice day ♡

hai fay, kalo biasmu pada kuliah kira2 pada kuliah dimana dan jurusan apa? ini pertanyaan tidak jelas tapi. yasudahlah.

bias aku semua grup?? tp bias aku banyak bgt wkwk gpp ya
namjoon: anak HI/Hukum UI trus suka ikut ngurusin alsa nyekil dedek2 sma, anak MUN juga suka ngasih training sama ngecoach juga ((di mana)) ((di sekolah gw)) ((maunya))
junmyeon: ya dia sih yang lulus sma tiba2 ilang tau2 nanya ke temen "eh si junmyeon tuh sekolah di mana sih" "harvard nyet" "hah demi apa"
taeyeon: fsrd itb pacarannya sana maba unpad ((iya)) ((si baekhyun)) trs mbak pas lulus punya fashion line sama buka toko nail art gitu di jakarta sama bandung doain ya mau buka di surabaya juga
hanbin: dia sih anak stan udah mapan udah kejamin kerja di mana trs anaknya pinter juga ga aneh2
jennie: lasalle atau esmod tapi dia sering bolos ga keliatan sibuk sendiri sama bisnisnya sampe suka ditanyain temennya nyet lo kuliah gasih jawabnya elah santai
choa: jadi dia tuh pas sma daftar beasiswa gitu diem2 trs lulus tapi gaboleh sama mamah berantem dulu 2 bulan akhirnya choa ngeronin setaun
yugyeom: ini maba bgt baru lulus sma trs rumahnya di depok tapi ngerantau ke ugm mamanya watir bgt 3 bulan pertama ditelpon mulu kamu gmn nak
sangbae: seni musik ikj terus anaknya asik suka ngasih les gitar piano biola gitu sama bantuin ngajar di sma2 bantuin ekskul juga, kalo malem minggu jadi anak gaul ngedj yoi
chahee: psikologi unpad manis banget teteh sunda asli subang pemalu juga tapi ipk nya 4
hwasa: ini teknik universitas negeri medan trs hwasa sodaranya namjun kalo lagi ke jkt suka nginep di tempat namjun
yerin: sastra prancis ui hits banget tumblr instagram askfm twitter sebut semua dia juragannya trs blognya ada 2 satu bahasa inggris indonesia satunya lg bahasa prancis mundur sih lu semua
donghae: lipia jurusan tafsir al-qur'an lg ngejar beasiswa ke al-azhar sama udah punya calon nikahnya ntar abis lebaran
sujeong: pendidikan unj sebenernya dapet undangan di undip tapi gaboleh katanya jangan jauh2 yaudah sujeong yang deket aja
(di redvelvet gapunya bias jd semua aja ya) irene: ini pas sma ikut monbukagakusho trs lolos akhirnya kuliah di jepang trs jadi ulzzang gitu soalnya cantik
wendy: columbia university jurusan ilmu politik public speakingnya pinter bgt trs jadi editor majalah kampus gitu
seulgi: perikanan dan ilmu kelautan ipb tomboy bgt nan noye oppa tp cantiiiiik bgt putih bersih kalo dibilang kuliah perikanan dan ilmu kelautan orang suka gapercaya
joy: nah ini gaboleh ngerantau tp ngotot jadinya boleh trs jurusannya ilmu sejarah undip anaknya petakilan tapi dulu pas sma pinter lct sejarah
yeri: yaela ini sih anak gue sekolah dulu sana lu di cakbun
yey segitu tapi kayaknya banyak yang blm soalnya aku suka banyak banget orang wkwk makasih seru bgt ♡

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Liked by: naya


Liked by: 하 니

fay kalo jadi fansite nuna pengennya jadi fansite siapa dan apa nama fansitenya?

chocolakay’s Profile Photokay
i need to breathe
ada non koreannya gpp ya wkwk
-allison harvard: nama fansitenya 'reverie' (a good remembrance, lucu aja soalnya dia klasik gitu manis selalu nyaman liat dia) trs ada tumblrnya biar ala2, ada polyvorenya juga biar "allison is wearing (link polyvore)" beh cakep
-kim namjoon..... trs nama fansitenya 'vous m'a(b)îmez' (you love me / you ruin me) disingkatnya vma trs suka baper di twitter kayak mbak hatbit he,,,,, sama kalo upload foto sebelahnya ada foto quotes ((fansite apa 2nd account))
-stephanie michova yang pacarnya beenzino: nama fansitenya 'lilium' bcs she looks so much like a lily? trs aktifnya di instagram walaupun ada twitter wkwk
-baek yerin: nama fansitenya 'gartreau' (((udh mikirin bgt))) (((ini panjang ceritanya knp bisa milih ini but the name gartreau is very special))) ((nanti kl mau aku ceritain)) trs banyak fancamnya
-giriboy: nama fansitenya 'colour contrast' soalnya masnya kontras bgt dalam segala aspek trs merchnya nanti gemes
-madclown: nama fansitenya 'schrödinger' soalnya masnya sangat teoritis trs seru tidak bisa ditebak nanti jd fansite unnie yang tenang2 aja
-jennie kim: nama fansitenya 'lady in waiting' YA TAU LAH YA KNP......
-kim taeyeon: nama fansitenya 'la lune' trs suka ngasih mbak art supplies sama writes stories out of taeyeon's artworks
sekarang masih itu wkwk masih banyak sih yang pengen difansite-in ((ya)) ((untung ngayal gratis))

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fay org bandung?? masih kuliah ato udah kerja?

hah aku orang depok tp lagi jalan ke bandung hehe aku kelas 2 smaa

ikut yg dimana fay? 16personalities bukan? katanya itu testnya gak reliable... btw aku kadang infj kadang intj hehe

i took plenty hahah 16p is one of them X) HII let's get along XD

Is love complicated? Why?

Oxytocin serotonin dopamine.
It's chemical. Kita with our advertising and romanticization of love yang bikin ribet
Liked by: naya

HEHE aku juga mauuu "me in 10 years and our relationship" :D

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
kak nisaa hehe
10 tahun lagi kak nisa 31? 32?
you'd probably still be teaching and your students would love you--your students would look back and remember you as one of the best teachers that they've ever had
or you would probably have started a whole new career, but anything that would be you would still be the gentle and lovely person you are, and people would remember you as someone that they would like to remember forever
you'd have a husband, too! XD he's going to be a really good man, a wonderful father and husband, and you'd have a home together, you won't have to be alone when you're sad or worried because you have him.
and you'd have kid(s). if it's a son he's going to be a good boy who loves his mother and he might be mischievous but you love him and he loves you. if it's a daughter you'd dote on her a lot and she's going to grow up just like you--gentle and sensitive in all the good ways.
i don't know what's going to happen to us but i really like you and appreciate you and i like to think that we'd still be warm friends. i like to think that we'd talk to each other often and you'd be there in my wedding and i'd know your kids, and you'd know mine.
and even if we end up not talking to each other as often as we do now, i'd still tell my kids (if i ever have them) about you and how i wish they'd grow up with your good qualities, and i hope you'd tell your kids about me too, that you once knew a girl who was strange and was looking for her own self, and she really appreciated you.
all the best. ♡

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Liked by: annisa

kak faayy aku minta maaf yaa kalo salahku banyak, aku mau un mingdep so yeah😅 minta doanya juga yaa!! sukses terus kakkk~~

haiii!!! ya Allah nggaaa wkwk kamu gaada salah apa2 sama aku!!! XD semangat yaaa, semoga dilancarkan dimudahkan diberikan yang terbaik, jangan stres, kerjain dengan jujur ya X) semangat buat temen2 kamu jugaa aku doain semoga nilainya bagus2 sama dapet yang diinginkan aaamiin
kak faayy aku minta maaf yaa kalo salahku banyak aku mau un mingdep so yeah
Liked by: nabila azarine

fayyy pengen ketemu masa, tp menurut km aku kaya gimana orangnya?

JulisaHS’s Profile PhotoJul
kak july is really nice!!! wkwk pasti rame trs seru sama easy going, ayo kita ketemu!!! XD

love you fay ❤️

i love you toooㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ why are you all so nice ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ have a great day! jangan lupa makan buah :3 hehe
love you fay

so daisy is the flower of the day <3

apparently yes!! hahah i've been saving a lot of daisy pics these days i like the white ones the most ;___; it's lovely how the white and yellow contrast each other daisies make me happy XD my favourite flower is lily though but i hope you like daisies too X)
Liked by: Leonie naya

fay i love you! please live well and dont get sick!

ah thank youㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠyou too, take care all right? ♡
fay i love you please live well and dont get sick
Liked by: naya

fay ada gak temen tlist kamu yang belum kamu temui irl dan pengen banget ketemuan?

semuanya!!! all of them including my international friends!!! ;_____; mau ketemu semuanyaaaa

your writing is beautiful ♥

you too are beautiful thank you for reading ㅠㅠㅠㅠ i'm sorry i take a long time to write and i haven't done as much tweetfics as i used to these days, things have been rough irl but i'm ok!!! thank you for being a beautiful reader too pls bear with my mistakes and pray that i'll learn more to write better things for you ㅠㅠ

fay kita belom ketemu ya huhuhu tapi mau coba dong thought on milla :3

we haven't talked much but kakak baik bgt!!! ramah trs langsung cepet klik langsung ngobrol gt you're very friendly?? trs mau temenan sama siapa aja let's talk more!! X)

Good morning, sweetheart. The sun shines brightly and today's weather is very nice. I hope you have a great day ahead and keep sharing happiness to everyone. The earth needs more people like you🌞🌺

omg why are you so nice ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ my anons are so nice i'm so blessed ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ thank you!!! you're a good person too, i hope you have a nice life okay ♡
Good morning sweetheart The sun shines brightly and todays weather is very nice
Liked by: naya

how was your day? :)

great!!!!!! ada pensi kmrn and i had a great dayy thank you for asking i hope you have a great day too! X)
how was your day

ka fay bikin cerita di wattpad gt ga?😁😁

enggak :(( only on wordpress TP WORDPRESS NYEBELIN BGT SKRG KALO MAU UPLOAD FOTO HUHU padahal aku kalo nulis biasanya pake ilustrasi foto jd kalo update tenfeetdrowning terhambat pls blame wordpress ㅠㅠ

fay, is there any specific reason why you call taeyeon with mbak?

i see her as an older sister!! wkwk beneran aku liat dia kayak kakakkuu trs i'm the oldest child of both families tp aku manggil anak2 pakde bude ku yang lebih tua dari aku pake mas mbak, jadi aku kebawa manggil taeyeon sama hanbin mbak sama mas juga WKWK

fay, kalo aku pada akhirnya benci ma mino, salahmu....... itu semua salahmu;;;;;;;;_;;;;; /masih baper ff/

EH JANGAN SUMPAH JGN BENCI SM OPPA UNNI YANG DIJADIIN TOKOH JAHAT OK everything is fictional bencinya sama aku aja <333

enak kali ya jadi lu kak. ga pengenan. jadi bisa hemat 😂

Wkwkw ditahan aja!! tanya diri sendiri aja "kalo abis beli ini, terus apa? mau dipake buat apa? 5 tahun lagi will i still want this? kalo gak beli ini uangnya bisa dipake apa? ini satu merch 200.000, 200.000 bisa dipake ongkos 20 hari"
kalo masih pake uang ortu dipikir ulang aja berkali2 bener2 butuh gak, tega gak mintanya, udah bisa kasih apa ke ortu
semangatt X)

pernah pengen nonton konser gitu ga?

Nggak soalnya aku gasuka nonton konser... pernah sekali avril lavigne sama ayah waktu smp soalnya penasaran aja nonton konser kayak apa sih and yeah it was cool but it didn't make me want to go again. kayak nonton mv tapi live action aja wkwk and kpop concerts are generally a lot more crowded sama riuh daripada konser2 artis kayak avril gitu. and i don't want to use my parents' money more than i have to

lah kalo beli stuff nya gimana kak? kan hampir semua lu suka--

beli yang yakin pasti dipake atau yang emang pengen hahah aku gapernah beli stuffs apalagi sampe ngejar gitu sih terakhir album bigbang. belom punya uang sendiri, masih pake uang ortu, malu kalo minta lebih dari ongkos mingguan


i don't associate myself with any fandom wkwk i don't know if that's multifandom or fandomless but yeah wkwk aku suka banyak banget grup gaada yang aku sampe gasuka

yodah sebutin fandom lu apa aja--"

gaada serius wkwk gapunya fandom, aku suka ya aku spazz kalo lagi gak pengen ya enggak

i remember asking u about how to write (the one who asked u about tips, with loads of drafts) hehehehe now im doing your tips and i write tweetfics ;____; and your tips are really helpful.... thank you :'''

omg im really happy!!!!! <33 come talk to me on twitter i'd love to read your tweetfics! have fun writingg, i hope i'll be able to buy your book someday! ♡ X)
i remember asking u about how to write the one who asked u about tips with loads

fay gantian HEHE bagaimanakah kesan pesan nya bertemu aku pertama kali

prmth’s Profile Photoparamitha.
KAKAK GEMS BGT SANGAT RAMAH trs aku bingung kan standnya rame bgt siapa yang harus kusapa,,,,, aND THEN i saw you trs aku manggil deh wkwk and you were so nice ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ so welcomingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ and you were sweet to everyone it was nice meeting you let's meet again kapok ga ketemu fay wkwk :")
Liked by: paramitha.


Language: English