

Ask @nunggudebut

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kak fay!! have you ever answered about your opinion on lolita? i know it's one of your fav books and i want to know what you actually think about it??

HAI i really like this question!!!! but i think i'll be starting a new askfm account for literature and my other interests so this one might be closed down in a while :(( i'll let you know when i have a new askfm account!! ♡♡♡
HI YES i have a new askfm account here it is yay @tenfeetdrowning

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btw fay, mas dean deactive ig ya :((

hah seriusan dia sempet deact wow mas in kamu angot2an juga ya kayak aq mungkin kita akan cocok

knapa waktu blackpink debut konsepnya mirip 2ne1 banyak yg salty, padahal girlgrup lain konsepnya mirip2 kyeowo2 konsep gitu ga ada yg protes :((?

Kamu....yakin....gaada yang protes............. coba main2 to the many sides of twitter deh wkwkwk
(Also the fact that they're in the same agency and the fact that 2ne1 had just gone through a very significant turn of events contribute to the situation)
Liked by: gt

Hai faaaaayyyyy senang kamu balik ke askfm huhuhu. Fay udah tau ngga mb lamuqe punya kucing dinamain syusyu plis dia sesuka itu sama suga (gak) hUHUHUHU

IYAA WKWK emg kucingnya namanya susu trs pemales bgt gendut lucu KAYAK SIAPA IYA KAYAK AGUS gue tuh jago banget baperin diri sendiri sekian
Liked by: gt

fay aku juga suka ngeship idol yg bahkan belum pernah ketemu hahah kayak seneng aja padahal ada interaksi aja kagak. btw aku ngeship hanbin baek yerin hahahah

YA KAN!!! LUCU AJA GT the possibility is so menggemaskan wkwk
WOW HANBIN YERIN MY OPPA MY UNNIE let me know if you write/make sth about them, i would love to see it!! :D

hai fay! maaf ya sok kenal soalnya biasanya cuman baca bacain askfm kamu. aku seneng askfm kamu balik fay eheh. btw aku kemaren liat kamu di fib pas briefing abis kamaba :---)

reandini’s Profile Photolita
HAIII WKWK GPP santai aja!!! Ih kamu anak fib juga?? Jurusan apaaa hehe ayo main!! :D

katanya mau reanswer ask yg ttg blackpink debut fay. ku menunggu nih :D

Aku jawabnya di sini aja yaaa
YA JD HI AKU AKHIRNYA NTN AKU PGN NANGIS SIH akhirnya setelah 4 taun trs mana debutnya pas aku udah mayan gasuka kpop lagi what a way to say goodbye thanks girls ;________; /♡♡♡
• whistle bagus bgt Bagus Bgt BAGUS BGT pusing emg sebagus itu pls
• tp boombayah agak hah bgt vibes2 lagunya sangat 2ne1 kayak... Kl 2ne1 debut taun 2016 lagunya kayaknya bakal kayak gini gt
• trs kayak lagunya ganggu kurang catchy gt
• jennie kim might as well change her name into jennie queen
• pls promote whistle plsplspls
• tp gw (unexpectedly) suka bgt membernya end up jd 4 aja soalnya chemistrynya jd bagus bgt trs tidak ada war 'kenapa-bias-gw-partnya-dikit' sesuatu yang sudah kulalui bertahun2 ngestan grup bermember 5 ke atas
• cakep2 bgt bujug pusing lisa's new hair is ugh yas my exotic queen trs warna2nya bagus bgt
• the rosie-jisoo duo and jennie-lisa duo is sOOOOOO GOOOOD i really like the balance
intinya gw terharu aja sih gila ternyata ini sungguh terjadi???? Do well my girls ♡♡♡♡ maafkan aq yang sudah tidak bisa seapdet dulu SERING2 MUNCUL DI VARIETY SHOW PLIS KALO GAK MUNCUL DO VARSHOW AKU SUKA LUPA
(((Trs KALIAN KETEMU SNSD DONG HUHU biar aku hancur lebur)))
ya gt sih kayaknya im still anticipating the other 6 mvs!! walaupun as always baru bisa percaya kita bang kalo mv udah keluar @.ygent_official
salam jargon 4 taun lalu #PINKISNOTPINK #PINKISPUNK
dan bonus the part di mana aku ingin meluncur straight outta depok dua to kali ciliwung

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katanya mau reanswer ask yg ttg blackpink debut fay ku menunggu nih D

GAK KAYA 2NE1 kok apaan sih beda bgt dari genrenya aja udah beda sedih deh

Tp...boombayah....emg...kayak 2ne1.... wkwkwk im sorry but our ears are bound to have different impressions to different sounds, i'm okay if you dont think they sound like 2ne1 anyway? The statement was not meant to be forceful! :D

fay kamu kecewa ya sama BP? karena aku liat semakin deket BP debut kamu makin tidak terlihat senang. bahkan sekarang BP debut pun kamu biasa aja. padahal biasanya liat foto fantaken ngeblur aja heboh bgt???

krn aku kayak.... udah mulai biasa aja bgt sama kpop gitu wkwk :' aku lg sibuk bgt sama phasenya udah mau abis sih kayaknya
i still really like them as a person though because they will always hold a special sentimental place
tp iya aku udah kayak ga really excited soal kpop lagiii hehe it has been a long time since i last answered a kpop-related question trs paling cuma ngobrol2 santai sama temen-temenku but i dont really keep up with kpop anymoree
have a great day!! ♡

Fay!!! Hello! Maaf kalo sok kenal haha aku suka anon kadang :v Aku baru buka askfm lagi setelah sekian lama eh akhirnya kamu balik lagi aku senanggg. Sebelumnya aku nyari kok kamu gaada di following-ku hehe.

dhifachoi’s Profile Photodhifa
hai!! It's ok hahah aku emang suka deact it's ok!! and aw im touched that someone is happy to see me :'
Liked by: dhifa

Uuuw yeay let's do makeuppp btw da real ospek thingy hasn't even started yet but i'm sick already lol

annisakw’s Profile Photoannisa k. w.
ugh tell me about it i really thought i'd die sometimes SYAFAKILLAH CHAI LETS HANG ON LETS NOT DIE just stay at my place if you're kemaleman
Liked by: annisa k. w.

which one is your favorite out of all padus songs

annisakw’s Profile Photoannisa k. w.
uniVEEEEEERsitas indooooneesiaa UUUuuUuuUUUuniversitas kaamiiiiii i secretly hoped you were the one that got dragged up front to sing
Liked by: Nisa annisa k. w.

WHAT you dandan before belajar YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT YET YOU TELL THE FREAKIN WHOLE WORLD OF ASKFM can i have your allowance to laugh so ever loudly plsplspls WKWKWKWKWKWKW SORRY

annisakw’s Profile Photoannisa k. w.
U NEVER ASKED of course youre allowed to laugh come sleep over at my place with sasha i'll do ur makeup
Liked by: annisa k. w.

hello fay! so glad to know that you're back <3 pengen tanya nih, fay tau nggak website / akun instagram untuk bisa jual postcard bikinan sendiri gitu? thanks beforee xx. p.s. I miss fayjoon :(

hai!!! :D
Hmm jadi kamu mau jual atau mau beli? Kalo jual kayaknya bisa bikin acc sendiri atau di tokopedia/bukalapak/shopping sites lain atau etsy!! Etsy if you want worldwide shipping etsy is good
Kalo kamu mau beli hmm aku belum nemu banyak yg jual postcard buatan sendiri, paling mungkin basicunnie punya kak disi? Aku mau bikin watercolour stationery + postcards juga HAHAH tp skrg lagi sibuk ospek jd blm selesai2 :((( ayo mungkin teman2 ada yang tau mari dibantu anonnya
p.s i do too! Wkwk
Liked by: Pip

@.masakindomie itu selebtweet kak, dia kuliah di arsitektur NUS

Ohh gituu aku buka twitter 38363837 tahun sekali :" WOW NUS satu negara dengan NTU my hopes and dreams
Liked by: Irine Claudia

fay, kamu kok bisa ngerjain tugas di perpus ui ?

Bisa kokk walaupun bukan mahasiswa/i ui!! Tapi bayar 5k apa 10k gitu trs di lantai 2 ada tempat belajar super pewe yang pas depan ruang bukunya jd deket kalo mau liat2 referensi
((Skrg aku masuknya udah tinggal pake ktm jadi gak bayar lagi trs aku gatau skrg bayarnya berapa ;____; Tp gak mahal kok trs kamu nanti dikasih stiker penanda tamu gituu))

tips belajar dong kak fay. kayak misal cara belajar versi kamu gimana

Hai!! :D
Hmm apa ya semua orang cara belajarnya beda2 sih jadi kayaknya tergantung kamu? kalo aku tipe yang super bosenan jadi belajarnya harus pindah-pindah, bukunya gak bisa satu harus dari macem-macem buku, kadang belajar lewat nonton sama baca buku selain buku pelajaran juga
Waktu sma aku sering ngerjain tugas/belajar di perpus sekolah, di perpus ui, bimbel, sambil beli kopi, rumah nenek, pindah2 pokoknya biar ga suntuk
TRS WAKTU KECIL AKU BACA BUKU2 PELAJARAN YANG DIKOMIKIN ITU LOH yang suka di gramed plis itu efektif dan nempel banget aku nyaris gapernah buka buku dari sekolah pas SD
Kadang sambil makan
Kadang nonton video2 edukasi gt di youtube atau baca buku yang berkaitan (waktu kelas 11 belajar french revolution trs aku baca the tale of two citiesnya charles dickens)
bahkan kadang2 kalo mau belajar aku...dandan dulu.... HAHAHAHAH soalnya aku kl dandan full di rumah trs aku kalo belajar harus lagi senang dan kalo aku dandan aku... senang... jadi belajarnya lebih gampang... KAYAK MINKY MOMO
OH sama aku gasuka banget masuk kelas gatau apa2 jd sebelum masuk kelas aku harus udah baca materinya apa soalnya gaenak kalo masuk bener2 gatau apa-apa...
Ya gt kayaknya wkwkwkwkw emang aneh2 kamu coba2 aja macem2 cara belajar mungkin ada yang cocok buat kamu hehe semangat ya!!! ♡♡♡

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fay, kamu suka ngingetin temen yang suka nyontek gitu ga ? soalnya kadang ada temen yg diingetin malah kitanya yg jadi dibenci :((

Iyaa wkwk sampe bikin mereka kesel malah soalnya pasti aku ngomong gitu terus
Tapi kalo di sekolah sih nggak terlalu butuh ngingetin soalnya alhamdulillah budaya gak nyontek di sekolahku kenceng, curang tuh bener2 frowned upon di sekolahku, apalagi kalo ada yang pake kj itu udah ga ditolerir
Tp kalo sama temen2ku yang lain iya aku cerewet banget soal curang dan ga cuma soal itu, aku ke semua temenku cerewet soal hal2 lain kayak ngikutin jadwal, solat, etc jadi ya pasti ada yang kesel wkwkw
But i hate people's actions/characeristics, not the people themselves--jd aku cerewet soal hal2 kayak gitu tapi kalo ketemu mereka pasti "HAIII :D" gt and talk to them and still befriend them gmn ya i want them to know through my actions that i strongly dislike and disapprove their certain actions/characteristics but i like THEM, theyre my friends and i criticize them bukan untuk menjatuhkan tapi karena mereka temenku and i want them to change for the better
I think that's pretty important? Tegur dengan cara yang baik dan kalo udah berkali2 tegur yang keras, but be nice to them outside the things that you disapprove. Having a good relationship with everyone is important but it does NOT mean that you have to be permissive about everything that they do--you have to speak up sometimes.
There will always be people that secretly or openly dislike you. Be nice to them. You're not losing anything. Remind them properly when they need to be reminded but other than that just be nice.
Theres an anecdote--Yoongi was in the student council when he was in school. In an interview he told the host that he scolded his friends a lot for not wearing the uniform properly or breaking the rules, and the interviewer asked "wasnt it hard would they not get mad and dislike you" and yoongi said "I always took the time to remember celebrations and birthdays, i made sure i was nice to them and gave them gifts sometimes." That's a good way to maintain a relationship with people, if you ask me.

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Liked by: chill kay fafa putri gt

kak mungkin question ku tenggelam bersama questions yg lainnya. tapi aku mau bilang kalo aku masuk english club dan public speaking department karena terinspirasi kakak. and so far aku enjoyyyyy bgt!!! thanks kak^^

HAIII YES I SAW YOUR QUESTION TP TENGGELAM ;_______; im so sorry how is it so far is it going well do u have problems with your assignments
HAHAH im not that much of an inspirator but im glad i could be of use to you!! Pls have a fun and learn a lot!! ♡♡♡♡

kadang heran juga ya nemnya anak jogja tinggi2, padahal jogja itu daerah yg tingkat kejujurannya paling tinggi se indonesia waktu UN

Lah bukan heran harusnya malah jadi contoh. Berarti anak jogja mau belajar dan punya harga diri.
gue paling sebel tbh kalo ada yang bilang "kalo gapake contekan gimana nilainya bisa tinggi" ya belajar. Nilai bagus dan gak nyontek are not two mutually exclusive things, who even came up with that idea?
I'm sorry if i'm being harsh tapi gue sangat nggak suka sama orang curang atau nggak punya integritas and i never will understand pikiran orang yang sampe kepikiran buat pake kunci jawaban waktu ujian. Dan gue gak bisa toleransi kecurangan dalam hal apapun. A lot of people had told me before UN "yaudah sih kj biasa kali" "kalo gapake kj gimana mau dapet nilai bagus" and mocked me for being so strict about cheating, but in the end i got through UN and in my city no one in my major got a higher score than me.
Dapet nilai bagus dengan cara belajar dan gak nyontek itu mungkin. The fact that banyak orang yang mikir gak mungkin honestly makes me sad and shows just how dysfunctional their way of thinking is.
Dan ini bukan cuma "ah lo kan pinter". Nggak. Gue pernah 8 jam di bimbel. Gue pernah belajar akuntansi jam 2 pagi sambil nangis-nangis. Gue pernah istirahat tetep di perpustakaan ngerjain soal sama baca2 buku selain buku pelajaran yang dikasih sekolah. Dan gue sangat sangat sangat benci kalo ada yang bilang "lo bisa dapet nilai bagus tanpa curang soalnya lo emang dari sananya pinter".
Belajar yang jujur kalo mau nilai bagus, gak ada cara lain.

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thoughts on this link dong http://padzandfriends.tumblr.com/post/124826799336/a-cliffhanger-known-as-ppdb

Thoughts apa ya sebenarnya aku juga tidak punya thoughts waktu buka linknya jadi aku tidak tahu harus merespon apa... Mungkin kamu punya certain kind of 'thoughts' in mind maybe you can ask me
Sebenernya aku juga bukan orang jogja jadi aku tidak mengerti kalo ada inside jokes atau nicknames for certain schools but what i do know is sekolah2 di jogja emang standarnya tinggi terutama sekolah2 top tiernya i think it's already a widely known fact? Anak temen ayahku sampe bela2in ngekos di jogja buat sekolah di sma 1 (atau 3 ya lupa) jogja
Tp emang standar passing grade tiap taun makin naik in general soalnya passing grade smaku juga jadi lebih tinggi kalo dibandingin jaman aku hamdallah berarti kalian pinter2 semoga dibarengin jujurnya juga ya ♡♡♡
Thoughts apa lagi dong kayaknya itu aja .__.

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Liked by: mochi

fay syg bgt kamu gajadi ikut nsdc di lombok :(? padahal askfm @.HaikalMHS kls 12 jg tetep ikut trus timnya juara 1 nasional sampe dia maju ke sg. tpi tetep dapet undangan kok. semoga kamu di UI masih tetep debate ya fay, you have potential. ada rencana ikut debate lagi kan?

Hai!!! :D
I actually have other reasons aside from aku udah kelas 12 hehe so really i don't regret it! :D
Also i'm very sorry but i really don't think i'll be going back into debating, it's no longer appealing to me. I got into debating because there were things that i wanted to learn, and i just happened to be good enough to achieve a few things and earn money from them--but even in high school it didn't have the kind of environment that i was looking for. I doubt that varsity debating would have that and i'd rather use my debating potential for other things that require argumentative skills while maintaining the environment that i want and need. :3
Have a really great day! :D
Liked by: annisa k. w.

Favorite 5 people on ASKfm ?

my ultimate ultimate #AskfmMutu #AskfmManfaat
(Krn aku tidak kenal secara pribadi orang2nya jd aku tidak berani tag...)
((But i like them a lot i still scroll through them even when i'm inactive))
• @.Jagoan2 : the best, honestly--packed with facts, delievered in a calm and level-headed manner, a must visit
• @.SiKarimi : the same amount of level-headedness, philosophical, blunt and no-nonsense, his dry sense of humour is a nice touch
• @.gitasavitridevi : the real unnie tbh resilient through and through, clever and she has real class
• @.nionaalfaen : answers the challenging questions, philosophical, is also blunt and no-nonsense
• denis @steammedbuns and ivana @ivannuneo of course i never go through an online session without scrolling past them wkwk

Iyaaa faay, besok abis obm masih pada ke perpusat!! CARI AJA GUA DI POJOKAN KANTIN ENTAR JUGA NEMU

ikazulichy’s Profile Photoz u l a i k a
W jadi penunggu perpusat nih mangkal dari jam 2 wkwk okee nanti ketemuan yaa :D

kak fay panutan q, aku boleh minta tips-tips belajar bahasa baru? ((di sekolahku ada lintas minat b.perancis)) terimakasih!!

hng bahasa baru ya apa ya SEBENARNYA AKU BUKAN ORANG YANG TEPAT UNTUK BERTANYA TEMAN TEMAN i'm a bilingual not a polyglot....
mungkin tipsku cuma jangan cepat menyerah sama sering dipake.... trs oh iya!! kalo belajar bahasa baru kamu harus lupain semua kaidah kebahasaan bahasa lain yang pernah kamu pelajarin selama belajar biar gampang masuknyaa
aku jg masih belajar huhu ayo sama2 semangatt!!! :D

kak fay waktu di sma lebih aktif di organisasi atau fokus buat masuk ptn/ngejar nilai? aku bingung, mau ikut organisasi tapi takut nilai ngga kekejar:(((

Hai!! :D
Aku fokus ngejar nilaii hehe soalnya tujuanku emang lanjut kuliah
Aku ikut english club sama japan club, english club motivasinya juga buat ngeboost nilai di sekolah sama nambah2in sertifikat/uang, kalo japan club buat main sih wkwk japan club tuh biar aku ada fun-nya di sekolah
Sebenernya balik lagi kamu ke tipe orang yang kayak gimanaa--in my case i happen to be the type that can't do 'just ok'. i need to do well and i get frustrated when i feel that im not doing my best atau aku sebenernya bisa lebih baik lagi daripada ini so i do pressure myself a lot for new knowledge and better grades
It paid off in the end, it paid off really well.
Kalo aku boleh kasih saran sih kalo mau ikut organisasi gt2 pas kuliah aja soalnya lebih diliat kalo kamu ngelamar kerja, tapi kalo kamu emang anaknya organisasi banget ya gpp balik lagi ke keinginan kamu, cuma kamu yang tau kapasitas kamu segimanaa
Daftar organisasinya pelan2 aja wkwk coba 1 dulu di tahun pertama trs kalo ngerasa kuat boleh tambah lagi di kelas 11 :3 semangat yaa semoga lancar semuanya aamiin!!! ♡♡

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Kak Fay waktu SMA ikutan bimbel gak?

ikutt hehe aku ikut nf setaun pas kelas 3 tp aku emang anaknya ga terlalu cocok sama sistem bimbel gt sih... Tp nf emang bagus kok semua kebahas, bahasannya berurutan sama concise trs banyak bgt bahan latihan soal un sama sbm hehe semangat yaa!!! Luv luv semoga lancar many hugs from depok!! ♡♡♡♡

HAAAAI ANAK SASPER AYO KITA BERCHINGU!!! SEMANGAT TUGAS PSAFNYAAA YAAAAKSS!!! kalo nemu cewe culun dekil berkerudung dan kacamata di grup gianyar, itu gue. Heheehehehee

ikazulichy’s Profile Photoz u l a i k a

((ospek fakultas.........)) WKWKWKKW semangat PSA Mabimnya faaay! masuk kelompok apa btw?

Karangasem!!! Wkwk kalo liat ada yang pake jilbab pake kacamata trs tinggi di barisan karangasem just say hi that's me!! :D

halo faaaaaaay. jujur aku mampir ke ask box kamu ini karena nama kamu fay😹 soalnya aku dipanggilnya juga fay sama temen temen di wattpad😹 salam kenal yaa🌞

faaya_’s Profile PhotoFadia Aqilla
HAHAHAH HAIIIII!!! Salam kenal jugaa :3

fayyy aku lagi ngidam ke gramed bgt nih gatau tbtb pengen bgt beli buku😂 kira kira km ada recomend novel atau literature atau pokok nya buku yg bagus gt?

The Little Prince has been reprinted!! Trs aku mau beli A Song of Ice and Fire tAPI NABUNG DULU ;____;
Hmm apa lagi ya beli aja hujan bulan junii itu baguss trs puisi aan mansyur yang buat film aadc
Sama kemarin aku liat the tale of two cities diterjemahin lagi ke bahasa indonesia pls read it it's a great book!!! Bahasa inggrisnya juga boleh kalo mau pls read it it's a beautiful book it makes you study and entertains you at the same time
Kayaknya itu sih pls have a great day and have fun hunting for books! :D
Liked by: dilla annisa k. w.

kayak pas ospek ngapain aja, kak?

Ospek kampusnya seru kok!!! Bener2 fun ada simulasi kampus trs kegiatan kampus kayak bersih-bersih kampus trs kuliah umum pokoknya seru bgt bener2 kenal sama temen baru, sama dosen, sama wilayah uinya, sama sistem akademis
Kalo ospek fakultasnya--*sinyal hilang*

dan ternyata dean jadian sama heize hahah ya kita mah apa atuh cuma fans. sebahagianya mas dean aja kalo gue

I LIKE DEAN HEIZE TOO WHATS THE SHIP NAME also yes i stated in the answer below "if they turn out to be not 'real' i'll be okay with it because the whole au was built on solely how i feel about them" and i think i've repeated it a few times in this account
But yes dean heize is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 dean heize is the definition of bonnie clyde bonnie clyde one night who cares who cares

habis nonton video deanhi itu fay, dan menurut gue mereka emang ada sesuatu deh at least temenan deket. soalnya dean ngelike&comment foto hayi yg captionnya "hangout with my bestfriends". trs di radio itu dean ga nyebut "hayi-ssi" tp "hayi chingu" ato "nae dongsaeng hayi".

Wkwkwwk anon it's all right you're free to ship whoever you want omg i only stated that it will be impossible for this to top deanyeon to me, it's ok?? Krn satu dan lain hal aku tidak mungkin baper with this but it's really fine if you like them it's fine wkwk
(Also he calls taeyeon 'noona' instead of 'sunbaenim'/'sshi' and likes her pics back and forth a lot so i figured he's the kind to get close to people easily)
Tp aku kalo ngeship orang memang.... tidak pernah berdasarkan realita wkwk if i think they match well i'll ship them and if they turn out to be not 'real' i'll be okay with it because the whole au was built on solely how i feel about them regardless of whether people think they match and what their actual relationship is wkwkw
(And therr are a few that i cant seem to have the feel for karena satu dan lain hal)
Jadi ya tenang saja anon you're entitled to your opinion and you're free to ship whoever you want and have a great day! :D

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kak fay aku pgn mulai ngelukis2 gambar gitu nih liburan. art supplies punya kakak apa aja?

-cat air koi, giotto, titi, lefranc&bourgeois, reeves
-cat akrilik phoenix
-kertas watercolour reeves
-kertas sketch biasa beli 9k sama 12k di toko deket pasar depok jaya
-kanvas lupa mereknya apa
-colour pastels reeves tapi dipakenya buat hair chalk....
-spidol snowman
-kuas apa aja, yg gede bgt 1, yg sedang ada beberapa, yg kecil sekitar 3
-palet cat minyak
-cat minyak phoenix
-linseed oil lefranc&bourgeois
itu aja sih... sebenernya art supplies tuh cocok2an tergantung gaya kamu kayak gmn dan cocoknya sama yang manaaa hehe semangat!!! Let me see if you'd like! :3
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Ka Fayi terimakasih banyak info SNMPTN nyaaaa! ih aku jadi semakin semangat untuk berusahaa. terimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari motivator akuuu! Selamat malam, aku sayang ka Fayii



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