

Ask @nunggudebut

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hai fay omg kyknya kita udah lama ga ngobrol2 huhu tp boleh ga 'Dear Acha....' hihihiw luv tq ∩__∩

kokohtaoris’s Profile Photomom
dear kak acha <3
HI HI a lot of things have happened but you'll always be one of my friends and sisters. i need you to know that i'll never speak and think ill of you to other people and that if anything is wrong you can always talk to me and tell me what it is so it can be fixed, it's far better than keeping it, right? we debaters were trained for it anw XD
i'm looking forward to meeting you and the others! X) good luck with your new job (and the puppies at your workplace) too!
let's stay friends <3
Liked by: mom

fay boleh follback aku gak di twitter? hehe

Um.. I really would prefer us talking first on Twitter or ask.fm? Kayak aku lebih suka follback orang yang aku emang tau dia sama aku bisa ngobrol akrab/aku udah tau dia gimana2nya, cara ngomongnya, interestnya apa. Kalo tiba2 dateng terus minta follback bukannya aku ga mau but I really don't want to end up muting you or sth or you muting me
Trs biasanya kalo aku dapet request follback biasanya aku search dulu "(uname) taeyeon" "(uname) snsd" "(uname) soshi" HAHA cause she gets the most hate and I don't need that kind of negativity on my timeline.
Have a nice day and let's talk first! :)

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fayyy aku juga mau dong dear atuy ehehe

ratuazijah’s Profile Photoatuy
dear kak atuy <3
kak atuy gemes banget kek super cute auranya kayak maknae2 girlgroup (((padahal aku lebih muda))) ((((ya))) trs kalo lagi baperin daewon kayak lagi baperin kecengan beneran WKWK
dear kak atuy good luck in everything!!! bismillah semoga semuanya dilancarkan dimudahkan aamiin
trs juga semangat ngecat kamarnya!!! wkwk semoga hasilnya bagus siapa tau mas daewon tbtb muncul mau bantuin
sama have fun di konser sheila on 7 nya HEHE take care hati hatiii kak dewi jugaa
let's stay friends and have a nice dayy! X)
Liked by: atuy

please convo with namjun (seems I'm addicted to it!) pretty pleaaaaseeee

aku lagi makan es krim depan sekolah dari sini aja ya
lagi berantem udah ga kontakan seminggu
taeyeon: "dek namjun nyariin kamu"
fay: "gausah diladenin mbak"
"kasian sampe ke rumah"
"hah mbak ga ngasih tau aku di sini kan"
"nggak...dia nelpon kamu ngga"
"nggak. udah biarin aja aku males"
taeyeonnya bingung jg kan mau diapain lg yaudah
"yaudah... pulang jam berapa?"
"ga tau kayaknya sore nanti aku kabarin mbak sama mas deh"
trs yaudah kan lanjut makan es krim sambil baca
"max havelaar tuh gaboleh dibaca sendirian"
"nanti jadi setuju sama droogstoppel terus ga suka sastra lagi loh"
nengok ke belakang namjunnya udah di belakang nyender ke tembok
"dikasih tau mbak ya"
"trus tau dari mana ada di sini"
"emangnya kamu kalo mau sendirian tuh ke mana lagi"
trs narik bangku duduk di seberang
namjun: "sini, udah sampe bagian mana?"
baikannya kek gitu payah emang
((droogstoppel nama tokoh di bukunya trs dia gasuka banget sama penulis))

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please convo with namjun seems Im addicted to it pretty pleaaaaseeee

kak, kalo jalan sama junmyeon biasanya minta dibeliin apa? dia pake black cardnya yg unlimited itu ga ya mihihi

dia tuh tipe yang gak minta tapi tiba2 dibeliin gitu jadi aku suka ga enak (((kenal))) jadi ya terserah dia sih

may i ask you guys what is your purpose to make this ask.fm account?

rachmahpm’s Profile Photoℜachmah
because my mind likes to ramble and sometimes i need more than 140 characters to communicate with people wkwkwk plus it's really interesting to see what people want to ask you if they know that you're capable of giving longer answers and they're given the option of anonymity
and idk in askfm you just sort of know people better i guess? you learn how people want to sound to themselves and you learn how certain people treat anonymous subjects--some people answer anons rudely, some become rude anons.
idk it's just very interesting this is like a small place for psychological and personality observation wkwk
Liked by: ℜachmah

Makasih Kak Fay infonya btw memang bisa milih lebih dari satu eskul di SMANSA?

bisa kokk ekskul aku 3 ((tp pramukanya nonaktif sih)) malah kakak kelasku rekor ekskul 9 aktif semua mana nilainya bagus2 gatau gw jg gapaham knp bisa gitu
eumm normalnya sih anak2 ekskulnya 1-3 terserah kamu kok gpp sesuai kapasitas kamu aja jangan sampe keteteran sekolahnya ekskul cuma tambahan
kalo mau nyoba ekskul yg macem2 gt pas kelas 10 aja gpp pas kelas 11 ekskulnya dikurangin deh mana yang mau difokusin ((aku sih gt)) tp jangan sampe gaikut ekskul apalagi kalo pas kelas 10 you'll miss a lot of fun
semangatt! ♡♡♡
Liked by: naya

Hai kak Fay! kalo boleh tau, di smansa ada eskul apa aja ya? terimakasih :)

1. mpk/osis (suka disingkat mpos): ya biasa sih osis biasa yg ngurusin event2 gitu ketua osisnya temen sekelasku btw
2. english club: ((lah)) ((ekskul sendiri)) ((modus bgt)) kalo ec ada jurusannya gt kamu mau fokus di speech debate newscast storytelling dll tp boleh nyoba yang lain juga sih btw coach debatenya ternyata temennya kakak tlistku dunia memang sempit.
3. student club: kayak klub persiapan osn gitu kalo ngincer osn masuknya sini tp kalo mau osn debat (NSDC) masuknya ec. Ketuanya temen sekelasku terus dia nyebarin virus film thailand di kelas
4. nihongo no benkyou kai: ekskul gw jg trs ini klub pecinta budaya jepang gt sama belajar bahasa jepang + klub yg paling banyak jalan2nya + grup whatsappnya paling spam
5. focus: klub fotografi gt kakak2 hits yang bawa2 kamera trs jaket ekskulnya keren
6. cirrus: klub mading sama jurnalistik sama audiovideo gt pinter2 bgt ngeditnya pusing
7. rohis: rohani islam, ngurusin event2 ramadhan dll sama mentoring jg
8. rohkris: rohani kristen, ngurusin event2 natal dll sama persekutuan jumat
9. kpp: kelompok pelajar perpustakaan ini biasanya suka nongkrong di perpus trs suka hunting buku
10. tl: teater langit, ketuanya jg sekelas trs suka pergi nonton teater kemana2 gt seru parah
11. paskib: paskibra biasa yg tugas upacara kalo hari2 penting dll
12. voc: bukan kongsi dagang belanda jaman kolonial ini vivace overtura chorale ekskul padus
13. sm: bukan agency artis koriya ini satu musikku ekskul musik trs suka bikin konser kecil2an kalo sabtu di sekolah semua boleh dateng
14. robotik: ya robotik... biasanya anggotanya suka jadi seksi IT kelas ditanyain cara benerin leptop segala macem
15. pmr: pmr biasa trs ngawas kl upacara
16. kkr: kader kesehatan remaja ini ekskul yang megang uks gitu ketuanya sekelas jg sama gw stok obatnya kek apotek
17. taekwondo: ya taekwondo sama aja sih tp keren kok
18. sabac: ekskul basket gt
19. krida kirana: ekskul tari tradisional
20. strada: ekskul saman, ada yg buat cowoknya juga
21. sfc: ekskul futsal
22. bamboos: ekskul angklung gt lucu bgt
23. rampak: ekskul rampak kendang ketuanya jg sekelas gw seru bgt biasanya tampil sama bamboos
24. kopsis: koperasi siswa ini kalo mau nambah uang jajan pokoknya kopsis jual segala rupa anda butuh kopsis jual dari akua sampe jasa ngeprint fotokopi intinya tengs bgt kopsis
25. pramuka: pramuka biasa sih anggotanya seisi sekolah
26. pepala: pelajar pecinta alam mantep bgt jalan mulu kemah naik gunung dll
27. kir: kelompok ilmiah remaja ini jg seru bgt berguna bagi nusa bangsa dan negara soalnya selalu bikin project2 alam gt kayak bersih2 rawa trs daur ulang trs nanem tanaman hidroponik di sekolah
promosi ini tidak berbayar luvluv i hope i helped <3

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Liked by: naya

kak jujur aku bahagia menemukan kakak yang ternyata suka juga sama junmen :,)

KM TAU GA AKU JUGA BAHAGIA KALO KETEMU YANG SUKA JUNMYEON seleraku tidak sendiri tengs bgt luv ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ngobrol aja di twitter gpp kok

mind to share your puberty pict? have a nice day! :)

turns out i don't have that much childhood pictures and this one was taken from my friend's instagram
i'm sorry it took a long time because i had to go everywhere looking for a picture of me when i was younger ((i'm the one holding the blue scarf swag abis ga punya ibuku tuh))
i even took a selca to compare iya mukanya galak tp aslinya engga kok
(((REANSWER SOALNYA TADI FOTONYA KETINGGALAN capek gak jadi temen gw capek kan))))
mind to share your puberty pict have a nice day
Liked by: annisa

Fay, aku kemaren baru mau request FayxJunmyeon ketemu Namjoon pas acara reuni sekolah lho. Eeh malah udah ketemu. Semoga Fay masih utuh ya abis nonton mereka *-----*)99


Fay demi apa harus banget junmyeon??? Iya dia pinter tapi kan kadang dia uh ya allah untung biasku bukan namjun

dia kayaknya saking pinternya kadang2 tingkah lakunya tidak bisa dimengerti umat manusia
gatau ini pdnimnya dapet ide dari mana PDNIM PLS REPENT
suka namjun suka junmyeon separately aja udah capek LAH INI 45 menit dipersatukan bahkan mungkin banyak yang seframe wah alig juga u pdnim

Hahahaha semangat fay! aku juga lagi galau nih mau kuliah apa abisnya aku gak tau passionku dimana HUHU semoga kita dapet yang terbaik ya T.T

HUHU AAMIINNN AAMIIN hope everything works out for you too and have a nice dayy! X)
Hahahaha semangat fay aku juga lagi galau nih mau kuliah apa abisnya aku gak tau
Liked by: uns

fay, namjoon sm jumnyeon bakal ketemu di problematic man kamu apa kabarnya?

mau guling2an aja gw di jalan ganggu lalu lintas
dari semua oppa oppa kipop
dari semua pria cerdas di koriya sana
kenapa sih
harus kim junmyeon
bikin pusing anak sma depok
tp emang junmyeon tuh pinter sih inget ga pas ada fans yang bawa soal mtk ke fansign terus dia kerjain enak bgt prnya dikerjain oppa deuh gw mah apa atuh dikerjain kakak kuliah asli depok
sumpah mute aja gue kalo episodenya udah tayang trs semua screencap keluar sama eng sub keluar gw pasti berisik banget nangis2 di tl minta bantuan psikologis
(((dan gw yakin episode ini eng subnya keluarnya bakal cepet soalnya exo-l kalo ngesub gas pol no rem gigi 5)))
ya pokoknya pdnim pesen saya cuma satu sih itu dua leader boyband jangan dikasih duduk sebelahan sama jangan disuruh akting rebutan cewek
gataudeh gw ini saklarnya mau neken ke mana kalo mereka ketemu

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fay namjoon sm jumnyeon bakal ketemu di problematic man kamu apa kabarnya

Fay mau kuliah dimana nih pengennya?

HITS RIGHT HOME aku pusing bgt
jam galau kuliah Waktu Indonesia Bagian SMA Kelas 2 Semester 2
yang paling deket mungkin UI. jurusannya
i really really
really really really want
sastra prancis atau inggris
tp bener2 lagi masa negosiasi banget buat boleh masuk sastra jadi doain ya non haha.... people around me are really against me studying literature mereka lebih prefer aku ambil ekonomi atau hi atau psikologi etc
aku suka sih suka semua itu tapi ga kayak aku suka sama sastra
jadi ya
doain ya non semoga dikasih keputusan yang terbaik sebelum kelas 12 mulai
Fay mau kuliah dimana nih pengennya
Liked by: uns

aku lagi di starbucks beneran sekarang. FAY KAMU AKU BLOCK KITA GA TEMEN BYE



AAMIIINNN nih bonus oppa nya lagi nungguin kak nesya kok lama ya ga dateng2 katanya
FAY WHY ARE YOU SO SWEET SHAHNABSNSNS tapi ga sweet kalo pengennya bikin aku
Liked by: Meis

Fay walaupun kita belum mengenal terlalu lama bolehkah kuminta dear nesya :"

dear kak nesya ^^
you'rE REALLY CUTE GEMES BGT lucu bgt kalo kakak baper yixing bawaannya pengen baperin kak nesya WKWKWKW se terpesona itu sama yixing apalagi yang kalo lagi oppa bgt atau bad boy bgt
you're really nice to everyone and you talk to everyone ㅠㅠ

So so so sorry but I'm curious Dear Rap Monster, (well, as a rapmon not namjoon)

oh omg you got me there
((it's really amusing the way you refer to namjoon and rap monster as two different people because that's how i see it XDD talk to me anytime anon!))
Rapmon, hi.
So. Dear Rapmon.
(((it's really funny how your name sounds very notorious and I decided to put a 'dear' before it))))
You're doing well! You really are doing well and I'm very happy, and the new sounds that you've been putting out sound very mature. I think you're one step closer to finding 'you', whoever or whatever 'you' is.
Dear Rapmon, please keep protecting the other boys and putting Bangtan as one of your first priorities. And I know that you regretted making Too Much but all I want to say right now is that you really shouldn't think about it too much. Don't put too much stress on yourself. Things will happen the way they will happen and you've done all that you could.
Dear Rapmon, please get along with Namjoon. Be kind, be humble, have principles and don't think about it too much. You've already done so much I really think that you shouldn't worry that much about how people are going to see you. And when you really are sure that you've found 'you', I hope you're happy.
(((i'm sorry if i sound stiff i told namjoon that i suck at writing letters to people that matter right))))
I hope everything will be okay--for you and the boys and namjoon, too.

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Firdul’s Profile Photoppr tgr
dear kak firda ♡
i see you as taeyeon? like almost literally?? i see you as a big sister, you know like the cool big sister who's 4 or 5 years older and is basically the role model to her younger sister in almost everything and that's basically how i see taeyeon too. you're lovely--you don't always tell people that you're fond of them but you have your own way of caring for them and that's very endearing.
and what's very amusing about you is that you can't be characterized into one trait only, you have way too many aspects in your personality and i found myself to be drawn to that kind of people these past years? it's really nice
please write a lot!! and i like it so much when you're showering minseok or mino with love it's heartwarming
let's stay friends X)

fay mau dong dear asha,,

dear kak asha <3
kak asha itu baik bgt kyk you're really really nice and you never harm people
you make people feel so appreciated and that's really nice of you and you're loving--to everyone and to all of your biases they all get love
you're always so nice to me ㅠㅠ thank you ㅠㅠ
thank you for everything and i hope that everything works out for you too <3 semangat kakkk
p.s i ship kak asha x jinyoung now HEHE

kalo suho ngelamar fay kira2 macem apa?

dia tuh
dia kayaknya tipe yang banyak pikiran banyak pertimbangan banget cincinnya udah dikantongin dari 2 bulan lalu tapi dia mikir mulu gue udah mapan belom ya udah bisa bahagiain dia belom ya terus cincinnya sempet ganti beberapa kali takut ceweknya ga suka
terus kalo yang liat cewenya main sama anak kecil atau pake dress nanti stres sendiri anjir mo sampe kapan gw kantongin doang cincinnya
pagi2 diajak jalan kan literally jalan kaki pelan2 ke taman kota kek apa kek
cewenya ((JGN PAKE NAMA GW gw ntar tremor gakuat)):
junmyeon: gatau mau ngomong apa soalnya grogi panik sendiri
cewenya: "kok diem banget?"
"iya hari ini diem banget"
"hah eng-enggak"
"lagi ada masalah...?"
terus cewenya gamau nanya lagi kan takut ganggu jadi yaudah jalan aja
tiba2 cewenya nyadar lah kok gw jalan sendirian terus dia nengok ke belakang junmyeonnya udah berhenti trs ngeliatin dia
"kamu kenapa?"
"do you like me?"
"do you like me?"
"i do"
"do you like me enough to marry me?"
diem syok
"i talked to your parents"
"i talked to your friends too"
"and i know that things won't always be great but i promise you that if anything gets broken i'll try my best to fix it"
"so if i ask you will you marry me--will you say yes?"
brb beli panadol pusing gw

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kalo suho ngelamar fay kira2 macem apa

tp aku suka tulisan2mu :' fay pasti bisa lebih jago lagi! yay ♡♡♡ btw mau juga :p dear canti..

;____; aamiin
HEHE dear kak canti <3
you're funny and really really cute and really friendly and everybody likes you
and you're creative like in everything--you're gentle and you have a soft heart you have a place for everyone
you're generally very cheerful and positive and i hope that you'll stay that way
semangat TA nyaa kaak X) semoga semuanya lancar, kuliah, kerja, nikah, semuanya X)
let's stay friendss <3

aku bayangin si cowok di take care itu si giriboy;;_;; dan.... sejujurnya, w gak suka sama fic yg banyak teksnya (lebih suka dialog) tapi kamu merubah segalanya fay;; btw, kamu (pernah) pengen nulis novel/nerbitin buku sendiri gak sih?

iyaa gapapa wkwk ah i'm glad to hear that XD aku juga sebenernya gitu masalahku itu lebih banyak nulis dialog sama susah di deskripsinya makanya sekarang lagi belajar nulis yg banyakan deskripsi daripada dialog haha doain ya X)
iya.. mau banget tbh haha tp aku harus belajar banyak buat deskripsiin lebih luwes lagi sama konsentrasi lebih lama biar bisa nulis lebih panjang ;__; doain ya

fayyy.. dear

Nurulklnn’s Profile Photouns
dear uun <3
you're realllly sweet and you're very nice you value your friends so much
thank you for always being so cheerful and lovely you always make my day
langgeng2 sama chanyeol
p.s AYO KITA MAIN dateng pensi sekolah gw unn wkwk tanggal 25
Liked by: uns


dear ces/kak vena (((but i prefer ces so much)))
i wish you all the best for your upcoming exam <3333 i hope you'll graduate with good grades and get the university that you want
don't forget to have principles, don't forget what's wrong and what's right
i love you still <3
and thank you for the fay and namjoon fics HAHAH they make my day everytime
Liked by: Ig; thitanialrsty

mau juga fay ㅇㅅㅇ

rachmahpm’s Profile Photoℜachmah
dear kak machang hehe
you're really, really cute you're so full of enthusiasm and you're interested in a lot of things
i'm really happy to have met you and i'm so glad you like ygnewgg too it makes me really happy XD
i'm so glad that i have you and mala and michelle you guys make me feel like i'm not waiting alone for the girls
let's stay friends! X)
Liked by: ℜachmah

Aku jarang main askfm kalo main askfm sukanya stalking askfm kamu karena... Banyak pengetahuan yang ku dapat <3

hah pengetahuan apa kak wkwkwk

kamu nonton unpretty rapstar gak? atau SMTM?

nonton smtm3 sama unpretty rapstar tapi aku attention spannya pendek banget jarang selesai yang nyambung2 gt jadi cuma sampe tengah2

Hi, it's me. Masih inget gak tlist pertama kalian dan bisa akrab sampe sekarang itu gimana ceritanya? Thanks and have a nice week!<3

ICHA @btsobba PARAH BGT GW SM ICHA TUH?? KEK??? yang pertama bgt kan? bgt bgt? dari jaman tl gue masi sepi bgt bgt bgt bgt bgt trs jam 2 pagi ketawa2 ngakak ngetawain oppa sumpah masa2 indah (((Skrg jg masih indah sih))) parah cha u da real mvp ily ♡♡♡

bentar kak itu tampaknya kakak sedang lelah coba dibaca dear aurelnya wkwkwk btw thank you so muchh<33


Dear aurel? And btw I just know that I am the one that made you watched bangtan a lot.

bellaurellian’s Profile Photoaurel
dear aurel XD
it's been a long time since we first met and i'm really grateful ㅠㅠ you're funny and cute and you accept me the way i am. you laugh with me and go through everything with me you always remind me to not drink coffee so much and not stay up too late thank you very much ㅠㅠ
you're a great solace and i'm really happy that we're comfortable with each other to dear aurel XD
it's been a long time since we first met and i'm really grateful ㅠㅠ you're funny and cute and you accept me the way i am. you laugh with me and go through everything with me you always remind me to not drink coffee so much and not stay up too late thank you very much ㅠㅠ
you're a great solace and i'm really happy that we're comfortable with each other to the extent of actually talking and advising each other about things outside kpop
we're both really different but we get along and i'm (again) really thankful for thatㅠㅠ
don't tire yourself so much, i hope everything goes well for you too, and i know that we're so far away from each other but you're a really good friend to me. thank you for introducing me to bangtan and lowkey turning namjoon into my bias HAHAH take care <3 the extent of actually talking and advising each other about things outside kpop
we're both really different but we get along and i'm (again) really thankful for thatㅠㅠ
don't tire yourself so much, i hope everything goes well for you too, and i know that we're so far away from each other but you're a really good friend to me. thank you for introducing me to bangtan and lowkey turning namjoon into my bias HAHAH take care <3

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Liked by: aurel

Dear orang orang yang suka hobby nge-judge.........

You all have a point and i appreciate you very much, but let's learn how to express opinions and constructive criticism together! have a nice dayy ^^

Dear Nik,

dear kak nik,

we've only known each other for a short while but you're very nice and friendly and you have a way of making people comfortable around you. like every kind of people and it's amazing
dear kak nik, please don't let the hate get to you and its always soothing to see you being so level-headed when it comes to the amount of hate you get
i hope everything works out for you too and i hope whatever kind of support and love that you need, you'll receive it--if you ever need me you know where to find me X)
you're studying a very virtuous major and i hope people will always help you just like you always help them and thank you for being so positive you keep me positive too

fay gantian HEHE dear,

prmth’s Profile Photoparamitha.
dear kak mitha
you have a very broad range of interest and it always amazes me, i really enjoy talking to you too and you're really friendly everyone likes talking to you
and you have a very good and rational approach regarding your affection to 'oppa' it's really nice to see
we think alike too sometimes even though you enjoy skinship and i don't XD
you're also always very helpful and when you offered to transfer my junmyeon ficlet to chirpstory i was really touched thank you very much
i really want you to stop putting yourself down and i really want to see you be happy i hope everything works out in your life and let's continue having a positive outlook in life
Liked by: paramitha.


dear noni <3
you're like a younger sister to me and it's honestly a great comfort because my sister is only home like 3 times in a year and you act just like her (and you're around her age, too)
you're about to face UN and graduate and get into high school and all and i know you can do it i don't worry about your capabilities and neither should you
i'm just two years older and i know it's not much but i really want you to be careful and have principles and everything, differ what's right and wrong, what's important and what isn't
i love you so and i really want to see you excel in everything--and i know he sucks and it's complicated and i can't promise that it's going to be less complicated but it's not going to hurt just as much
i really hope that we could see each other someday in person and talk because it's honestly fun to talk to you and you understand most of the things i don't usually talk about online and i really appreciate that
and p.s i'm still going to ship you with jongdae there's no stopping me

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hai fayyyy aku baru baca take care of you-nya kamu terus aku langsung inget ada fanfic joonmyeon di AFF yang ceritanya OC ceweknya prostitute gitu kamu mau baca nggak? hhehehe

calistahs’s Profile Photocalista
MAUU HUHU tp gaada smut nya kan?

kalo anak redvel, selain yerixkuki, kamu pairing siapa lagi?

YA ALLAH BANYAK BGT btw rv itu salah satu yang gampang banget buat ditulis atau diedit sama kek winner exo jadi aku banyak bgt pairingin mereka
ini crackship semua trs aku senengnya crackship ngebash aku boleh jha tp jangan ngebash oppa unninya mereka ga salah apa2 ok
SURENE YA SURENE SUHO IRENE gw ikhlas ridho dunia akherat bolak-balik kalo surene nikah gw rela jadi kotak amplopnya
Seulgi x seunghoon soalnya mirip bgt perhatiin deh kl gak jodoh sodara sih
Wendy x jimin soalnya gemes
Joy x kuki jd kuki dulu naksir kak joy yang kakak kelas anak cheers cakep bgt kuki ikut basket cuma demi liatin kak joy doang tp apa daya kak joy udh sama kak junhong
Jin x irene gppsi lucu aja 2 2 nya diem tenang kalem hasil pingitan keraton perfect bgt ala2 majalah femina
Namjoon x seulgi gara2 postingannya kak @dyorans waktu itu
trs pokoknya anak rv diapain aja ku senang kok
nih bonus seulhoon wkwk

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kalo anak redvel selain yerixkuki kamu pairing siapa lagi
Liked by: Ifa Shabela STE

tolong pairing gue dengan Seungyoon atau JB dong. hahahahahaha...... /gue siapa

km syp eh kamu anon seungyoon yg waktu itu bkn??? aku insya Allah lg ngerjain fic winner 5 parts doain yaa


Language: English