

Ask @nunggudebut

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dear Fay tolong teman segrup yang bernama Anna dikerangkeng saja bcos sudah mengganggu ketenangan publik thanks

azurasshi’s Profile Photomoondust
Liked by: Cndyyy

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fay aq kaget deh your voice is kinda similar to mine???? except engles aq medok???? tapi wow pantas saja kim namjun naksir.

ivannuneo’s Profile Photodunia fana
englesku jg medok mana medoknya invent sendiri lagi memang beginilah kalau kreativitas tidak diarahkan
Liked by: dunia fana

fay!!! seems like everybody is a fan of your accent right now hahaha. fayy can you speak a little bit in french and upload it to your sc? or just speak in other language, any language that you can haha im soo curious, well it can be bahasa daerah too :D

NO hahah i'm not even sure what accent is that i kind of came up with my own and ruined the whole verbal aesthetic of english
here we have me speaking in french and japanese BUT PLS NOTE i am not fluent in both japanese and french i'm still a beginner and i sound very english when i speak french
hope this is a sufficient answer!! ♡

fay how was your day?

;_____; why are you so sweet ;_____; still very hectic and i haven't gotten the chance to really sleep but it's ok!!! :D you cheered me up again thank you anon ♡♡
my friends were sending each other cute pictures to cheer each other up hahah here's for anyone who's about to face midterms!!!! semoga dilancarkan dimudahkan diberikan hasil terbaikk :D
have a good day, anon!
fay how was your day

hai kaaa udah liat got 7 if you do? menurut kaka gimana?

huhuhu suka??? suka banget vibe2nya classic kpop gitu gasih kayak yang kalo denger tuh sangat berciri kpop (in a very good way)
suka banget lagunya trs goodlooking trs aku paling suka line yang mana tuh yang pas sebelum NIGA HAMYEONNN itu wow sangat attractive sangat enchanting gatau gw dia ngomong apa gw keburu ambyar
YUGYEOM IN BABY BLUE IS J UST plis yugyeom kalo pake baby blue tuh kayak anak duchess2 inggris yang sekolahnya di private school trs idupnya terjamin 7 turunan 8 tanjakan pokoknya so fine so terawat
semuanya ganteng2 sih plis??
bambam adik kecil manis kesayangan nuna2 satu sekolah ngancurin mobil wow mood swings masa remaja memang benar adanya. bambam pake choker plis gue suka banget apakah harus bikin koleksi lelaki-lelaki berchoker
Tp ya thanks to kaos leopard printnya bambam coordi nunanya got7 masih menduduki peringkat satu di rengking coordi nuna ter-hah sekpop.
Kek gw udah bahagia bgt liat choker trs kaos di scene selanjutnya leopard print fresh straight outta itc.
Trs gw lupa siapa yang pake tapi ada yang pake kaos yang robeknya di kiri doang trs pikiran pertama gue adalah orang-orang tuh suka why sih. Kebanyakan main ma etet lo ya jadi robek2 kaos
bonus kumaafkan_kaosmu_karena_chokermu.jpg

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hai kaaa udah liat got 7 if you do menurut kaka gimana

anyway good luck for your 12th great don't forget to have fun. it won't last long

hi!! :)
i read all of your previous questions and it's ok!! :D really, it's ok. i'm sad to know that you feel that way but i know that you're a very good person at heart judging from all that you've said. :) and i can't be more thankful for that
there are many things that you asked so i guess i might as well start telling how i got into art in the first place?
I don't really know how I started liking paintings? XD I read books and the characters in them sometimes liked paintings so I learned about painters and artists. I watched movies and cartoons too, and there was this episode about Van Gogh in a cartoon called Chalkzone and it told snippets of his life and featured some of his works. But I really, really got interested in art when I was in junior high--there was this book called The Unvisibles and it told the story of two boys chasing a Seurat painting. IT'S A REALLY GOOD BOOK it introduced me to art movements like pointilism and impressionism and the like--it really intrigued me, I grew from being mildly interested into really wanting to enjoy it.
I have a habit of browsing and wandering around in Wikipedia and the internet poring over my interests and this is also how I study the lives and the works of artists. Searching and learning about Piet Mondrian led me to Albert Gleizes, Gleizes led me to Wassily Kandinsky, and so on.
'Marilyn Diptych' led me to Warhol. Marilyn Diptych is very famous and I found Marilyn, Marilyn Diptych and Pop Art in general pretty, I like the colours :D I heard about Andy Warhol when I was in elementary school and found out that Marilyn Diptych was one of his works. That's how I found out about him
I started finding out about Basquiat because of Taehyun XD i found out about his tattoo and I felt like I've heard the name Basquiat somewhere... and turns out Basquiat and Warhol were important to each other's careers.
While Monet, Monet's paintings have always been very famous--but I didn't know that it was Monet who painted them until I read The Unvisibles and saw his works through an art gallery application. Monet's paintings are highly likable :D they're soft and delicate and beautiful
I guess I like paintings because I like them? And every artist has a story that is almost as fictional and mesmerizing as their paintings. I like to learn about their lives and how their experiences affected their paintings
Don't hesitate to talk to me!! You sound like a good person and a great person to talk to, please don't be discouraged because of me :( i hope i answered all of your questions and i think you're really interesting XD not everyone would use quel soulagement as an expression, right?
thank you for the 'good luck' ♡♡ have a nice week!

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Liked by: moondust

haiii ka kalo third speaker yang perlu ditulis itu apa aja ya?

first of all CONGRATULATIONS FOR BEING A 3RD SPEAKERR ♡♡♡ being a 3rd speaker means you have the privilege of rebutting every speaker's argument (terutama kalo 3rd dari tim opposition/negative) and fixing the flaws or the deliverance of your team's opinions
-re-stating the motion helps--biar lebih terstruktur sebut aja mosinya lagi
-rebuttals/kasih bantahan atas argumen tim lawan, bisa bantahan dari segi evidence, alasan, atau kamu point out semua kesalahan teknis
PLUS it would help to categorize your rebuttals into topics jadi kayak--kamu punya 6 rebuttals nih, 3 dari sisi sosial, 3 dari sisi ekonomi. nah daripada langsung blas nyebut 6-6nya, kamu bilang aja dulu "i have 6 points of rebuttals, 3 being from the economic point of view and the other 3 regarding the social impact of (motion).
first of all, from the economic point of view:
moving on, i would like to rebut the statements that have been made by the opposite team regarding the social impact:
ive been told by adjudicators that it's easier to assess rebuttals kalo udah dikategoriin kayak gitu + kamunya gak kebingungan sendiri pas nyampein
it does take a little getting used to, though, it's ok if you don't get it right first try!! :3
-rebuild your team's case jadi diclearin lagi iya tim gue tuh maksudnya GINI loh and it obviously negated your entire case
-glorifying dikit boleh HAHA pokoknya yakinin juri kalo kamu berhak menang, tapi rebuild sama glorifying jangan banyak2, fokus di rebuttal
-jangan bawa argumen baru
even though you're allowed to restate and rebuild your team's case, bawa argumen atau konsep yang sama sekali baru untuk support your case itu gak boleh buat 3rd speaker. work with the points that you have, tapi bringing new logics TO NEGATE THE OPPOSITE TEAM'S CASE is ok :3
-jangan kebanyakan point rebuttal
misalnya kamu udah nyatet nih selama match terus pas dibaca lagi hah buset 12 points banyak banget??? waktu kamu terbatas + kamu harus elaborate lagi tiap rebuttal, jadi coba diliat mana rebuttals yang bisa digabungin :> biar kamu gak keteteran sama adju lebih gampang ngerti rebuttal kamu
SEMANGATTT hehehe ♡♡♡ hope all goes well!!

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haiii ka kalo third speaker yang perlu ditulis itu apa aja ya

kak fay suka nonton drama korea juga ga sih? wkwkwkwk

suka kok!!! heheh tp attention span-ku pendek jadi aku sama sekali gabisa ngabisin drama gitu... pasti putus di tengah jalan atau baru nonton 1 episod trs ga ditonton lagi padahal suka ;__;
trs ya relationships di drama korea tuh
lebih fiktif dari naga indosiar tapi gIMANA YA PENGEN JUGA KAYAK GITU huhuhu biarkan aku menipu diri sendiri kalau hubungan seperti ini ada.
kak fay suka nonton drama korea juga ga sih wkwkwkwk
Liked by: Shafira Arindiyah

Kak Fay inggrisnya logat british lucuuuuukkkk

IDK I HAVE THIS WEIRD ACCENT WHEN I SPEAK ENGLISH that doesn't really sound british/scottish/irish/australian
gue bikin aksen sendiri kayaknya
i've been told that it sounds british/scottish/irish/australian but??? i don't really find it similar to any of those accents???? so i don't really know hahah i speak and that's it i guess

kak fay aku abis scroll down trs kakak buat ff seungyoon gt ya? ada rekomendasi ff seungyoon yang bikin melting nggak huhu i miss him

hi!! :D
i actually don't really read fanfictions... Kyk for someone who writes them i read a very small amount of fanfictions ((90% of them being namjoon fics)) ((i plead guilty))
Aku cuma baca fanfic kalo aku nemu yang bagus tp ya emang jarang bgt bgtt dan kalo aku nulis fanfic pun aku gatau if it counts as a fanfiction because i rarely write the name of the artist di ffnya? i write using mostly pronouns i rarely mention anyone's name in my stories
so i don't really know :(( you might want to ask @azurasshi though!!! she's good at finding good fics :3 good luck!
Liked by: lita

kak fay plz bgt thats like lagu yang sangat mempresentasikan situasi aku skrg hAYO NGAKU KAK FAY PERAMAL YA :(((((

bonus jikalau butuh ♡♡♡
kak fay plz bgt thats like lagu yang sangat mempresentasikan situasi aku skrg
Liked by: Aletheia Tan

It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

So I got sick today and couldn't go to school and best friends who are willing to entertain you while you're sick are probably one of the best things to be grateful of in this world
Its World Gratitude Day Whats something youre grateful for

EH mau juga dong di descr pake lagu trs kenapa milih lagu itu luv💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

BCS KAKAK = LE UNNIR trs entah knp kepikiran aja?? kayak kl di film2 ada kakak keluar rumah pake shades rambut ketiup angin trs bgmnya ini wkwk
https://youtu.be/4tqSPXJrBuEnunggudebut’s Video 131746606058 4tqSPXJrBuEnunggudebut’s Video 131746606058 4tqSPXJrBuE

coba Fay aku ingin 🌸

karena kakak gemas dan identik dengan yang manis-manis TRS GATAU KNP NADA2NYA SANGAT KAK NIK tenang2 chill gitu?? tp tetep gemes apalagi kak nik x ei x lily x daddy hoseok?? luv ♡♡♡ INI MVNYA SANGAT KAK NIK ENTAH KNP TRS AKU KEBAYAMGNYA KAK NIK SAMA HOSEOK DI SINI
https://youtu.be/kqj0B-lwm9Inunggudebut’s Video 131746381034 kqj0B-lwm9Inunggudebut’s Video 131746381034 kqj0B-lwm9I

kak fay sibuk banget kayaknya? masih suka ditungguin kak Namjun ga tiap pulang sekolah?

abis kelar nugas belajar bareng piket dsb angkat bangku pake tas baru mau keluar kelas suka tiba2 ditepok temen "eh dicariin tuh"
"hah sama siapa"
"ga tau tuh orangnya di depan sekolah katanya tolong panggilin lo terus suruh bilangin lama banget betah amat sih di sekolah emang gamau pulang sama dia??"
lalu di luar.
Wow kak kalau begini caranya bagaimana kalau pulangnya kita mampir KUA dulu.
kak fay sibuk banget kayaknya masih suka ditungguin kak Namjun ga tiap pulang

aku mau dong kak fayy /.\ btw lagi sibuk ya hehe jaga kesehatan<333

bellaurellian’s Profile Photoaurel
LO JUGA LAH HUHUHUHU KL DANCE HRS MAKAN YG BANYAK!!!! suruh etet suapin!!! atau geon!!! atau june!!! ♡♡♡
btw hehehehe bcs u so gemash dan bubbly colourful
https://youtu.be/QB4dQcxgJPYnunggudebut’s Video 131745614826 QB4dQcxgJPYnunggudebut’s Video 131745614826 QB4dQcxgJPY
Liked by: aurel

Kak fay describe tlist nya pakai lagu korea dong sekali"

haihai ♡
tlistku banyak alhamdulillah TP JADI TIDAK MUNGKIN DILIST SATU2 bagaimana kalau tlist yang ingin tahu bisa bertanya ke @nunggudebut akan dijawab sebisanya ♡♡♡
nih buat kamu lagu barunya mas giri sudah diputar berkali2 beberapa hari belakangan baper bgt buset gue dengerinnya bawaannya pengen mutusin orang
luv luv have a great night semangat ya bsk senin!!!
((Taunya abis ini kamu baper)) ((Trs besok gamasuk))) ((Trs salah gw))
https://youtu.be/-9iy4ossf0Ununggudebut’s Video 131563457258 -9iy4ossf0Ununggudebut’s Video 131563457258 -9iy4ossf0U
Liked by: moondust

fay pap koleksi novel/kamus kamu dong.-. terus ada saran gak kamus apa yang bagus tentang pengetahuan umum gitu hehe

hai!! :D
itu yang di rak buku... buku2ku kececer sih OTL ada yang di rak buku kamar ada yang di kamar adekku dll
hmm kamus pengetahuan umum maksudnya ensiklopedia? atau kamus istilah-istilah umum gitu (idioms) atau kamus biasa?
fay pap koleksi novelkamus kamu dong terus ada saran gak kamus apa yang bagus
Liked by: moondust

kak fay pernah ikut ldk nggak? aku minggu depan bakal ikut ldk dan jadi tegang + takut gini. Ada sara nggak kak biar kita bisa berani argumen di depan kakak kelas? kuat mental lah pokoknya. makasih banyak kak fay❤❤

haiii!!!! :D
ih hari ini mpk/osis sekolahku baru selesai ldk 3 hari!! wkwkwk
pernaah ((even though i do not agree with the way LDKs are being carried out nowadays and most of the LDKs that i've seen/heard basically miss the point and fail to attain the inherent goal))
umm apa ya?? aku ga terlalu tau gimana cara kasih advice biar lebih berani argumen but @aufarrizki once said something nice--speak because you have something to say and not because you have to say something
kalo ada yang kamu rasa salah, ada yang kamu rasa dilebih2kan atau apa and you want them to know about it, tell them that. you have the right to defend yourself and to be treated as someone of an equal kind--no one should have the privilege untuk bersikap superior karena umur atau merasa lebih senior.
i'm honestly the type yang lebih baik dihukum karena ngasih tau yang bener daripada gak dihukum karena iya2 aja sama sesuatu yang menurutku salah? idk about you but i guess that's the best advice that i can give you--tahu kamu mau ngomong apa dan gimana susunan katanya (biar gak gugup) OMG I'M SORRY I'M A BAD ADVISOR
semangat ya!!!!!! hehehe ldk apaa? feel free to talk to me you can also go off anon and we can talk if you need further help or just someone to talk to! :D semangat!!! ♡
p.s biar semangat makan yang manis2!!! wkwkkw

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kak fay pernah ikut ldk nggak aku minggu depan bakal ikut ldk dan jadi tegang
Liked by: anon willa

Fay apa kabar? Udah lama ga nge ask Fay hehe. Semoga Fay baik-baik aja ya :)

you know what you sent me this when my life was very hectic and i was driving myself crazy and you literally made me cry because i can't believe that someone somewhere is wishing me well and wishing that i am happy i love you and i pray for you a great life and everything you've ever wanted and needed i just thought that you should know
Fay apa kabar Udah lama ga nge ask Fay hehe Semoga Fay baikbaik aja ya

ka pengalaman yang paling berkesan selama ikut debat apa?

hi!!!! :D
i have a lot but maybe my first match??? wkwkwk
Jadi waktu itu aku beneran masih anak baru lulus smp masuk sma trs diajak coachku eh nonton kompetisi debat maba di UI mau ga trs coachku jadi adjudicator (juri)nya gitu kan
Trs aku dateng sama Kak Zachy sama Kak Salva gatau apa2 soal debat sama sekali blm pernah belajar blm pernah latihan maksud hati mau datang untuk watch and learn tbtb pas jalan ke venue coachku nyamperin lari2 "EH GUE BUTUH SWING GUE BUTUH SWING"
Swing tuh debater pengganti kalo ada yang gabisa hadir trs ternyata anggota tim BIPEDS (Binus international pool of english debaters, cmiiw) ada yang gabisa hadir terus butuh swing
Babak preliminary round kan ada 4 rounds, jadi akhirnya setelah banyak berantem Kak Zachy sama aku jadi swing, gantiin masing2 dua kali
gila ya gw keringet dingin otak gw gabisa mikir diajarin dikit sama coachku pas jam makan siang before the match trs gw kek ya Allah apa salah dan dosaku itu gw 30% belajar 70% doa sih
so that's that, I guess? Wkwk my first and second match as a debater were against Universitas Paramadina and Universitas Parahyangan (respectively), representing BIPEDS instead of SMAN 1 Depok
it was a fun experience and it really taught me that you really have to try if your want to actually learn. Literally try--just jump right in lmao
tell me your most memorable match!!! :D

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Liked by: Syifa syahira♠

ka di awal awal masuk debat pernah ada kendala ga?

hi!! :D
pernah lah pernah banget kayaknya semua jg ada?? Kecuali mungkin ada di suatu tempat di dunia ini debater yang udah dewa dari lahir first words nya bukan mama papa tapi this house believes that animal testing should be banned dengan argumentasi terstruktur dan bukti penunjang
aku turun debat pertama kali itu ga sengaja malah... maksud hati mau nonton championship debat mahasiswa soalnya coachku jadi adjudicator di situ eh taunya ada satu orang anggota salah satu tim yang ga masuk trs butuh pengganti lalu tebak siapa yang ditarik disuruh menggantikan karena gaada pengganti lagi.
ya Allah blm pernah latihan sama sekali blm pernah belajar sama sekali lebih horor dari insidious 1 sampe 3.
pernah juga waktu brainstorming kepotong bermenit2 gara2 LOnya tiba2 kesasar (((kesasar)) (((di sekolah dia sendiri.))
pernah juga adjunya gak bisa grasp poinnya apa atau opponentnya ngeyel trs gamau dengerin kita atau opponentnya overly songong
pernah juga nilainya turun gara2 bolos sekolah mulu dispen
losing friends because you're too busy and they need someone that can be available most of the time
begadang belajar ngeprint materi bcs you don't know shit about fair trade and free trade and the rise of China atau yg lain and you have to debate about that at 8 the following morning
dapet temen setim yang gaenak juga pernah, LOnya gaenak pernah, dll
a lot actually?? Wkwk but yeah it built as much as it ruined please extract as much knowledge as you can from debating! X)

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hai fay im just curious how you improve your english sih? huhu i've tried apa yang kamu advice ke orang2 tp aku bingung kalo kayak nulis2 inggris gt benerin grammarnya gimana.. my grammar sucks dan aku msk kelas inter lg kuliah ini lagi im killing myself slowly deh kayaknya :( pls help me :(

hi kakak!! :D
kalo abis nulis coba diliatin aja kak ke yang bahasa inggrisnya udah lebih lancar biar bisa dikoreksi :D NOO IT'S OK EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE you will do well, you will get used to using english you will graduate with all that's good in college everything will work out please keep going
i know that i'm a lot younger but if you want to talk to me pls don't hesitate!! :D um aku lagi jarang buka twitter but if you'd go off anon i can send you my LINE if you need my help or just want someone to talk about this
hugs hugs pls have a good day!!! ♡
hai fay im just curious how you improve your english sih huhu ive tried apa yang

Kak tolong konfirmasi ke mbak...... masa....... katanya........ PUTUS SAMA MAS BAEK??? INI GABISA KAK GABISA TOLONG OKSIGEN

Gimana ya I kind of saw it coming due to the amount of crazy psychopaths that terrorized her and her family? Blm lagi fans2 yang ngerasa that they have been 'deeply damaged' by the fact that the two of them are dating and chose to support the Let's Not Support Taeyeon the Bitch bandwagon. Lol. Nobody, none of you, could have suffered more than Baekhyun and Taeyeon, who had to go through hell because of all the shit that you did to them. It's funny how entitled fans can be and how capable they are of playing victim.
Taeyeon suffered. And even though a lot of Sones do not approve of their relationship, generally Sones and Taegangers are more respectful to Taeyeon and they treat Taeyeon as a human being. You really can't deny that EXO fans and particularly hardcore Baekhyun stans and Baekyeol shippers are the ones who are generally very vocal about their hatred, some even abused her even further. A lot of Baekhyun stans would go all "but!!! baekhyun!!! suffered!!! tooo!! because of taeyeon!!!!" Baekhyun did not receive porn videos and photos with his face edited on it and had them published through the net as did Taeyeon. Baekhyun's brother wasn't equally abused until he temporarily closed down his Instagram. I am not saying that this eliminates the fact that the boy suffers too, but in an environment that generally favours boys, the hate that Tae received was overwhelming.
What makes me sad is that she used to be so depressed circa The Boys promotion onwards until the time when she allegedly began dating Baek. She became happier and she smiled more and other people might not notice but sones and taegangers know that Taeyeon before Baek was a lot sadder and quiet and reserved compared to after she allegedly began dating Baek. The dating news was confirmed because the report that came out put them in such a place where denying would have been too obvious and that it wouldn't make sense to deny such proof. So they confirmed it because denying or not reacting was not a viable option at that time.
And guess who was the only person that publicly apologized even though there was actually nothing wrong with it? Oh, right! Taeyeon! Twice! And what did you all call her? Oh right! The bitch that seeked attention just to make things worse!
You bashed the only person who publicly acknowledged your so-called 'pain' and publicly apologized even though she didn't do anything wrong.
People are very, very emotionally invested in seeing Taeyeon fall. She had gone through so much and pain has damaged her so much, I supported Baekhyun and her because it made her smile, it made her happier and it did not violate my own personal principles. And wow, look, congratulations! You took away one of her biggest sources of happiness! Shows how mature and compassionate you are as a human being! :3
She was never human to you. Taeyeon was never human to you.
Congratulations, you're unbelievable. Please have a song.
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x3sFsHrUyLQnunggudebut’s Video 131609260266 x3sFsHrUyLQnunggudebut’s Video 131609260266 x3sFsHrUyLQ

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nunggudebut’s Video 131609260266 x3sFsHrUyLQnunggudebut’s Video 131609260266 x3sFsHrUyLQ

far btw dp twitter lu itu dr lirik lagunya halsey yang ghost wkwk :(


Kak fay dapet gambar quotes yang kaya dp twitter kaka dari mana?

haai!! :D dari weheartit wkwk tapi dari akun2 allcaps kayak @ALLCAPSMOVIES di twitter juga banyak... ava twitterku itu dari film apa gt kalo ga salah

Which is your favorite pair of shoes? PAP!

i own 3 pairs of shoes 1 for school 1 for other occasions 1 for things that require a lot of walking--and i bought them all out of need and durability so i don't really have a favourite...?

What movie can you watch over and over again?

The Decoy Bride biarpun dihujat film nanggung tapi gue gapernah se-emotionally tied itu sama film lo suruh gue nonton tiga kali sehari kayak minum obat juga gue masih mewek tiap nonton kali
What movie can you watch over and over again


Language: English