

Ask @nunggudebut

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moment paling berharga waktu sama fay apa kak namjun

This is going to sound greedy, but i don't want anything 'most precious'. I always want things to get better day by day. Terus kayaknya apply ke dia juga sih, wkwk. I hope there are still many happy times ahead. -n
Liked by: Putri yash. dest . smol

Hi luvly tlist! Kl misalnya kalian bikin vlog sehari dgn tema sehari bersama bias maka kira2 kalian bakal ngapain aja tuh oke selamat baper i luv u ol

Hai kakakk
I don't like having my face captured in photos/videos--you'd probably only hear my voice and maybe rare glimpses of the actual me so it has to be with someone visually pleasing.... so i guess it's with Taeyeon? Wkwk
Trs isi vlognya
- a lot of painting, me with oils and watercolours while mbak with pastels and pencils
- doing nails (she does most of the job) (im very reckless)
- baking because we both suck at cooking
- getting coffee together
- road trips
- crafting stuffs
- going shopping together!! whatever grocery shopping clothes shopping art supplies shopping
We'd just do simple stuffs tbh lmao we're both house fairies (Well she's the fairy obviously) and it'd be a really chill vlog like lamuqe's vlogs or serim's channel on youtube
I love you too and thank you for the question ♡

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fayyy biasanya km kalo beli buku buku lama gitu dimana hehe, have a nice day!!<3

haii!! ♡
Di toko buku lama di TIM!! Hehe
Tapi kalo literatur lama cetakan baru, di TGA juga ada wkwk u too have a nice day! ♡

hi kak fay! gatau ya kalau kakak masih inget atau gak, soal nama fansite yg kakak buat baek yerin yang namanya gartreau itu kan kata kakak kalau mau nanti dijelasin, boleh gak kak dijelasiin? hehehe jawabnya kalau kakak gak sibuk aja ya, thanks a lot kak have a nice day!♡

(Technically i'm still answering the namjoon questions but i really want to answer this one)
Hi! I can't find the post anymore but i do slightly remember it :D also i think i've made a mistake--the intended name was actually gautreau but i think i mistyped it into gartreau im very sorry!! I remember writing the post late at night and i may have made a mishap
Well anyway wkwk it's named after the model of john singer sargent's painting Potrait of Madame X--the woman in the painting was called Madame Gautreau. The reason why i picked it as yerin's fansite name was because there is honestly nothing very special or very striking about the portrait (madame gautreau does look very pretty and it caused quite a stir in the Parisian society but it's pretty much a quite plain painting of a woman standing) but it's the only portrait whose model i remember. Idk i always remember madame virginie gautreau for unknown reasons, and it's the same with yerin. Yerin leaves a deep impression for unknown reasons--she doesn't possess all of the qualities that i thought i would always look for in a bias, but i still like her just as much.
Also madame gautreau was a total femme fatale lmao every man in paris was heads over heels for her--everyone found her striking and adored her in a way or another. She'd been painted by several other painters too, one of them being antonio de la gandara (and i forgot the others im sorry), and i think people just couldn't help but think of her as a muse, and to me yerin gives off the same feel.
I hope you have a great day too! ♡ im so glad that someone talks to me about this ;___; also you mustve done a great deal of scrolling omg again have a nice day!

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Liked by: gt

jun lo kan suka baca buku, lo suka baca buku baru yang baru dibuka plastiknya gt masih bersih dan rapih atau buku yang lama yang kertasnya udah jadi kuning gt?

albrtnputri’s Profile PhotoAlbertine
Buku baru, wkwkwk.
Kecil yang suka buku lama. -n
Liked by: ayaya

kak namjuun kemaren sama fay ke gramed ngapain ajaa hehe

Hah lo salah liat kali kemaren gua ke gramed tapi ga sama dia... -n

ajun kalo sama kak fay biasanya kemana?

chromehurt’s Profile Photoayaya
Nggak ada yang didatengin secara konstan kok. jarang jalan juga sih haha. -n

belom tidur kak dah malem

Read a good book, couldn't sleep. You might want to read When I Was Otherwise by Stephen Benatar. Good enough to deprive you of your sleep. (Partly because it's good, the rest is because it's disturbing.) -n

kak namjun waktu fay keterima sasper diselametin ga hehehe ditraktir apaan gitu hehehehehe jangan galak galak ya kak

Gak. Dia kecepetan gedenya, males. -n
Liked by: dhifa Putri

Fay kalau agus nya mba lamuqe jago bikin lagu juga ga sih?

agusnya lamuqe kuliah hukum ui ♡♡♡ abis lulus kerja jadi law consultant. Tapi sambil kuliah dia juga suka bantuin band-band indie ngerekam lagu hehe terus dia main piano juga ♡♡♡
Liked by: fafa


Sut udah iyain aja tar yg reaksi namjun pas pengumuman gw bikin angst nih
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kak fayyy! would you pap some of your paintings kalo boleh i really want to see them ♡

Aku lg tidak bisa pap but i usually put up my paintings on instagram! Wkwk it's @p.riere
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Cih apaan orang dulu satu ekskul terus suka pulang bareng dibonceng agus sunbe terus dikasih kemejanya
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kak fayyy. aku request lamuqe jeles ama agus boleh gaak? maacii hehe

Ini si cantik jeles sama agus gara2 denis ya MUAHAHAHAH
Ya jd
pas nemenin agus skripsian
agus: (liatin hape sambil senyum2)
agus: (lamuqe dicuekin kek beneran gaada)
lamuqe: ":<"
lamuqe: "liatin apa sih"
agus: "hah enggak wkwk"
agus: "ini"
agus: "adek kelasku ada yang jadi maba di kampusku"
lamuqe: "ooh"
lamuqe: "siapa aja?'
agus: "baru tau satu sih wkwk"
agus: "denis"
lamuqe: (fiddles with her jacket)
lamuqe: "yang dulu deket sama kamu itu?"
agus: (mAMPUS)
agus: "nggg"
agus: "ya"
agus: "iya"
agus: "tik tapi itu udah lama banget"
agus: "jaman aku sma"
agus: "kenal kamu aja belom"
agus: "gaada apa-apa lagi kok, cuma adek kelas aja"
agus: "dia aja sekarang udah sama hansol"
lamuqe: "mm"
lamuqe: "gitu"
terus lamuqe ngeringkuk di sofa mukanya :< gitu ga ngeliat agus trs agusnya gatau harus ngapain jadi lanjut nugas aja tapi gaenak hati
trs kayak 15 minutes later agus duduk sebelah dia trs usap-usap kepalanya
agus: "tik"
agus: "marah? :("
lamuqe: "nggak...'
agus: "beneran"
lamuqe: "nggak....."
lamuqe: "gatau"
lamuqe: ":("
lamuqe: "idk it's just :("
lamuqe: "she was the one that you were closest with"
lamuqe: "before me"
lamuqe: "and"
lamuqe: "and idk :("
agus: ":("
agus: "i didn't mean to make you doubt anything"
agus: "sorry"
agus: "tapi aku deket sama dia itu waktu aku 17"
agus: "and i'm 21 now. aku mau lulus, mau kerja, and i think of the future now. and when i think of all those things, aku ga mikirin dia."
agus: "tik, aku mikirin kamu."
agus: "tik"
lamuqe: "hm?"
agus: "masih bete?"
lamuqe: (nengok) (pipinya agak merah)
lamuqe: "hmm"
lamuqe: "enggak."

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kakk fayy, ff reaksi namjun dong kakak keterima sasper ui huhuhuhu, btw congrats ya kak fay ;__; i'm really happy for you

Aku baca ini mau jedotin pala pusing bgt huhuHUHUH kalian bash aku gak ntar :""
Btw i get a lot of messages from anons saying that they're so happy for me and im really touched really thank you ;_____; you have all been very nice to me and the things you say have given me a lot of strength ;___; it's like having friends in unknown places and really you have no idea how much of a solace you have all been for me. Thank you ;___; i hope i get to meet all of you someday!!!
Liked by: ayaya Pip

kak fay aku kangennn

KAMU MANIS SEKALI aku terharu???? ;____; Aku jg tapi aku sedang memperjuangkan masa depanq huhuh doain lancar ya sampe bener2 masuk kuliah :""" kamu jg semangat!!!
Liked by: smol

What is your death wish?

يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ﴿٢٧
(It will be said to the pious): "O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction!
ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً ﴿٢٨
"Come back to your Lord, Well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing unto Him!
فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي ﴿٢٩
"Enter you, then, among My honoured slaves,
وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي ﴿٣٠
"And enter you My Paradise!"

KA HUHUHUHU LAMUQE NGEPOST ALBUMNYA BTS KA HUHUHUHU kalo ngepost cincin kawin dari agus kapan ya ka

Liked by: tujung sintha kay Jul

wiiii fay selamat ya sasper ui! segera kontak adkesma bem fib ui yaaa :) dari inggris 2015 yang ngefans sm tulisanmu :)

AKU TBTB JIPER IM NOT WORTHY TO BE LIKED BY SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY STUDIES ENGLISH LITERATURE im not even sure if my grammar and punctuation are all right and proper??? But thank you for reading ;_____; i hope we get to meet !!!! ♡♡♡

AKUU AKU JUGA PILIH SASPER UI... tapi enggak lolos ); doainn yaaah nyusuuul (": good luckk for uu!

AAMIIN HUHUH SEMANGAT SEMANGATTTT bismillah semoga dimudahkan dilancarkan semuanya!!! AYO KITA HARUS MAIN NANTI KALO UDAH SEJURUSAN HEHEHE semangat!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡

ASKFM CRUSH KITA MASA LO LUPA?!?!?? uun pejuang tulis nih fay huhu tunggu gue yah di ui :')

Nurulklnn’s Profile Photouns

kak fay pernah ga mengalami masa bingung mau jurusan apa di kuliahnya? dan kenapa sasper kak? makasiii good luck buat kakak✨

Tbh enggak?? Aneh gasih tp aku gapernah sampe galau bgt jurusan gt.. Kayak dari kecil ya aku senengnya baca nulis ngomong ga pernah jauh2 dari itu
Sebenernya aku ngincer S2 Linguistik wkwk jadi harus ambil S1 Sastra (Which I also love) mungkin pas bingungnya itu waktu milih mau sastra apa? And I settled with French because in order to get to S2 I need an undergraduate degree that can support me financially and also has a wide range of employment possibility in various fields--and French Lit suits what I need best. Prancis ngga terlalu common jadi masih sangat dibutuhin, tapi ngga terlalu rare juga sampe pilihan kerjanya sedikit. The pay is also generally good and if i work hard, i'll be able to afford S2. Job opportunitiesnya banyak--translating, interpreting, writing, kerja di NGO (nongovernmental organization) (bahasa Prancis bahasa resmi banyak NGO btw wkwk) and on top of it all, i do love the language. I grew up reading The Little Prince, Tintin, Asterix and Obelix and Baudelaire poems and all the girls in Enid Blyton books learnt French, and I want to learn it too.
Semangat kamuuu!!! Semangat semuanya jugaa i hope all goes well !! ♡♡♡♡

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Fay lamuqe nya tuh kaya antusias bgt nontonin agus😭😭😭😭💞

IYA DIA TUH SENENG BGT BISA NONTON AGUS GT LOH W PUSING SAMPE DIPOST BERAPA KALI DI INSTAGRAM trs gw lowkey ngerasa dia emang paling suka agus?? Soalnya dia pernah masukin clip agus di videonya dan clipnya tuh bukan clip terkenal... Trs dia pernah ngepost foto agus yang agak susah dicari juga

FAY!! SASPER UI? SELAMAT YAH AKU IKUT SENENG BANGET LOH YOU DESERVE IT. btw, maju selangkah semakin dekat sama si mas mas ft itu dong AHAHAHAHA

Nurulklnn’s Profile Photouns
HAH MAS MAS FT YG MANA UN...... huhu alhamdulillah ;___; uun gmn!! Makasih unn huhu semoga semua lancarr buat semuanyaa ♡♡♡

Kak fayy sekilas info lamuqe dateng ke konser bts epilogue huhu lalu aku baper gimana ya :(

AKU PUSING BGT AKU JG BAPER kl aku lagi di korea mungkin aku udah bawa janur kuning ke venue konser tq AKU SENANG TERNYATA TIDA BAPER SENDIRIAN WKWK aku hancur lebur beneran bektrek aja twitterku :""""""

Kak fay ini anon yang tanya2 tentang jurusan ips gitu masih inget ngga hehehe kak fay selamat ya keterima di sasper ui💖💖

YA ALLAH ASLI AKU TERHARU SETELAH SELAMA INI KAMU MASIH FOLLOW AKU HUHUHUH makasihh!!!! Huhu luv kamu jg semangat!!!!! Semangat ok you have time kamu pasti bisa jauh lebih baik dari aku, semangat sma nya whether it's ipa or ips!! Please pray for the rest of my batch too i hope all would go well ♡♡♡♡ Thank you so much!!!!!!!

Morning kak fay! kakak suka nulis puisi gaak?? hehe

Hi, yeah! I used to very avidly write and share them but due to an inconvenient occurrence that happened in my childhood i don't write them as much as i used to now and i have gotten very extremely selective in the poems that i share as most of them have become very personal to me. I guess i focus more on stories now.
Have a great day! :D

Menurut kamu ttg ikon yang udah bikin asia tour padahal belum nyampe 1 tahun debut?

Sometimes people forget that at the end of the day, despite everything that happens, everything in kpop is initially business. Kpop does not go by the same rules as school or social cliques--the fandoms probably do, but the artists and companies were initially in for the business, first things first, before anything else.
There are, of course, things that I don't like and I don't agree with from Ikon (as well as other groups, more about that here: http://ask.fm/nunggudebut/answers/136102738154 ) but in this case they're merely following the market mechanism. When there is demand there has to be supply. To raise demand good marketing must be performed. And these guys have been marketed and mediaplayed (yes, i don't find mediaplay all that despicable) way back since they were trainees to make sure that the expectation for them will always be above average; it's only expected for them to defy the usual established timeline for kpop groups. Whether they are worthy or not of the demand is whole other topic but when it comes down to business it's simply giving people what they want while raising even more demand and earning profits faster.
tl;dr: kpop is business and these guys are merely fulfilling the demand.
Have a great night! :D

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also i recently read Love that dog by Sharon Creech. It's simple, but it's like you can hear a little boy telling you his story while you read it, also it kinda makes me shed some tears kkkk

OH I LIKE NARRATIVE POETRYYY i'll be sure to look out for the book! :D You might want to read Make Lemonade too, it's one of the best narrative poetry books that i've ever read.
please have a good day! :D
also i recently read Love that dog by Sharon Creech Its simple but its like you

pilih orang tua yg jarang ada di rumah atau pacar yg setia setiap saat?

brunellabag’s Profile PhotoTas Brunella
1. Your boyfriend/girlfriend did not give birth to you. Comparing the two examples stated above is just downright improper.
2. I don't date. It's not a valid status to me.

hello there beautiful creatures! they said that eyes is the window of the soul. what would people see if they stare at yours?

I actually would prefer not being looked in the eye except if you're a debate adjudicator because that's what i have to do to earn points--but other than competitive situations i usually just stare at my conversational partner's forehead or the space between their eyebrows or under their eyes or at the end of their eyes. Looking at me in general is already scary enough to make me want to run let alone looking right into my eyes


Language: English