

Ask @nunggudebut

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Fay aku udah ask hta ke kamu belum sih kalo belum mau HTA dong heheh

kak nesya itu seru bgt kalo baper autocaps trs kak nesya kayak??? You know when to work hard and when to play hard, when to be professional and when to loosen up a bit--you compartmentalize yourself very well
you're also 1/3 of nyai squad thank you for always taking care of us and reminding us to eat and sleep and drink water and cut on the caffeine (((we're an unhealthy pack))) ((we plead guilty))
HNG KAK NESYA SEMANGAT bismillah semoga jadi dr. Nesya ♡♡♡♡

ka fay dpnya pake fotonya ka fay sendiri dong sekali kali, hehe ka fay kan manis♡♡ oiya btw, 55 ka?

No hahah my face is asymmetrical and the features are odd--it's not much to look at
as for 55 it's impossible to single out just one? I don't really have control over my emotions so i literally get upset/angry/sad/happy over nothing i really don't need a trigger--there are days in which compliments even sound like mockery. So i don't really knoww hahah

FAY 38

Hah perfect date apa ya....
Plis aku orangnya bosenin bgt sih kalo bareng2 untuk waktu yang lama gt aku tuh kayak MSG kalo ketemunya dikit enak tapi kalo kebanyakan bisa mati... aku bakal ngomongin... hal-hal tidak menarik... Kl kata temenku kayak jalan sama film dokumenter natgeo atau history channel baru 15 menit pengen tidur
Sebenernya aku ga susah jalan ngalor ngidul gaada tujuan sambil ngobrol atau museum atau galeri atau sea world atau bahkan di rumah doang trs baca/nonton sambil ngobrol gt aja udah seneng tapi ya itu tar kamu enek kebanyakan nerdjacking
Ya Allah blm deskripsiin aja udah kasian sama cowoknya ya kitu lah kira2
Liked by: stranger moondust

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kaak 15 hehe

it's actually really easy because i wake up with her i go through 24 hours and 7 days a week with her she even appears on every reflective object like literally what is she doing


huhuhu future plans ya
aku mau kuliah yang bener ((ya)) yang sesuai jurusan yang aku mau di universitas yang aku mau ya Allah hamba-Mu ini gatau dirinya gaada ujung.
aku mau nulis buku
trs jadi linguist
trs nulis buku pelajaran
nulis sih intinya ya pokoknya yang bisa dari rumah soalnya aku gasuka kerja 9 to 5 gt
atau ngga punya usaha custom books gt loh bisa buat suvenir nikahan atau anak baru lahir or just gifts jadi isi ceritanya custom gt ngerti gak ya gapapa kalo gangerti tunggu ntar aja (((ya Allah aamiin))) ((ngetiknya pake doa)))
my parents will have everything that they have ever wanted to have
ya pokoknya mau baca nulis yang banyak and i really would like to fund a scholarship of my own
jadi tante yang baik buat anak2nya adekku HUHUHUHU DEDEK sini ke museum sama tante abis itu kita jajan es krim trs main di rumah bikin cookies sama gelembung2 gausah bilang mama kamu

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Liked by: ayaya


....i....i really have no idea i'm very thankful that a lot of people have said nice things to me it's hard to single out just one;___; i don't deserve the people that i have in my life really

aamiiiin faay apapun itu hehe. ya udah, 51 deh?

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
-"you deserve so much ok, like, the world, and everything beyond it so shoo go live your life i just want to watch you from the hallway"
-"no i'm not"
-"it's not the right tense"
-9172927287228 forgotten rebuttals during debates that cost me the match
dan lain2
Liked by: AnnA annisa

Fay mau hta in aku gak ehehe

kamu siapa :((
kamu anon
hta untuk anon
HNG KALIAN GEMES2 BANGET tadinya aku rada takut punya asefem soalnya kayaknya semua orang dibash tapi kalian ngga ;___; HUHUHU trs aku sering kalo lagi down atau moodnya jelek atau ada masalah trs gabisa cerita trs buka asefem ada kalian ;______; nanyain kabarku gimana atau cerita kalian baca buku apa atau ngomong apa2 yang bisa cheer me back up and i really cant be more thankful for that... having a group of friends out there that thinks of me even though we don't know each other and i'm not that interesting
thank you for reading my stories and seeing my aesthetics and putting up with me (((this also goes to the friends that i know)))
thank you for making my experience on ask.fm so far enjoyable ;_____; i'm sorry i can't answer every question but every anon has been very good to me why are you guys so kind to me?????? thank you ;____;
you are all my friends. doesn't matter whether i know your name or not. thank you ;____;

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Fay mau hta in aku gak ehehe
Liked by: ayaya

28 dong fay:>

jihaawn’s Profile Photoj i h a a n
Tp aku mau jadi linguist doain ya teman-teman ;____;
Trs aku mau nulis buku pelajaran juga jadi buku pelajaran buat anak2 nanti lebih efektif terus gampang dipahamin
Trs aku mau nulis jg
Ya pokoknya aku mau baca sama nulis yang banyak
Mau jadi tante yang baik juga buat anak-anaknya adekku
Mau masuk surga juga HUHUHU bentar aku baper
Iya gt kak ji ;____; doain aku ya

40 faaay

jadi gue tuh sangat tidak bisa yang namanya naik turun eskalator cepet2
Soalnya dulu rok aku pernah nyangkut di eskalator gitu trs jariku pernah kejepit ban berjalannya itu loh yang dipegang
Jadi kalo aku naik turun eskalator pasti lama banget harus pelan2 soalnya ngeri--makanya i feel mbak so much waktu mbak jadi ngeloncatin pelan2 trap door di stage soalnya ya emang kayak gt
Nah trs pas gw ke singapura eskalatornya cepet2 banget buset admin nunggudebut stres dipelototin orang tiap naik turun eskalator
Sekarang sih udah lumayan lancar naiknya tapi turun masih susah... mohon maklum ya kawan-kawan kalo kita meetup trs main trs aku terlihat tegang di eskalator
Liked by: gt AnnA ppr tgr

20 hehe

kalo walls aku suka yang pelangi2 itu sama yang warna warni ada lapisan permen orangenya ((sukanya bukan gara2 rasa tapi sentimentil waktu smp naksir cowok trs ketemu pas beli es krim trs belinya sama2 yg ada permen orangenya))) miris
kalo magnum aku suka yang biasa aja atau yang karamel
kalo es 88 deket sekolah suka yang green tea sama vanilla
kalo es shirokuma YANG GREEN TEA trs skrg jadi pengen shirokuma kenapa shirokuma gaada di depok ah ini diskriminasi regional
btw ini anonnya sekali nanya langsung 5 curiga orangnya sama kamu kasian sama aku ya,,,,

Aku mau 13 jg!!

Firdul’s Profile Photoppr tgr
Wkwkwk tapi gak menarik???
-Kemaren kan sabtu ya kalo sabtu abis subuh tidur lg ((((kebiasaan jelek))) ((jgn ditiru))
-les bahasa arab sama ngaji
-ke sekolah jam 10 terus ngerjain tugas sama belajar
-magrib pulang
-leyeh2 bayar utang makan dari kemaren malem
-muter2 wikipedia sama internet download2 pdf pokoknya hal2 yang tidak akan membantumu di un atau sbm kelak tapi pengen tau jd gmn dong
-nontonin anak orang (superman returns)
-jam 12 tidur
Liked by: ppr tgr

If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?

I would really like it if every person in my life could call me with a different name according to their opinions about me?? Like whichever name that you think will suit me best that's the name i'm going to go by when i'm with you lol
((But of course it's going to be a whole other problem when we're hanging out in a big group)) ((IT'S STILL CUTE OK CONCEPTUALLY))
My baby cousin calls me Aya and my religious studies teacher used to call me Anindya, my japan club senior called me Anin or Ara when he felt like it, my best friend Lauda calls me Pickles.
idk--it's heartwarming. It's personal. It's nice to think that someone thinks that you're endearing enough to deserve a personal nickname that they came up on their own.
I like Fay. Jingga is my favourite name but it's going to be my future niece's name or my future daughter's name (IF she exists). Alice is my other favourite name ((Yes, based on THE Alice Liddell in Alice in Wonderland)) ((But I can't possibly ask someone to call me that it's too pretty))

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Kak sebenernya aesthetic tuh apa sih?

hi!!! aesthetic itu tuh kayak... Estetika gitu, kalo di kamus artinya 'concerned with beauty, artistic impact, or appearance'--jadi sebenernya sih kayak?? Keindahan? Enak diliat gitu wkwk, ada harmoni antara semua aspek
Kira-kira seperti ini hehehe yoongi x sungkyung:
Kak sebenernya aesthetic tuh apa sih

ka fay aku kan nanti ada test speaking trus disuruh speech kalo speech tentang depression gapapa ya ka? aku masih agak ragu huhu T-T

Sebenernya semuanya bisa dijadiin speech. Tergantung gimana kamu delivernya--and whether your deliverance will bring more good or harm.
Sebenernya okay or not-nya kamu bahas tentang depression itu relatif--kamu mau bahas dari sisi apa? Portray depression sebagai apa? There is a stigma regarding depression that is reeeaallly irritating and roots really deep in the society--that depression is not a 'real illness' and that people with depression are just 'overreacting' or that people who suffer from depression can just 'snap out of it' without getting professional help. This stigma endangers the possible recovery of people with depression and makes people even more unaware about depression--about how depression is an actual illness and that people with depression need help instead of being left on their own to deal with their illness.
You don't want to do that, right? You don't want to stigmatize depression even more with the speech, so be very careful about bagaimana kamu akan menjelaskan depresi itu apa dan dari segi apa. Nggak kok, nggak salah untuk deliver speech about depression :) just be very careful.
Do keep in mind that when you're delivering a speech, you're not just talking. You're going to give the audience a template to see and comprehend the issue--YOUR template. What you say will affect the way they see the matter. Every word matters.
If you have never had depression yourself (which i hope is true), I suggest that you read a lot about depression + pengalaman orang-orang yang udah pernah ngalamin. Just to add to your resources and knowledge. :)
(You can Google the keyword 'comic about depression' (it's easier to understand comics), scroll through @Sectioned_ 's timeline on Twitter, and read @dewiarbua 's answers on askfm.)
It's nice that you're paying attention to issues like depression!! Thank you very much. Learn the signs of depression too ♡ you might save lives.
Have a great day! :D semangat!!
(Ini contoh stigma yang dihadapi people with depression. Di sini depresi dianalogikan jadi penyakit yang bisa dilihat secara fisik.)

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ka fay aku kan nanti ada test speaking trus disuruh speech kalo speech tentang

kak itu download pdf yaa? dimana yg bell jar itu

iyaa!! hehe download pdfff :D
hm kalo aku download yang paling atas... enak kok kalo nyari buku classics pdfnya banyak, banyak yang free juga--coba search aja '(judul buku) pdf' nanti biasanya search resultsnya keluar
have fun reading! ♡
Oh and this applies to all literary works actually but I'll just throw it in here since it's Sylvia Plath--when you're reading a work of literature, it's important to know that the values that the character(s) and/or the author adopts do not have to be necessarily adopted by you too, no matter how influential the work of literature is, no matter how avid or dedicated you are as a reader. To enjoy a work of literature is something; to mindlessly adopt every value that is introduced throughout the story is something else.
kak itu download pdf yaa dimana yg bell jar itu

Hallo fay! Kalo ga keberatan, boleh ga pap kamarnya? Trus, spot apa yg bikin kamu betah di kamar? Thx xx

Hai!!!! :D
kamarku,,, berantakan,,,, aku suka berantakan soalnya wkwk ;__;
Trs tempat tidurku gaada rangkanya soalnya suatu hari aku lagi tidur tiba-tiba tengah malem kebangun terus tempat tidurnya udah ambles.
Lalu aku lanjut tidur.
Terus tadinya mau beli tempat tidur lagi tapi ah sudahlah ono ra ono rangka sing penting tidur.
Aku betah di mana ya di tempat tidur.... atau di bean bag yang orange itu
Oh sama aku suka banget duduk munggungin pintu gatau kenapa kek literally duduk sambil neken punggung against the door gitu
[WARNING] meja belajar gw berantakan bgt plis ((dan nyaris gapernah dipake belajar)) (gasuka belajar di belakang meja)
Hallo fay Kalo ga keberatan boleh ga pap kamarnya Trus spot apa yg bikin kamu

hai ka ikut student club ga di smansa? thank you and have a good day♡

haii!! :D
enggaa huhuhu soalnya SC bidangnya IPA semua kecuali ekonomi terus aku gaada minat IPA ;__; gasuka ekonomi jg ;___;
but!!! SC seru kok anaknya pintar2 dan anak SC itu baik hati mereka selalu mau ngajarin ke temen2 apalah nasib nilai akuntansi gw tanpa anak SC jadi semangat ya kalo mau ikut SC!! ♡ you too have a good dayyy
((Kalo skrg udah ga minat masuk Student Club gapapa pintu English Club masih terbuka))) ((black campaign))

pap dong kak

i'm reading The Bell Jar AND I HAVE REALLY MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT THIS PAIRING I H ATE THEM TOGETHER BUT I LIKE THEM TOGETHER they say the most dhsjdbjsndjsndns things and all they do is break each other but i really can't picture anyone coping with their brokenness except them
buddy & esther are just
pap dong kak
Liked by: annisa ayaya moondust

If you were a member of kpop group and you had to go to those kind of shows that requires you to perform any hilarious variety talent, what talent(s) would you show? (e.g impersonating famous people, doing weird dances, etc) Have a nice day!!

OK SO THERE'S THIS SONG CALLED '#SELFIE' by The Chainsmokers and when I was in 10th grade my japan club seniors made me do an impersonation of it and apparently it sounded quite alike so that's basically the only impersonation that i can do and my best attempt on american accent
((THIS QUESTION WAS REALLY CUTE you too have a good day!!! ♡)))
https://youtu.be/mX6vWDPrREknunggudebut’s Video 132213513194 mX6vWDPrREknunggudebut’s Video 132213513194 mX6vWDPrREk

hai fay :) aku suka tulisan tulisan kamu. jago banget sih english nya padahal masih SMA. pengen kenal sama kamu huhuhu. aku dulu debate juga loh btw, 3rd speaker. hai fay sekali lagi :)

hai kakakk! :D noo i still have a lot to learnn but thank youu ;__; ahahah
gpp huhu ayo kenalan!! :D aku udah stop debate sepenuhnya sih huhu dulu aku 2nd speaker terus ((bener2 gapernah ganti)) ((paling cuma satu dua kali)))
hai jg hehe pls don't hesitate to talk to me! :D have a good dayy ♡
hai fay  aku suka tulisan tulisan kamu jago banget sih english nya padahal masih

aku da pernah nanya belum si wkwkwk mau dong😶

kak canti lucu baik bener2 kerasa aura apa adanya bukan ada apanya trs i think you have a really big heart you don't look like you hold grudges when you have problems
you really focus on the good things in life instead of the negative things and people enjoy being around you kyk... Kalo liat kakak irl kerasa bgt i can feel the love that people give to you and the love that you give to them
you appreciate the littlest things in life and the littlest things that people do, you make people appreciate little things and you make them laugh i love you so much for that
i've never met a fan that resembles their favourite artist as much as you do KAKAK PERSIS HOPI beneran deh personality-wise hopi versi cewek wkwk
aku da pernah nanya belum si wkwkwk mau dong

Kak fay, aku udah pernah nanya hta aurel belom?🙈🙈 kalo belom dijawab disini ae 💕💕

bellaurellian’s Profile Photoaurel
aurel seru bgt terus lucu kalo nyeplos suka ga kepikiran WKWK gemes trs akrab sama banyak orangg cepet akrab
TRS U SO HARDWORKER REL gw mana tahan bolak balik latihan dance hng aurel harus jaga kesehatann
AUREL SERU BGT PLIS MAU KETEMU kabar2in kalo ke jkt ayo kita main!!!! siapa tau ketemu june <3
Kak fay aku udah pernah nanya hta aurel belom kalo belom dijawab disini ae
Liked by: aurel

mau hta-in gue gak gak mau ya (nanya sendiri) (jawab sendiri)

GADENG baiqla
((((TP SUMPAH DEH GW BINGUNG MAU HTA APA)))) (((kita berdua sudah terlalu jujur)))
intinya ya i luv u ♡♡♡♡♡ i self-ship myself with you in another universe you're tiffany and i'm taeyeon you're manse and i'm minguk
im very very comfortable with you honestly you have to live a really really good life here and there ok???? someone like you is meant for great things and i want nothing but happiness for you thank you for being such a friend
everything will be all right and YOU'RE PRETTY I MEAN HAVE U SEEN YOURSELF i really dont know what else to write but u get my point!!! you're going to be ok ♡♡♡ thank you for being the tiffany to my taeyeon and the manse to my minguk ♡♡
from taeyeon/minguk ♡
(((and from hansol too)))
mau htain gue gak gak mau ya nanya sendiri jawab sendiri

kakak kita akhir'y debut faaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!! taeyeon unnie jjang!!!!!! (nangis ((beneran nangis)))

TAEYEON_I_Music Video
https://youtu.be/4OrCA1OInoonunggudebut’s Video 132144569322 4OrCA1OInoonunggudebut’s Video 132144569322 4OrCA1OInoo

aku mau HTA juga!! (abis ini HTA kamu aku bales)

kak nik itu adorable trs warm jg GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR sama chill bgt
you get along with ppl very easily and you make people feel comfortable kakak tuh sangat cocok dengan jurusan??? gampang bikin suasana cair jg terus ramahh
BUT KAK NIK PLS EAT WELL ;______; kak nik harus sehat!!! ayo makan!!! hng aku mau masakin kak nik tp watir nnt kak nik bukannya sehat malah masuk ugd
mari kita canangkan #4Sehat5Sempurnik
masa ei lily makan mommynya gak makan :(((( apa perlu biar makan disuapin sama:
aku mau HTA juga abis ini HTA kamu aku bales
Liked by: Putri

aku udah pernah minta hta belum sih, pengen di hta mbak farah deh :3

chromehurt’s Profile Photoayaya
naya itu???? adikku???
serius kamu noni dhana itu kayak... gantinya adikku bcs kalian seumuran trs adikku jarang di rumah jadi kayak punya banyak adik perempuan yang bisa gantiin
you are very eager to learn everything trs kamu kayak spons you are willing to take in anything so i would really really like to remind you to be very careful--there will be so much, so much things ahead that will find their way to you so please learn how to filter them too bcs i would want my little sister to be safe. you do not have to agree with everything--you don't have to conform to whatever is considered sophisticated in terms of intelligence and all. make sure you know why you're here and why you're alive and stick to it. adhere to it, don't let go--for the good of you and all the things around you.
you're a sponge. a very pretty, very squeaky clean sponge. make sure you absorb the soap.
i wish you all things bright and beautiful for your future endeavours ♡♡♡

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aku udah pernah minta hta belum sih pengen di hta mbak farah deh 3
Liked by: ayaya

(mengikuti tren askfm saat ini) boleh dong HTA jihaan hehe🙆

jihaawn’s Profile Photoj i h a a n
super sibuk superwoman that endures everything and never (or maybe rarely) burns out
you manage stress very very well???? you work hard you play hard you study hard i really love that about you you have so much to do but you never let it get to you
you know how to be cheerful and de-stress yourself every once in a while pokoknya i adore u a lot ♡♡♡
mas ini jg adore u a lot^^
mengikuti tren askfm saat ini boleh dong HTA jihaan hehe

faay mau dong hta aku hehe

butterfingle28’s Profile Photobila
plis kak bila itu gemes bgt fluffy pas pertama ketemu di GI aja langsung ketawa2 ramah gemes trs adorable POKOKNYA HUHUHUHU GEMAS aku sayang kak bila
trs kayak two sides of a dime gt nyai x princess tapi aku blm pernah liat kak bila in nyai state--GPP AKU SUKA KAK BIL FLUFFY ♡♡♡
very very very smart jg trs knows how to get things done trs royal otp nuna x brondong no. 1 HMS Bilki
luv aku sayang kak bila
bonus catboy kookie occupying noona's desk so noona doesn't have to be busy :<
faay mau dong hta aku hehe

What is the most interesting science?

honestly all!!!
I'm interested in linguistics more than anything else but I secretly am very interested in physics? Bukan fisika itung-itungannya sih just the conceptual aspect of physics (((because i hate numbers))) (((and numbers hate me)))
i used to be just meh with physics tapi waktu itu iseng baca2 theories and wow conceptually speaking this is very interesting? I read a bit about Hawking's main ideas and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and--my personal favourite--the Schrödinger's cat
I can't exactly comprehend every detail nor do I understand how the mathematical application works ((shivers)) (((good God math is just)) but the concepts as a whole are very interesting :D
((no i still don't like maths))
((i don't like high school physics either))
((fisika is fisiksa to me))

fay lagi bagus moodnya para anon request apa gitu dong yang berhubungan sama namjun. xx



aku udah lama ga nulis HUHUHUHU maaf ya ;______; kalo agak aneh ;____;
aku suka kakak juga (??????) ♡♡

ka mau tanya, pernah modusin namjun ga ? kalo pernah gimana ? 😁

The boy sat still, staring down into a grey backpack as his two hands froze, keeping the bag open. He'd been staring into the bag for thirty seconds now.
If it were a movie, he'd be looking into his bag with a look of horror on his face and cold sweat dripping down his temples--staring at the ticking bomb at the bottom of his bag. Or a gun. Or a pack of smuggled illegal drugs.
But it wasn't a bomb. Nor a gun, nor a pack of smuggled illegal drugs. It was a pack of biscuits and a bottle of water.
Handmade, too. Judging from the burnt edges on most of them, strivingly handmade.
He was pretty sure that he hadn't bought any of them.
He was pretty sure that they weren't in his bag an hour ago.
There was something stuck between the pages of his Charles Bukowski book. A piece of paper--recklessly ripped with a smiley face drawn on it.
It wasn't a pretty smiley face. It looked as if someone had drawn it in a rush out of excitement. A pair of tiny little dots with a lopsided curve under them. But it wasn't creepy--it looked warm.
I like Bukowski too, it said.

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ka mau tanya pernah modusin namjun ga  kalo pernah gimana


Language: English