

Ask @nunggudebut

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fay aku mau nanya lupa mulu, pernah baca Clair De Lune karangan Cassandra Golds nga Fay??

PERNAAAH HUHUHU WAKTU SD bagus bgt!!!!!! aku paling suka bagian yang pas flashback ke ibunya sama yang pas diceritain kenapa clair-de-lune nya bisu ;______; aku jadi suka bahasa prancis gara2 baca itu sama malory towers wkwkwk

ih ih mau dong nama fansite :3 HAHA

butterfingle28’s Profile Photobila
jd fansitenya namanya relapse trs kakak bukan artis yg idol gitu tapi vokalis band underground kalo konser suka kolab bareng just music trs diundang ke smtm jg but featuring sama rapper
NYAI AF WKWKWK gapernah mau difoto2 excessively gitu trs blunt kalo merasa terganggu ya bilang merasa terganggu kek woi bisa gak kameranya matiin dulu i'm trying to buy some food ampun unnie
TP SEBENERNYA TOTAL SOFTIE ini masternimnya suka dateng ke concerts gt sama ke acara2 featuring kakak trs baik gapernah ganggu gapernah maksa minta tanda tangan gt jadi kakak lama2 kenal trs jadi sering ngobrol akrab bgt
masternimnya jg paling update soal jadwal ngonser jadwal keluar album jadwal featuring2 soalnya kalo underground singer gt suka susah kan nyari aktivitasnya tp masternimnya rajin bgt terus photobooknya juga curated by kakak dulu baru dirilis
pokoknya akrab banget sampe masternimnya tau sebenernya bila unnie ada hubungan spesial sama anak boyband namanya depannya jeon belakangnya jungkook tp ga disebar lah soalnya udah sohib
YEY relapse aesthetic ♡♡♡

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ih ih mau dong nama fansite 3 HAHA
Liked by: bila

Faaay td pulang sekolah naik gojek bukan? (Maap kalo salah:D)

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH PLIS IYA AKU NAIK GOJEK feel free to say hi when you see meee! :D kamu liat aku dimanaaa wkwk AKU KETIDURAN DI GOJEK PAS TENGAH2 JALAN ;_______;

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ka kok sekarang udah ga pernah bikin ff lagi?:'(((

MAU HUHUHU tp lagi hectic bgt parah i have so many things to do for 12th grade and university entrance preparation i'm really sorry ;___; and i don't like writing things with only half of my effort or capability so pls bear with me if you will! XD i'll try my best to find time!
here's a bit of the seungyoon fic ((which i started months ago and never had the time nor energy to finish)) ((i'm so sorry)) ((but hopefully it will be finished!))
ka kok sekarang udah ga pernah bikin ff lagi


Nurulklnn’s Profile Photouns
WKWKKWKWKWKW GW JG BARU ASK ELO siapa ya un ah uun suka gt dah :>>>>
Ya jd gw dan uun adalah contoh teman yang (askfm) crushnya sama lalu karena solidaritas sesama fangirl sudah mendarah daging kita fangirlingan bareng

kak fay pernah tertarik sama cowok yang bukan namjun atau oppa gak wakakakakakakakak (tengil sekali)

kalo naksir2 gitu sih ada lah beberapa kali trs terkagum2 juga ada, askfm crushes ada instagram crushes ada casual real life crushes juga
kalo yang suka ///that way/// sampe confirmed bener2 suka ada satu orang 5 years ago that i still cherish to this day HAHAHAHAH
gt kira2 wkwkw
Liked by: uns

Kak tips belajarnya yaa... Motivasi belajarnya apa kak udah masuk sekolah pengen lebih baik kak.... Banggain mamapapa Makasih sebelumnya kak:)

hi!! :D
One of my bimbel teachers said something beautiful that I still hold onto to motivate myself.
(These weren't his exact words, but basically he said this:)
"Kamu belajar kayak gini, nanti kuliah, kerja, jangan cuma untuk kamu. Bukan untuk kamu, bukan untuk keluarga kamu yang sekarang, pekerjaan kamu nanti, atau keluarga kamu di masa depan. Kamu belajar, kuliah, kerja, ada di dunia itu buat tujuan yang lebih besar. Kamu harus jadi rahmatan lil 'alamin.
Kamu mau jadi apapun nanti, belajar apapun nanti, kamu harus bisa jadi manfaat untuk orang lain, harus bisa memberikan sumbangsih buat menyelesaikan permasalahan umat. Harus bisa meringankan beban orang lain, harus buat Allah, biar kamu ikhlas, nggak egois, biar kamu jujur. Insya Allah kamu mau ngapain aja bakal mudah, bakal berkah."
It's the kind of motivation that always drives me to go forward. You have one elaborate, beautiful brain that can do amazing things, and so many people in the world need you. Just keep going.

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Liked by: deka kayelinth eeq nav ayaya

ka pernah/tertarik ikut osn ga

hi! :)
When I was younger--during elementary school? junior high?--the people around me were very invested in getting me to national maths or science competitions and tbh for a while I wanted it as well. tapi lama-lama minat aku jadi nggak di IPA lagi, terus masuk SMA milih IPS
At the start of high school I pretty much obsessed over the national debating equivalent for OSN--NSDC--but I realized as time went by that I wasn't doing it for me, I was doing it for everyone else and it really had taken too much toll. So I decided that I'd learnt what I wanted to learn and that I didn't want any more damage done by the whole thing. I stopped debating after my second provincials.
You should give it a try! It was a nice experience :D just make sure that you're doing it for you and don't let anyone push you around too much. :3

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Hi Fay! What place do you want to visit someday? Happy Tuesday and enjoy your day! ^^

hi!! :D omg this is already friday i'm so sorry but have a good friday! jummah mubarak! :D
so a few months ago (a day after my birthday actually) there was an exhibition that celebrated van gogh's artworks for four months called Van Gogh Alive AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL everything was van gogh the floor was van gogh the walls were van gogh
There was a magazine that gave out 2 free tickets to go there BUT IT WAS HELD IN CHINA
there had been another exhibition held by Grande Exhibitions--it was called Monet to Cezanne and was held in singapore i really want to go to one of their exhibitions someday :((
you too have a good day!! :D
Hi Fay What place do you want to visit someday Happy Tuesday and enjoy your day

Halo! Boleh minta kesan dan pendapat kamu tentang video ini : https://youtu.be/wgsT6BSXfno . yang tidak secara langsung episode ini menganggap/menyindir orang yang menyukai kpop itu seperti apa wanita divideo itu lakukan. Have a nice day!

hi! :D
ok wow i haven't watched tv (except for occasional news and cooking shows/documentaries) for idk how long so i've never seen this programme before
ok so
I didn't watch the entire 30ish minutes video--I kind of skipped to some parts and watched snippets of it but I assume that the girl in the video was supposed to portray the typical K-Pop fangirl stereotype? And this guy was breaking up with her?
Bahas stereotypenya dulu ya--memang banyak kasus ekstrim kayak mbak di video tadi dan aku juga sering ketemu, tipe fangirl kronis yang hidupnya adalah kpop kpop kpop dan kpop, terus kesukaannya sama kpop itu nggak mendorong dia untuk jadi produktif di hal yang positif dan malah destruktif buat dia sendiri dan hubungan dia sama orang lain. Jadi it really is understandable as to why the stereotype exists karena the vocal majority of K-pop fangirls memang begitu. And it's honestly a very interesting phenomenon to observe because the stereotype of a fan is restricted only to K-pop fans, even obtaining the term 'kpoper' while other types of fan e.g. jpop fan, cpop fan, britpop fan do not get a particular term (britpoper/jpoper/cpoper does not exist).
((There is also another term--'chingu' but that is going to take up another post it's very interesting))
Jadi memang bisa dimengerti kenapa bisa ada stereotype kayak gitu (note, understandable--I do not uphold nor do I confirm that the stereotype is absolute).
Based on my own observation and experience, the only way to fight the stereotype is by proving it wrong. If you feel that K-pop fangirls should not be perceived that way, prove it wrong--do amazing things, earn money, get good grades, get your education and career. Have other interests too--liking K-pop is fun and it's just as nice as other things, but if it makes you unproductive or holds you back from pursuing other great things in life/maintaining your personal life and your relationships with others--it needs to be re-evaluated.
As for the boyfriend, I can understand when a boyfriend wants to break up with his girlfriend (or vice versa) because he feels that her interest in K-pop is beginning to steer her in a bad direction and she's not valuing him as a significant other in her life as much as she values K-pop artists. It's a whole other story when the interest is entirely harmless though.
Oh and, breaking up with your girlfriend on national tv (provided the video mentioned above was not scripted beforehand--which I doubt lol) is an idea that makes me cringe.
Here's a pic of my favourite unnie and have a great night! :D

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Halo Boleh minta kesan dan pendapat kamu tentang video ini
Liked by: Sucia Clarita

What's the last photo you took on your phone? Post it!

buat @_butterfingle x kuki tapi yang paling kiri tidak kooperatif meleber jelek :( difotonya jg tengah malem
Whats the last photo you took on your phone Post it
Liked by: Jul

Fayy rencananya mau kuliah dimana?

AKU GA BERANI CERITA WKWK ih nyeritainnya serem sendiri :" mohon doanya aja ya semoga lancar semoga rezekinya di situ HUHUHU aamiin
Fayy rencananya mau kuliah dimana

Who do you admire the most right now?

I was browsing for information about college and came across a blog--which surprisingly happened to be written by an alumnus of my current school.
I really enjoyed the blog--a compilation of little things that make you think, and I admire him a lot. The last post was written on August 23, 2008 but I found the contents relatable and intriguing. You should check out the blog.

fay tinggal nya dimana? sekolah nya dimana? kali aja kita bisa meet up gitu huehehe

SMAN 1 Depok!! hehe bolehh :D tapi aku lagi hectic bgt huhu but if you happen to live nearby/go to a school near mine please say hi if you see me around! :D kamu sekolah di manaa

Fayy kamu kalau di kelas termasuk yg aktif atau pasif?

aktif!! Wkwk kayaknya sih? soalnya aku ga tahan kalo ga nanya gitu, kalo gak ngerti harus nanya sampe ngerti sampe ke ujung2 terus aku suka tugas presentasi/diskusi soalnya boleh ngobrol
sumpah sampe di rapor sd sama tk aku tuh selalu ada tulisan "mohon,,, ananda farah,,, dikurangi ngobrol di kelasnya,,,," WKWKW abis ga tahan kalo lagi bahas sesuatu pengen nanya pengen ngobrol eh kamu suka itu gak ini susah gak
((Ga kok sekarang ga sampe ditulis di rapor)) ((Maaf ya pak dan bu guru sd dan tk ku))

kak pap meja belajarnya dong kkk~

BERANTAKAN BGT tapi lagi gemes baru dapet bunga terus ditaro meja ((Iya anaknya senorak itu)) (((Padahal bunga kondangan))) jadi agak enak dilihat ♡
kak pap meja belajarnya dong kkk

Hallo fay, aku yang nanya tentang motion debat semalem, makasih sarannya lumayan bisa buat bantu hehe :D♡♡♡ aku jadi 2nd speaker fay, it's so really hard because I must to have a lot of idea to development my argue he he he btw kamu speaker ke berapa? pasti 1st? he he

siskaelf_id’s Profile PhotoSiska
HAAAAI :D hi siska! (or kak siska? are you older?)
aku 2nd speaker wkwkw kadang2 3rd tapi paling sering second speaker? Jarang banget 1st mungkin cuma sekali dua kali :""
it's ok!! :D i agree with the fact that you must have a lot of ideas to develop your argument, but you'll be ok! :D selama teamworknya bagus sama argumennya valid (+ satu tim ngerti semua) hopefully everything will be just fine :3 please have fun too XD
salam buat temen setimnya yaa hehe semangat!!! let me know if there's anything that i can helpp SEMOGA ADJUNYA NANTI KAYAK GINI BENTUKANNYA YA
Hallo fay aku yang nanya tentang motion debat semalem makasih sarannya lumayan
Liked by: j i h a a n

kak fay ;_; aku lagi sedih ;_; bikinin dong fayjun kl kak faynya lg sedih ajunnya ngepain ;_; pasti aku gak sedih lagi ;v;

JGN SEDIH HUHU kamu juga o-<--< timingnya o-<--< pas
aku kalo sedih susah bilangnya sih kayak pasti butuh alone time dulu dan kalo masih diomongin ke orang lain berarti masalahnya masih belom gede
jadi dia pasti kalo udah ngerasa ada yang ga beres nanya dulu ada apa trs kalo ga dijawab didiemin dulu dikasih alone time
kalo udah dikasih waktu sendirian baru tbtb nyamperin
"aku bawa honey stars/cookie crisp sama es krim" ((JIR BENERAN ADA GASIH YANG KAYAK GINI))
trs makan sereal digadoin sereal pake susu sereal pake es krim sama es krim digadoin sambil nonton comfort movie sampe udah bisa diajak ngobrol trs dia kek
"sini" taps the spot next to his
"mau cerita?"
"aku dengerin" (even though i know that he will)
baru scoots over next to him pelan2 ngomong lama2 cerita AND HE WOULDN'T INTERRUPT he'd listen and give comfortable hugs and constant strokes until all is well again trs baru ngomong
dia kayak baymax your personal healthcare companion

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kak fay  aku lagi sedih  bikinin dong fayjun kl kak faynya lg sedih ajunnya

hay selamat pagi, jangan lupa sarapan ya :) ngomong ngomong soal sarapan, kalo boleh milih makanan apa yang mencerminkan pribadi kalian? have a nice day :)

You too have a good day and don't skip your meals! :D
You know those little candies that pop in your mouth the moment they touch your tongue--they taste good when consumed occasionally but they'll hurt you if you eat too much of them well I'm a cardboard box full of that candy
((They're called Pop Rocks, i remembered halfway through the post))
hay selamat pagi jangan lupa sarapan ya  ngomong ngomong soal sarapan kalo boleh

Where do you envision yourself living in the future?

I hope you like messy but clean little rooms with white walls and a lot of natural light and handmade decorations and books all over the house and amateur paintings hung everywhere and laughter and a lot of space to curl up and tidur-tiduran while reading a good book with a cup of tea or coffee because that's hopefully where you'll be visiting me in the future
Where do you envision yourself living in the future

hai mbak fayyy kalo lomba debat gitu biasanya yg dipilih yg kelas 11/12 atau tergantung skill/?/ nya? soalnya aku pengen ikut tp masih kelas 10 takut ga kepilih hhhh terimakasih and have a nice night mbak♡

haaai :D
Tergantung skill kok (kalo di english club aku sih)
Anak kelas 12 malah udah gapernah main lagi jadi tempat konsul aja kalo adek kelas ada yang mau lomba wkwk justru harus mulai dari kelas 10 biar makin jago soalnya latihannya makin banyak wkwk aku mulai jg pas kelas 10
biasanya sih satu tim kan 3 orang gitu ya isinya ada kelas 10 sama 11nya biar imbang
gapapa coba aja dulu!! hehe it won't hurt to try! :3 atau kalo mau coba aja speech storytelling atau newscasting dulu
Semangat ya semoga senior-senior dan adju-adju yang kamu temui nanti bentuknya seperti ini.
hai mbak fayyy kalo lomba debat gitu biasanya yg dipilih yg kelas 1112 atau

aku mo instal weheartit tapi memoriku ga muat;;_;;

gapapa jangan khawatir weheartit.com lewat browser jg bisa kok ♡♡♡ lumayan enak juga interfacenya

Fay, kalo misalnya ada motion TH as developing countries should restrict rural to urban migration, kalo kamu jadi gov team kamu bakal ngomong apa aja? hehe thanks before:)

HEHEHEHEHE MAU DEBAT YA MANGAT YA mosinya prepared semua??
I'm not going to write down the whole argument for you (mainly because I want you to build up your own and I don't want my ask.fm account to be that kind of place--we have idebate.org for that) but for this motion:
-pake first principle social contract--the society has given up some of their rights to the government during the election to be ruled and regulated, and in return the government is responsible for the welfare of the society.
Masyarakat menyerahkan haknya kepada negara. And in return negara harus bisa menjamin dan me maintain kesejahteraan masyarakat. As a government, figure out how it can happen by restricting rural to urban migration.
-mechanismnya--kalo rural to urban di restrict, lalu harus gimana? Apa yang harus dilakukan? Migrasi rural to urban usually involve less skilled and less uneducated people yang dateng ke kota to pursue a better life by looking for a job in urban areas. A lot of them end up unemployed and become an additional burden for the government.
Out of that ^ figure out a possible solution.
-buat 2nd speaker, dibahas juga future impactnya dari segi sosial sama ekonomi kalo rural to urban migration tidak lagi dibolehkan dan people from rural areas are kept to contribute for the development of rural areas. Bisa ngembangin potensi daerah kah? Persebaran masyarakat yang lebih merata? Mengurangi cultural lag dan kesenjangan sosial?
I'll give you that to start with :D semangat!!!! Semoga lancar yaa debatnya hehe jadi speaker ke berapaa? semangat!!! :D ♡♡♡

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Fay kalo misalnya ada motion TH as developing countries should restrict rural to
Liked by: Siska Leonie Lala

kak bagi tips dong gimana biar cepet bisa b.inggris hehe. soalnya aku udah kelas 9 dan banyak sepantar aku yg englishnya udh fluent bgt, sedangkan english aku masih jongkok trus grammarnya masih acak-acak-an huhu:( thxuu!! btw good night kakk^^

haaai ♡
banyak2 dipake!! serius idk how much i've repeated this tapi bener2 gaada cara lain harus dipake baca tulis ngomong dengerin sebanyak-banyaknya
emang capek, emang ga instan tapi tbh itu cara paling cepet biar cepet biasa sama cepet fluent--pake sebanyak-banyaknya, ngobrol yang banyak sama temen2 kamu yang udah fluent
semangat semoga cepet bisa!! ♡ X)
kak bagi tips dong gimana biar cepet bisa binggris hehe soalnya aku udah kelas 9
Liked by: moondust tet

kak ga ngeship mino irene atau surong? : (

((ohiya!!! tambah lagi satu: jenbin (jennie hanbin))
aku ngeship pairing banyak banget tapi main pairingsnya itu wkwkw masih ngeship yang lain tapi yANG 3 ITU TUH
kak ga ngeship mino irene atau surong

kak ada ga fav pairing kakak yang kalo diliat tuh suka bikin gemes gregetan sendiri??

cintaku sayangku bahan ffku kalo mereka nikah gue rela jadi kotak amplopnya:
-baekyeon (baekhyun taeyeon)
-namrin (namjun yerin 15&)
-surene (suho irene)
dan segenap otp tlist x bias ♡
((bonus)) ((ini juga lucu bgt!!! jin x sooyoung aku baper bgt pas pertama liat tapi belom sebaper 3 di atas))
kak ada ga fav pairing kakak yang kalo diliat tuh suka bikin gemes gregetan

halo kak! Mau nanya, kalian tipe orang yang mandi-ga-mandi sama aja atau keliatan banget kalo belom mandi? have a nice saturday!

mandi ga mandi sama aja...
sama-sama gaenak diliat.....
Beda sama mbak kalo ga mandi dari smp sampe sma juga masih cantik kali.
halo kak Mau nanya kalian tipe orang yang mandigamandi sama aja atau keliatan

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

I haven't gone through /that/ much to say that 'where I am now' is a pretty significant state yet--but high school debate club in my current high school. It built as much as it ruined. And it's honestly worth it, it's worth a lot.

fay, misalkan pen bikin cerita yg ada flashbacknya gitu, dia kan pasti pake past tense, trus brarti yg "normal"nya (yg bukan flashback) (yg lagi kejadian) pakenya apa dong? present tense?

yes! :D kecuali kalo karakternya itu nginget2nya juga di masa lampau
semangat ya nulisnyaa! :D
fay misalkan pen bikin cerita yg ada flashbacknya gitu dia kan pasti pake past

Emang kalau di rumah fay dipanggil apa ? Oh iya fay min berapa ? Pernah kepikiran buat operasi lasik ga ? Hehe sorry banyak nanya

Dipanggil 'kakak' sama semuanya, dipanggil 'farah' juga tapi cuma kalo lagi dimarahin wkwkw
aku kalo ga salah kiri min 4 terus kanan min 1 (((iya bedanya jauh))) ((suka baca sambil tiduran)) udah sempet baca2 soal operasi lasik sih tapi ngeri wkwk and there's another kind of surgery that i need (but haven't done) so i never really consider lasik...? Aku suka pake kacamata hehe :3
gapapa HUHU KNP KALIAN MINTA MAAF TERUS SAMA AKU orang2 irl juga sering minta maaf padahal ga salah apa2 EMANG AKU GALAK YA HUHU
gpp kamu tidak salah apa2 ♡♡♡ jangan minta maaaf wkwk kan nanya baik2 X) have a good day! :D
Liked by: Shafira Arindiyah

Teh rekomendasiin blog fanfic indo yg mnrt teteh bagus dongg

HUHUHU TETEH oot tapi aku suka banget dipanggil / denger orang manggil kakak/adeknya pake panggilan kayak mbak-mas aa-teteh uda-uni gitu??? lucu banget huhu seneng dengernya
aku jarang baca ff tbh... jarang banget baca ff bahasa indo juga jadi kurang tau mana yang bagus...? huhu maaf aku tidak membantu ;__; tapi semoga ketemu!! hehe X)

hi fay! do you know some ask.fm accounts of fangirls that's interesting to follow and ask? sorry for my broken english wkwk hv a nice day ya fay:D

hii!! :D
NO DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR USING ENGLISH it's ok it's perfectly ok--the 'is' in 'that's' should be changed to 'are' but other than that your english is already very good X) Please don't apologize! ♡
believe it or not i actually don't follow that much kpop account but based on the ones i know:
@topkrisus: lucu bgt bgt very entertaining wkwk lengkap dibahas kpop dari ujung ke ujung
@ivannuneo: kalo kamu suka jyp/bap/bts! hehe
@steammedbuns: temen w ini seputar kyungsoo woozi VERNON manse dan lelaki-lelakinya yang lain
@baekjei: daddy baek!!! Wkwk kalo kamu suka baekhyun sama suka baekhyun jadi pahmud
@resannisa: papa dyo!AU :D kuki sama chanwoo jugaa
@azurasshi: kalo mau yang informatif dan tida kpop2 banget wkwkw
@kyungsheey: oppa x humor receh pelepas stres
kalo kamu suka soshi ada 2 fanboy wkwk @oniontaker sama @chicagosone gives you a lot of insights from different perspectives dan objektif :3
duh banyak??? Wkwk banyak bgt aku jg suka liat di feeds banyak yang postnya bagus2 tp aku jarang stalking kpop accounts ;___; have fun!! :D
oh sama asefemnya oppa cabang selebask: @andandown WKWKWKW

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HAI FAY! How's life? banyak2 makan ya, jangan bergadang terus, nanti dimarahin kakak tutor 😊😊 nanti abis kamu UN, kita ketemu yaaa MASIH LAMA 😊😊

KAAAAAK huhuhu makasihhh ;________; iya wkwk sedang berusaha membenarkan pola makan dan tidur HUHU AYO KETEMU AKU MAU KETEMU KAK ASHA ;____;
btw!!! yang kemaren nanya soal tlist bap yang seru kak asha jg suka bap :D wkwk terutama yongguk ID INSTAGRAMNYA AJA COCOK bangstergram nengstergram wkwkwk
ayo kakak kita ketemu kapan2 huhu doakan aku ♡♡♡

kak WKWK rekomendasiin aplikasi hp yg bermanfaat dong, anything to keep us productive HEHEHE (taunya salah sosoan inggris) thanks a bunch ka hehe pls have a good day!

NO DON'T BE INSECURE WHEN YOU'RE USING ENGLISH I REPEAT JANGAN INSECURE KALO PAKE BAHASA INGGRIS :((( anyone who knows that you're an english-as-second-language (ESL) speaker and insults you for not speaking perfect english is being rude i repeat extremely rude--siapapun yang tahu kalo inggris bukan bahasa pertama kamu dan ngehina kamu gara2 bahasa inggrisnya nggak sempurna itu kasar dan mereka nggak seharusnya begitu :((
please be confident at least with me :( that sentence was 100% correct please don't be insecure please be confident and comfortable using english!! X)
btw aplikasi hp ya hehe adaa tapi aku ga tau banyak--ada:
-duolingo: ini aplikasi belajar bahasa gitu, seru banget terus beneran gampang belajarnya, ada macem2 bahasa prancis jerman spanyol dll
-heads up: game buat dimainin bareng2 hehe seru deh agak susah dijelasinnya?? Tp kalo kamu tau mainan charades, nah ini kayak gitu :D
-7 minute workout: blm pernah nyoba tapi was recommended by a friend trs kayaknya bagus sih wkwk
-talk to me in korean: buat belajar bahasa korea sih wkwkw
-the washington post: koran tbh wkwk gaharus ini sih koran apapun, tapi layoutnya the washington post bagus
-pixlr picsart wkwk
aku baru tau segituu wkwk i hope i helped!! X)

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Hallo kak^^ ,boleh mnta sarannya? adakah blog yang punya short story yg bagus utk dijadikan bahan story telling? Trimakasih sekali jika berkenan membantu❤

haaai! :D
um i honestly don't do blogwalking that much jadi aku ga bisa bantu banyak? mungkin kamu bisa cari2 di kategori fiction-nya thoughtcatalog.com di situ bagus-bagus :D atau di classicshorts.com
but definitely not my blog though i really don't like to hear any of my works being verbally told (terutama sama orang lain) because 99.99% of the time it doesn't sound like them at all--it doesn't sound the way I want them to be
semangat!!! semoga lancar ya story tellingnya :D have a great day!
Hallo kak boleh mnta sarannya adakah blog yang punya short story yg bagus utk

FAYYYYYY jadi jenny gaakan ada di unpretty rapstar 2?????? jadinya sooah? sedih :(((((((

sebenarnya sudah berhenti berharap banyak dari @ygent_official sumpah ga minta yang muluk2 kasih kabar aja itu 7 cewek apa kabarnya
sebenernya kaget jg sih kirain kalo bukan jennie ya miyeon atau ha jiseo?? taunya yang dikirim malah sooah...Ya ga kenapa2 sih cuma dia kan member future 2ne1 kelahiran 99 seumuran anak gw si yeri sudah disuruh melawan nyai-nyai watir bgt brb telpon kak seto
ya gapapa sooah semangat ya ♡♡♡ selamat dan sukses
daily reminder untuk kita semua
FAYYYYYY jadi jenny gaakan ada di unpretty rapstar 2 jadinya sooah sedih
Liked by: pamela potato

ka fay, aku ada tugas inggris, free speech, sebenernya ga harus pidato yang penting ngomong aja bebas, kata kaka aku ngambil tema apa? makasi ka sebelumnya, maaf kalo mengganggu hehe ily♡♡

hi!! :D
gak gangguu wkwkw um whatever you're comfortable with! :D pidato paling bagus itu pidato tentang sesuatu yang emang kamu suka/passionate about karena lebih gampang kalo mau improvisasi/bikin kerangka pidato
apa aja, kamu suka apa--comic, fashion, psychology, yang pengen kamu share atau kasih shoutout :3 semoga lancar ya pidatonyaa! :D
ka fay aku ada tugas inggris free speech sebenernya ga harus pidato yang penting

pengen tau fay yg aku kenal di twttr sm fay yg nanti bakal ditemuin itu sama apa engga, soalnya km terlalu manis di twttr aku bisa melipir ke lantai kalo liat km lagi gombalin mas namjun....sebel

JulisaHS’s Profile PhotoJul
GAK SAMA aslinya kalo bahas namjun langsung jongkok meratap dalam diam mengeluarkan suara-suara paus anaknya cemen kalo bahas namjun
TP SERIUS WKWK kalo ga seumuran sama aku pasti kesan pertamanya formal banget soalnya aku sungkanan gitu apalagi kl sama yg lebih tua??
kayak...kayak ketemu anak kelas 5 sd sih sebenernya
((kesimpulannya)) ((nunggudebut mentally seumuran sama anak kelas 5 sd))

assalamualaikum fay, i'm secretly hoping that we will meet someday fay! so curious about you to be very honest.

JulisaHS’s Profile PhotoJul
waalaikumsalaaam ♡♡ HUHU AKU JG MAU KETEMU KAKAK ;____; knp curious soal aku wkwkwk there's honestly not much to be curious about ;__; ayo insya Allah kita ketemu!!! :D
Liked by: Jul


Language: English