

Ask @nunggudebut

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6 & 8 Hehe. Kangen fay btw :) my jenny

i miss all of you too :(( AW THAT'S SO CUTE HAHAH
6: HAH INI MAKSUDNYA LIKE DALAM KONTEKS APA /like/ yang kayak gitu ya
i like namjun aja boleh gak (((gak)))
well i've liked the said person for idk, 4 years? and he's like and will probably always be the arnold to my helga and i'm more than content with that--i like him because he doesn't give a projection or a possibility of a hypothetical concept of ////us//// together in the future wkwk
8: i worry about everything rn

15 sama 30 faaay hehehe

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
hai kakaaak :D
15 hmmm aku gatau? wkwk konstan
30 a lot of things went downhill and i'm not in the best state, hope things will change for the better in july

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fay mau 2 sama 3!!

prmth’s Profile Photoparamitha.
hai kakakk!! :D
how have i changed in the past 2 years...
-15yo me had very blurry opinions about things, 17yo me not anymore
-i learned that in an ideal world all things would be fair and everyone would play by the rules but in this world some people will cheat on you and it doesn't mean that you have to be like them to survive--you just have to understand that
-15yo me liked the idea of prince charming, 17yo me likes the idea of playing fairy godmother
-15yo me was a shitty prose writer. 17yo me is learning.
nomer 3 in terms of romantic affection? ke lawan jenis? WKWK ok then:
-rajin solat rajin ngaji ngerti agama yang bener dan dipraktekin, ga males ke masjid
-can lead witty, funny, interesting conversations
-has passion and interests and works hard for them, teaches me new things
-reads and/or watches a lot of things, able to give me new knowledge and things to learn from
-treats his friends, family and even strangers well
kira2 gitu...? Wkwkk

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Liked by: paramitha.

nomor 1 dong faaay hehehe

hai kakakk! X)
-i talk--to myself, to my stuffs, to imaginary friends
-i'm a bit nervous around windows jadi pasti bolak balik nutup gorden
-i lie down and look at my ceiling and wall for minutes
-i pet my plushies and stuffed dolls to make sure that they're comfortable
-oh and i send letters to myself too
Liked by: paramitha. naya

16 sama 19!!!!!!

kyungpanman’s Profile Photodea
wkwkw ive done #19 ;__;
there's not a lot to be proud of but 16:
-i'm capable of forming my own opinions about things and using them to respond to situations
-i don't hold grudges
-i try my best to treat people who work in retail/service industry well

boleh dua langsung nggak? wkwk 24 sama 19 dong kak hehe

bellaurellian’s Profile Photoaurel
BORONG BGT BU wkwk boleh
-wall's oreo ice cream
-long talks and hugs
-going around the town on my own
-long and imaginative conversations (preferably at late nights)
to d, everything's gonna get better everything's gonna get better everything's gonna get better everything's gonna get better
to all, i cared and care about you, a lot, and there never was a time in my life when i did not mean it
to y, there are better things ahead than me and you are meant for great things and i'll keep on praying for you
to my younger sister and cousins, please don't grow up too fast please let me braid your hair and squeeze your cheeks and have pillow fights with you for a couple more years before boys and girls break your hearts and trigonometry takes your time
to r--no, i'm not coming and yes, it's because you are and maybe, we'll both forget about it but it's going to take a while and most definitely it isn't now.

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hay fay rikues pcy x wendy x seulgi boleh engga? dibalesnya nanti aja kalo fay udah engga sibuk :) makasih fay :)

hai hai X)
ini chanyeolnya baru putus dari wendy ya trs dateng acara kampus (((dateng doang))) ((ga bantuin))
seunghoon: "oi yeol pakabar" tepok bahu asik ala bro bro
pcy: "baik, lu?"
"baik, ngapain lu di sini?"
"gaada kerjaan gue siapa tau ada yang cantik"
"lah nyet trus wendy?"
"udahan gua"
"hah kapan??"
"udah dua mingguan kayaknya, gua gainget"
"jahat lu"
"ye abis gimana? lagian lu sendiri gimana sama jisoo, masih?"
"masih lah"
lalu lanjut ngobrol2 kaki diangkat satu gitu kan sambil nyapa temen2 seper-bro-an
seulgi lewat
pcy: "cie rajin panitia"
seulgi: "berisik"
"dih panitia galak"
"eh kalo gamau bantuin pulang aja lo nutupin pemandangan tau gak"
"yang mau dianter pulang aja belom selesai??"
"emangnya mau nganter pulang siapa" (((tapi sambil senyum-senyum))) ((paham))
"elo lah" (((bales senyum))
lalu seulgi jalan pergi sambil rolling eyes tapi dalem hati senyum-senyum tau kan ehe
seunghoon: sambil ngeliatin seulgi "gercep banget lu"
"hehe cantik ya"
"...itu kang seulgi bukan sih"
"iya hehe nih lo mau liat instagramnya gak gue baru dapet nih" langsung brb ambil hape buka instagram searching profile 'sseulkachu'
seunghoon: "bentar deh"
seunghoon: "seulgi tuh bukannya temen sma-nya--"
pcy: "mampus"
foto seulgi dengan teman sma yang dimaksud

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hay fay rikues pcy x wendy x seulgi boleh engga dibalesnya nanti aja kalo fay

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

My father. Equal amount of contemplative discussions and good-humoured jokes, enough amount of sass.

hay fayyy kan cerita pertama ketemu namjun udah kalo pertama ketemu junmyeon kekmanaaa? hehe have a good friday night(?) wk

dijawabnya gak friday night kamu sebel sama aku gak :((
HEHE ini pernah dibahas (((dibahas)) sama kak firda jadi ketemunya di nikahan temen aku dateng sama mbak terus ketemu junmyeon
nikahan minho
taeyeon: "dek temenin mbak ke nikahan minho yuk mau gak"
fay: "hah mbak ngga pergi sama kak baek aja?"
"dia disuruh dateng duluan sama temen-temennya katanya"
"yaudah deh aku juga gaada acara apa-apa"
yaudah ke nikahan minho bareng deh tuh
sampe nikahan minho ditinggal dulu sama mbak soalnya mbak ada urusan sebentar
yaudah duduk awkward di pojokan pegang minum ga kenal siapa-siapa
junmyeon: "eh itu siapa"
sunggyu: "gatau dah tadi dateng sih gua liat sama taeyeon"
"oh gitu" terus minum
yaudah lanjut ngobrol sama sunggyu dll sambil berdiri nah pas sunggyunya pergi baru duduk di bangku sebelah yang kosong
junmyeon: nunjuk bangku "ada orangnya nggak?"
fay: "hah nggak gapapa silahkan"
terus duduk awkward kan sebelahan looking at everything except each other ceunah
junmyeon: "...temennya taeyeon ya?"
fay: "adeknya"
"oh, adek nomer berapa?"
"oh gitu"
lalu diem-dieman lagi kehabisan kata-kata terus taeyeon manggil buat dikenalin ke temen-temennya
fay: "duluan ya"
junmyeon: "ah iya, iya gapapa"
tersenyum grogi lalu fay pulang nah baru deh abis pulang suho sibuk nanya2 eh lu tau nama adeknya taeyeon yang paling kecil gak yang kemaren di nikahannya minho iya gua minta acc sosmednya dong apa kek twitter kek askfm path
lalu seminggu kemudian fay ngecek path ada notif 'Suho Kim has added you' trs lah ini kan yang kemaren di nikahannya minho lalu diaccept
terus jadi sering ngobrol
bonus foto pas dateng nikahan

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hay fayyy kan cerita pertama ketemu namjun udah kalo pertama ketemu junmyeon

ka editannya yang instagram itu nama fontnya apa? terimakasihh

aku juga ga tau HUHU soalnya kalo di pixlr gaada judul fontnya gitu :(((( ada di kategori default terus aku nyoba2 aja yang paling mirip ya mana huhu maaf ya tidak bisa membantu banyak :(((

10 ways to win your heart

in terms of what .-. like, the personality traits that i like or actions that i like...? as friends or as romantic interest?


kyungpanman’s Profile Photodea
Yoongi pilot. Kalo harus berangkat dinas seojun suka nangis liat papanya pergi terus ikut sampe ke lift digendong kak dea dadah2 ke papa sambil masih sesenggukan :<

Kak pernah ga ngerasa males buat pacaran? Atau ga tertarik sama cowo real life karena ngerasa cowok idaman itu secara fisik mukanya harus kayak bias trs karakternya harus kayak karakter khayalan since you always make ff?._.

Emang males buat pacaran diq tapi alasannya bukanlah oppar namun penciptanya oppar <3
Liked by: alna naya

ka fayyy, suka nonton drama ga? kalo iya, drama yang bagus apasi? makasi ka, have a nice day ya! maaf ganggu❤

...aku suka tapi jarang nonton gabisa konsen HUHUHU aku attention span nya parah bgt kalo nonton yang series2 cepet banget bosen nonton WIN aja selesainya berapa bulan ;_____;
duh aku jadul bgt drama2 favoritnya?? aku suka
-brilliant legacy: BAGUS BGT aku suka banget tokoh2nya terus sedih kalo muncul peran adiknya yang autis ;___; aktingnya bagus banget
-my fair lady: lucu bgt seru wkwk majikan x supir kocak bgt si ceweknya itu princess banget sering berantem sama cowoknya.. TRS AGE GAP AKU SUKA AGE GAP
-personal taste: ini juga seru banget soalnya kepribadiannya kontras cowoknya telaten perfeksionis ceweknya slengean TRS NOONA AKU SUKA NOONA
sama boys before flowers HAHAH sumpah ga apdet terakhir nonton kill me heal me cuma dapet 1 episod tp seru?? bagus sih terus di sekolahku sempet demam bgt pinocchio bahkan yang benci kipop jadi suka kipop gara2 pinocchio
biasanya aku kalo tv series nontonnya bukan korea...aku kalo korea sukanya varshow wkwk sama aku lagi suka nonton heart_a_tagnya tiffany!! seru bgt hehe

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Liked by: pijoh

coba ingat2 cerita namjun sama junmyeon ketemu di backstage problematic man abis namjun tau2 meluk fay

kyungpanman’s Profile Photodea

junmyeon jealous mah diem2 aja tapi tau2 fay di rumah dianya yang clingy2 terus bilang "aku sayang kamu jangan kemana2 ya kamunya"

kyungpanman’s Profile Photodea
junmyeon jealous mah diem2 aja tapi tau2 fay di rumah dianya yang clingy2 terus

junmyeon kalo cemburu gmn sih kak?

((((disclaimer))) ((ini junmyeon versi fay)))
repot bgt buset pusing kalo namjun kalo jeles kan bilang "itu siapa" "jangan sering2 main sama dia" dll tapi junmyeon tuh diem aja kayak bottle up gitu dan makin jeles makin diem tapi tetep gamau bilang ada masalah apa adanya juga ngode2 gajelas "you know i love you right" ya iye tapi masalahnya apa dia ga bakal bilang until he really really snaps and lashes out at the guy deuh kalo kata san e mah "just don't call her!"
idk i get the feeling that he's the type to warn the guy..? wkwk dia repot tapi lovable yang jago bikin jealous!junmyeon itu @kyungpanman
junmyeon kalo cemburu gmn sih kak

hello, Fay! so i got my raport book today and quite surprised by my friend who got nice rank but he was a lazy ass in the class, even the rank was higher than me. have you experienced this?

hi anon! X) OH I'VE JUST GOTTEN MY REPORT CARD TODAY TOO hahah hope you still got great grades + will improve in the next term! :D
i've never really experienced it...? i don't usually know my friends' ranks and scores unless they tell me first and i never ask .-. but yeah i imagine that it must be pretty disheartening especially if you've been working very hard for your grades
i'm really not a learning expert or anything but i think you should befriend him! :D really yeah ask him how did you do that? ask him to tell you how he studies and try to apply it to yourself. maybe he's already found the compatible learning type for himself--maybe he's the type that can only concentrate at home instead of at school, or maybe he has other ways. really though, be his friend--be friends with people that will be a good influence to you
hope everything goes well for you and have a great term! :D

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kak fay mau nanya, ada ga tlist atau blog yg tipe bahasa ceritanya mirip kak fay? soalnya cerita yg kak fay tulis enak dibaca.. makasihh

we're all a bit different in terms of gaya bahasa and all jadi aku kasih aja blog2 tlistku yang aku tau ya ehehe
@kyunksoo : lightsober.co.vu
@dyorans : studyobaek.wordpress.com , thinkingblue.weebly.com , mymelancholicclouds.tumblr.com
@bonplacito : fieryflower10.tumblr.com
@gbrlkho : keemcandy.tumblr.com
@minsxxk : firdanugraha.tumblr.com
@ridhawr : oppyak.tumblr.com
@onekeeks : chromehurt.tumblr.com
@winneodont : wordsdump.wordpress.com
aku baru tau segitu hehe maaf ya kalo ada yang kelewat ;__;

fay, pernah kepikiran ngga tipe friendship nya agus sama namjun tuh kayak gimana? soalnya kalo diliat-liat mereka tuh kayak yg sering beda pendapat gitu tapi ntar adem sendiri...

THEY'RE MY FAVOURITE serius aku suka banget interaksi mereka
i don't know them AT ALL but i really like how they interact
agus sama namjun itu tipe pertemanan favoritku wkwk aku liatnya mereka ngga terlalu kayak temen gitu tapi lebih ke kayak rekan kerja who have each other's backs and they push each other to keep doing their best in their own ways
agak kayak edo sama aku?? edo namjun aku agus
namjun tuh lebih berapi-api and wants to show the world what he can do sementara agus is a bit subtle about it...? sama agus lebih perfeksionis lebih banyak pikiran
dua-duanya bisa kerja sama dan jadi team player tapi juga bisa kerja sendiri dan bersaing secara sehat and i think that's a very healthy and stimulating relationship. dua-duanya gamau kalah sama satu sama lain tapi juga bakal support karya satu sama lain dan mau ngakuin kalo one of them did a very good job
namjun emang leader, he really was made for it. tapi agus tuh yang support di balik layar, yang kalo ada apa-apa yang namjun gabisa tanganin atau namjun sendiri yang breakdown, agus bakal turun tangan. dia itu tipe sherlock agus tipe watson (like edo and me???? Wkwk)
ya pokoknya mereka favoritku ♡

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Liked by: Yas kay

Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Puasa untuk Fay dan mas Suho👦👧 - Asha beserta keluarga👪

HAHHAHAHAHAHHSHDHHDBDBD alhamdulillah makasih ya kak asha ♡ selamat ya koh iko sama cici hyuna ^^ titip salam juga buat yongguk....apa namjun...apa jimin....apa jinyoung....
luv luv semangat puasanya kak asha ♡♡♡

fay ngoleksi album kpop gak? atau ada hal lain yg dikoleksi gitu?

aku ngoleksi buku! hehe sama uang logam X)

fay pernah kebayang gak sih coach kamu junmyeon, bukan namjun?

kakak tau gak jadi ketua english club sekolahku dulu ada yang persisssss banget junmyeon sifatnya sama2 gak berisik terus diem baik bgt lagi trs pinter tapi pinternya ga kayak namjun pinternya persis pinternya junmyeon gitu
comparison between namjunmyeon kalo jadi coach:
(kalo salah)
j: "gapapa, salah itu biasa kok ^^ kamu tadi salahnya di sini, mungkin bisa kita improve jadi--"
n: "tadi tuh salah banget tau nggak, harusnya kamu teorinya bukan yang itu dll dsb dst"
(kalo lagi coaching)
j: datang tepat waktu dengan baju rapih dan senyum di wajah lengkap dengan printout materi
n: kumpul jam 4 dateng setengah 5 bermodal materi di otak dan "eh eh punya kertas gak ya kamu iya kamu sini pinjem pulpen"
(nemenin anak didiknya lomba)
j: menonton match dengan sangat serius tak lupa beliin minum dan snack "iya hehe udah gapapa buat kamu hadiah for trying your best"
n: lagi match duduk di pojok kaki naik satu main hape, tapi dia kalo abis match pasti ngasih eval pas istirahat jadi coaching sepanjang jalan kitu
(pas lagi ngejuri)
j: juri baik nan manis yang selalu tersenyum penuh motivasi kepada speaker yang sedang berbicara, sangat kooperatif dengan panitia dan mengkritik dengan lembut, trs dia yang jadi head adjudicator gitu yang ngurus ranking sama match, cuma galaknya kalo lagi ngabsen peserta terus banyak yang ga nyaut pusing pala junmyeon tapi abis itu baik lagi
n: DIA PASTI KETAWA KALO LAGI NGEJURI kl salah ketawa kalo konyol ketawa mana ganteng kan makin bikin minder trs dia yang suka susah dipanggil sama panitianya gt trs dia kalo ngasih kritik banyak, on point dan konstruktif, suka ngasih evaluasi per orang yang panjang jg sekalian nyekil dedek gemes
brb pusing

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fay pernah kebayang gak sih coach kamu junmyeon bukan namjun

bukan ka, aku cuma pembaca setia tenfeetdrowning dan followers askfm dari jaman batu, pas diaskfm liat foto puberty kaka, mukanya kayak mau ngelabrak org/???/ tapi pas pake kacamata langsung kayak anggota resmi anak rohis yang tebar senyum sana sini wgwgwg btw ditunggu updatean blognya ya ka!

WKWKWK YA AMPUN KAMU INGET iyaa emang in general mukaku lebih galak kalo ga pake kacamata tapi kalo lagi pake kacamata terus muka galak jg sama aja sih wkwk kalo lagi ga pake kacamata terus senyum juga lumayanlah ga galak-galak amat wkwk btw makasih ya ;___; maaf juga blm bisa update tenfeetdrowning lagi soalnya lagi sibuk ngurusin ginian HUHUHUDBFJDJDJDJDNFBDNNDND mohon doanya biar cepet kelar ya ;___; have a good day!
bukan ka aku cuma pembaca setia tenfeetdrowning dan followers askfm dari jaman

iya ka wgwgwg jangan lepas kacamata ya ka, kalo lepas dirumah aja ka biar ga nakut nakutin orang/anonkurangajar

wkwkwk kamu adek kelasku di sekolah ya? apa pernah ketemu aku/liat foto aku dmn gitu
wkwk iya aku emang harus pake kacamata terus ((tapi suka ketinggalan)) ((maklum umur 17 tapi memorinya 71)) cuma dilepas kalo lagi kelupaan/lagi lomba

ka pernah merasa raut wajahnya kaka berubah ga semenjak pake kacamata? kayak lebih ramah gitu?

HAHAHAHAH EMANG IYA YA wkwk temen2 aku jg pada bilang gt!! katanya mukaku lebih galak kalo ga pake kacamata daripada pake kacamata wkwk emang iya ya?

wakakakaka terusin lagi namjun-fay harpot!au boleh? wkwkwkwkwk btw kamu slytherin? kita satu house dong!

chocolakay’s Profile Photokay
iyaa wkwk aku slytherin!! hehe tp udah lama bgt ga main pottermoree
((YOUR PROMPTS REALLY your questions are so creative)))
in which it's in the middle of Yule Ball, slytherin fay is going with hufflepuff junmyeon and namjoon is a ravenclaw
She'd seen him a lot of times. He looked pretty much like the typical Ravenclaw that you'd expect--bright clever eyes, smart mouth, though he never looked exactly like it--he was too particular to be typical. He had tousled hair that fell over his eyes sometimes, and a grin that was too mischievous to fit into the conventional Ravenclaw mould. If it wasn't for the Sorting Hat, he'd make a pretty good Gryffindor--a very clever and deadly bold one.
Deadly bold and mischievous. Maybe that was why the Sorting Hat kept him away from it.
She was used to seeing him in glimpses, in his messy hair and his uniform thrown together into an equal chaos, but Yule Ball was different. Yule Ball brought in a boy with formal suit and tamed hair, and she wasn't quite ready to see it up close.
He initiated the conversation first, holding a cold glass of Butterbeer in one hand.
"I didn't expect you to come with him."
"Neither did I."
He chuckled. "You still came though. Where is he?"
She shrugged, trying to avoid his eyes and the whole conversation. He had a witty mouth--a mouth that he knew very well how to put into good use, and his comebacks were tiring, it was always another level of conversation with him. Almost as if they were jabbing at each other, trying to determine who would run out of witty comebacks first. "Doing his prefect jobs. He'll be back soon."
"Didn't know your kind of prom date is a straight A Hufflepuff prefect."
"Shut up," she scowled. "He's not exactly that awful."
He was drinking his Butterbeer and he had to try very hard to not choke on it while he laughed. "Look at you. You're enjoying it."
"I swear if you don't shut up right now I'll shut you up. Go back to your date."
"I dont have one," he grinned and handed her a Butterbeer before he left. "Cool kids don't come with dates--we steal others'."
He had a kind of intelligence that was made to frustrate others, and the fact that it always got to her in all the wrong and right ways irked her. He was a walking headache. A walking OWL test.
"Is that another form of glorifying yourself?"
"Yes," he yelled over the music, "and most likely won't be the last."

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wakakakaka terusin lagi namjunfay harpotau boleh wkwkwkwkwk btw kamu slytherin
Liked by: kay

faaay hehehehehe rikues fayjun kalo ldr gimana dong (terinspirasi tweet tadi) X)) tqqqqq

resannisa’s Profile Photoannisa
parah bgt dua-duanya sama2 sibuk trs gengsinya tinggi, kepikiran terus 'ngontak gak ya ngontak gak ya' akhirnya menyibukkan diri dan lama-lama lupa there's someone else across the ocean
dan gaakan ada yang ngontak duluan kecuali sangat butuh
ceritanya namjun kuliah yang program 2 taun di sini 2 taun di london
agus: "oi"
namjun: "oi"
"sibuk gak lo ntar weekend"
"ada kerja kelompok gue ngerjain paper"
"sibuk mulu lo, keluarga masih sempet dihubungin?"
"masih lah kemaren nyokap gue baru skype"
"trus itu si bocah"
"....dia udah gak bocah lagi sekarang udah mau kuliah"
"masih anjir"
"eh lo belom jawab, trus dia gimana? masih lo kontak?"
"...ya gitu"
"terakhir nelepon/skype kapan?"
"nelepon 4 atau 5 bulan lalu?"
"jahat lo anjir putusin aja daripada kayak gini"
"ya gimana dia juga ga pernah ngontak gue? gue pengen banget ngontak dia gus tapi gue pasti ganggu dan dia bukan tipe yang suka dihubungin terus-terusan"
fay: "eh abis dari sekolah lo mau ke mana"
joy: "tidur paling di rumah gabut gue"
"temenin gue ke gramed mau gak"
"yaudah ayo gue juga gaada kerjaan"
lalu di gramed
joy: "ngapain lo ke gramed?"
fay: "beli kuas sama nyari buku... lo ga mau nyari apa-apa?"
"gue pengen nyari notes sih" joy ngecek line "sungjae nitip penggaris 30 senti katanya"
"penggaris mangnya gaada di tukang fotokopi"
"mager paling dia abis futsal sama temen-temennya"
diem sambil nyari
joy: "lo ga nyari apa2 buat namjun?"
"hah nggak"
"ya gak kenapa-kenapa.."
"masih kontakan gasih lo?"
"iya, 4-5 bulan lalu sih gue main ke rumahnya terus dia lagi nelpon mamanya akhirnya mamanya nyuruh dia ngomong sama gue. gapapa, dia sibuk"
"lo ga nyoba ngontak dia duluan apa gimana"
"ya gimana dia juga ga pernah ngontak gue? gue pengen banget ngontak dia joy tapi gue pasti ganggu dan dia bukan tipe yang suka dihubungin terus-terusan"

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faaay hehehehehe rikues fayjun kalo ldr gimana dong terinspirasi tweet tadi X

kak fay, aku mau nanya. kakak yang bikin akun taeyeonasart kan? nyari referensi artnya gimana? makasih kak ^^

iyaa hehe biasanya ketemu kalo lagi browsing pelukis yang aku suka atau browsing art (in general) terus ketemu lukisan yang kira2 bisa dimirip-miripin... terus ke twitter atau weheartit nyari foto mbak wkwk

ka aku mau nanya hehe, kakak biasa nya pake yang autodesk pixlr atau pixlr express? makasih ka😊😊

autodesk pixlr!! ehehe yg kayak ginii
ka aku mau nanya hehe kakak biasa nya pake yang autodesk pixlr atau pixlr

Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? How do you earn people's loyalty?

i'm this kind of a friend:
-i'm very, very bad at keeping in touch, so we ARE going to lose contact every now and then if we don't frequently meet/talk--it's just whether you're willing to put up with that or not
-if you tell me a secret it's going to stay a secret. even if we're not friends anymore, even if we've lost contact, even if you don't like me anymore.
-i get bored of people very often so you will never be my only friend, i'd have other tons. i'll love you still though, tapi kalo kamu tipe yang "gaboleh!!! kamu cuma boleh main sama aku!!!1!1" then i'm not for you.
-'musuh temanku musuhku juga' doesn't apply to me. i dislike people's characteristics, not their whole selves. so if you're my friend and you don't like someone, i'll get to know what that other person is like and if they have bad traits well i'd dislike their bad traits but i'd still be nice to them as fellow human beings. so if you're looking for an ally in a fight, i'm not for you--i'm gerakan non blok between your blok timur and blok barat.
-whoever you are, i don't talk about you behind your back. even if i do ask for someone else's advice, i don't mention your name. nor do i trash talk you as a person or as your whole self. doesn't matter if we're friends or not, if you like me or not.
-if we become friends, we're going to talk it out if we have problems. no silent treatment, no ignoring each other, no walking away. we're going to identify the symptoms, figure out the cause and find the solution. and you can trust me to keep the problem between us. what happens between us happens between us, and there will be no involvement of third or other parties in it, unless it's very necessary to determine an objective solution (for mediative/arbitrational purposes).
so am i your cup of tea? XD

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AHAHAHA no, aku yg sempet ngobrol ditwitter ttg michael hahahah yg gakepikiran kalo km line 98, putri albertine btw hehe

OHH WKWK SORIII OMG HIII! X) talk to me anytimee! :D

kak fay kenapa foto penyemangat berisi roti pisang dan blueberries dan bunganya sangat lucu!!! (if u still remember who am i)

albrtnputri’s Profile PhotoAlbertine
WERE YOU THE ONE YANG NANYA SOAL BANTUAN BELAJAR omg hiiii!!! XD wkwk iya aku seneng foto2 lucu hehe aku nemunya biasanya di weheartit :D

fay rikues fay-junmyeon harpot!au dong udah pernah belum?

chocolakay’s Profile Photokay
In which it's almost the Yule Ball and Junmyeon is a Hufflepuff prefect while Fay is a Slytherin
She raised her eyebrows at him. "You're not being serious."
He laughed--an awkward, excited laugh as his right fingers fidgeted with the book in his hand. "I actually am quite serious."
"Hufflepuffs don't go with Slytherins. Nor do sixth-year prefects go with second-year peasants."
"There's no written rule about it."
"I thought you prefects are supposed to adhere to rules, written or not."
He could have had anyone. His main trait was an anagram of the position he was in--he was perfect, a boy with straight As, friends, and a rumoured invitation from the Ministry of Magic after his graduation.
She turned around to face the bookshelves. "I've never even talked to you."
He stood next to her facing the bookshelf and held the book she was holding. "Then we can talk. That's pretty easy for a prerequisite."
"You," she abruptly turned to face him, "just won't give in, will you?"
"No," he said, laughing. "I'm pretty sure I won't."
He was so frustrating--she couldn't imagine what he was like as a prefect. He must've given the Hufflepuffs a hard time when it came to getting his way.
"You're going to what, give me detention?"
His face made a playful, lopsided smirk. "Possibly."
"I can't believe you." She groaned in frustration. "Fine."
"Can I count that as a 'yes'?"
Her eyes rolled at the ceiling. "Sod off."
He grinned from ear to ear as he rested the side of his head on the bookshelf, facing the side of her head dangerously close. "At 7?"
There was a brief pause before she let out a sigh. "At 7."

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fay rikues fayjunmyeon harpotau dong udah pernah belum

Hi, how was your day? I hope you're good there! -from one of ur twitter followers

my anons really ;___; aw thank you so much!! my day was good!! wkwk kemaren aku ke perpus ui TRS GEDE BANGET YA ALLAH 2 KALINYA SEKOLAH GUE trs aku salah masuk wkwk malah masuk lewat jalur keluar tp gedungnya cantik!!! kayak gedung2nya frank lloyd wright wkwk i hope you have a great day too!! ♡♡
Liked by: ℜachmah

hai, ka fay. gimana caranya biar engga putus asa disaat nilai kita turun ka? my mom is teacher in my shs, salah satu guru ada yang bilang ke mamaku soal nilaiku, and she was dissapointed. aku udh berusaha semampuku ka, tapi mamaku selalu bilang ini karna pengaruh hp&temen, why shud i do ka?ㅠㅠ

haaai! X)
wow omg being in the same school with your mum that must be pretty challenging
hm mungkin pertama identify dulu? bener ga sih bener2 gara2 temen atau hp?
hp sama temen emang the easiest reason for parents kayaknya wkwk tapi gapapa coba diliat aja dulu do they really harm your grades?
kalo misalnya enggak, coba belajarnya pindah jadi di depan ortu kamu WKWK belajarnya di tempat yang keliatan ortuu XD biar ortu juga tau oh kamu belajar (aku sih dulu nanganinnya gitu) ga usah setiap waktu, sekali2 aja, biar ortu tau kalo kita juga usaha
sama iya sih kalo kamu ngerasa udah mentok bgt prestasi akademiknya, coba yang non akademik!! your smartphone cam be used to look up contests and information, kamu bisa ikut lomba atau bikin project sama temen2 kamu
atau baca yang banyak, cari informasi, biar kalo kamu ngobrol sama ortu kamu topiknya lebih macem2 sama lebih dalem, jadi ortu kamu juga mikir "oh anak ini hapenya dipakenya juga buat belajar buat nyari informasi" ((aku sih dulu gitu)) ((wkwk))
hng semangat yaa!! aku doain nilainya bisa tambah bagus jugaa, semangat!!! jangan takut ngobrol sama akuu, dm di twitter juga boleh soalnya twitterku open dm wkwk semangat!!! ♡♡♡
oh iyaa! we still need to fix the problem though, jadi kalo masalahnya memang bukan itu, harus diidentifikasi, masalah sebenernya apa? kamu kurang ngerti kah sama pelajarannya? bukunya ga enak? gurunya? butuh bimbel tambahan? atau belum paham gaya belajar kamu? coba curhatin itu ke mamamu, since mamamu guru jadi mungkin beliau jg bisa gampang paham masalah kamu di mana kalo kamu jelasin hehe semangat yaa! X)

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hai ka fay gimana caranya biar engga putus asa disaat nilai kita turun ka my mom
Liked by: aurel


Language: English