

Ask @ToriIsBack

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On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

When English politicians complain that the SNP focuses on Scotland problems
Well here is the hint guys, SNP = Scottish National Party
why would it focus on England, Wales and Northern Ireland?
Liked by: nn: d Calamity Jen

AW he is the cutest n yes i also have a pup and he is also the cutest, i'll buy a body builder n he can carry him!!!

jenjenamyy’s Profile PhotoCalamity Jen
good bc he weighs 40 something kg bc MY GRAN AND DAD HAVE NO CONCEPT OF THE WORD NO
and obviously clearly know better than the vets
I hope they know over feeding animals while you know they are obese is abuse woops
Liked by: Calamity Jen

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turning into mrs steal yo dog cause he's adorable

jenjenamyy’s Profile PhotoCalamity Jen
My pup is cute af and u should all be jealous
Unless you already have a pup bc that pup is also the cutest
hes overweight so u may need to be extra stealthy
Liked by: Calamity Jen

QOTD: "You are not entitled to an opinion on politics if you aren't going to be voting" - What do you make of this comment? Agree or disagree?

It makes sense.
It really annoys me when people who have no intention of voting complain about a certain leader.
Or after the voting is over complain because they didnt want whoever was elected in power.
So in ways i agree, If you arent voting then you clearly dont care - unless you cant vote due to not having anyone to look after kids, enough money to travel.
Even though you are allowed to take kids with you to vote and there is postal voting (UK) - i dont know if the US does this.
Liked by: Jonny Sniper

You're emotional more than rational and that doesn't make you correct or intelligent, emotions without rationality, this will take you to the wrong things and makes you do stupid things without thinking

You can be rational and emotional.
Without emotions you would lack alot of human experiences.
Doing wrong/stupid things IS PART OF BEING HUMAN.
unless you want everyone to basically become sentient robots without the capacity to feel

That is literally what you are saying
No emotions = Robotic.
Also i am really intelligent in certain topics.
Emotions =/= intelligence
Rationality =/= Intelligence
If anyone is lacking intelligence its you to think these characteristics are flaws when really they are a part of being human.

Tori hates me :)

I tori
Hate cowards on anon who pretend to be my ex.
Even though he is blocked on everything including ask meaning he has no way of sending this unless he made another account to do so which further proves how frickin creepy and how much of a stalker he is.
Also people have pretended to be him for over two years.
Hes irrelevant and no one cares.
So you really must have an empty life to even ATTEMPT THIS
Liked by: †DeathGod†

You perfect? Pffffft get real. You are far from perfect

I am perfect.
I am allowed to value myself.
Im allowed to be positive about myself.
im sorry you are so insecure that you have to drag or at least attempt to drag other down

Been house hunting trying to find somewhere else to live xx ha ha and just been with my kids and fella (:

hannahallenwood’s Profile Photo†DeathGod†
Awh yeah i heard you were considering moving to Somewhere beginning with a T lmao
I hope you find somewhere nice and safe.
I saw the picture i hope he is having fun being overruled by two little princesses
Liked by: †DeathGod†


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