

Ask @ToriIsBack

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When you were younger, did you ever have fantasies of becoming 100 ft tall, strolling down the street, rampaging in a city and stepping on cars?

All my questions are like this...
Liked by: tori »Maddie«

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Oh shit Tori that was me.. woops!

Liked by: tori

I work in a resturant a cusmter was yelling at a 14 year old waitress swearing at her saying it'd her fault the food under cooked what would you done if you were the waitress?

Ok but its illegal to hire 14 year olds ESPECIALLY in waitressing.
Liked by: tori Dark Lord

Do you think that being in a different place changes people? How?

Well yeah?
When im in wales im less depressed, Less anxious. I'm more myself.
This is kind of a stupid question??
Liked by: Dark Lord tori

Look all I demand is sincerity and truthfulness. I will not blame you for any sexual encounter with any bad person. Sexual urges are too. Remember that sex is life. It becomes hard to resist temptations. and lo you dont believe on any god.

Ok but my boyfriend lives 396 miles away.
I am also 20 so i know how to control myself.
Im sorry that you are too immature that you believe sex is life (It isnt.) and that it's also hard to resist temptation (again its easy as f*ck).
But keep thinking like that kiddo. Someones bound to have sex with you someday.
Even if they are paid to do it. ☕🐸
Liked by: Dark Lord tori

Your sister was found drunk behind a dumper. a dog was licking her face. what a sweetheart.

Infact no, But i like the imagination.
She was actually still at the restaurant with her friends, She forgot the time as her phone was out of charge.
She decided to come home, She was here by 10:30.
But thanks for saying that my sister was behind a dumpster - Things that dont exist in my f*cking area. Drunk.
Where anything could have happened to her.
I hope to god none of your family members are.
Because thats screaming rxpe or kidnapping. Thats basically what you're saying. That she could have been in danger.
You're a f*cking tw*t.
Liked by: tori

Florida or California?

One is prone to hurricanes, Denying basic rights etc.
The other has hollywood which i dont need to talk about any further.
Liked by: tori Dark Lord

Honestly by the time my fishbowl and wall art arrive it wouldn't surprise me if i was close to a million but i get what you mean

Shauna_Garrett’s Profile PhotoDark Lord
I have had 1.70m views in total
Then i look at my room and realise i spent majority of it on puggle :|
Liked by: Royal tori

What's oyur sense of direction like

Well great considering i never leave my hometown unless im going to Joshuas.
Even then
Its almost a straight road going to his.
Infact i think it is untill Birmingham


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