

Ask @ToriIsBack

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whats your opinion on "eco-feminism" - do you think caring about the environment and the planet is necessary to be a feminist ?

It shouldn't be the main issue that someones feminism is involved in.
In some ways it is necessary as it effects people, People in not so well developed countries, The poor, The uninsured, The undocumented.
The environment impacts us all, But we cant change anything until we -the human race- learn to work together.
Liked by: George tori

do you think it's possible for the world to ever be completely run on renewable energy? or do you think we will always depend on fossil fuels?

It would be nice if we could "survive" on renewable energy, It would help the environment (obviously) but also the animals, They wouldnt have their homes destroyed.
We wouldnt need to keep drilling for oil, Mining for coal and other materials.
Although i do think we would need to keep depending on other materials, I dont think we are ready for a completely eco friendly planet..
Liked by: George tori

in your opinion, what causes some people to 'take part' in prejudice, or choose to ignore it, while others take a stand against it ?

There are so many types of prejudice in modern society, The causes of some prejudice can be linked to someones childhood. The effects of it however can be harmful, To the person who is prejudice and the people who that person is prejudice of. However, Childhood can affect whether or not a person has a prejudice is their family and how they were brought up.
I guess its just ignorance in ways too, People who have power want to keep that power. They dont want to see people "lower" than them be equal to them.
They [older generation mainly] are more likely to be racially discriminative simply because they were brought up when slaves where still legal, Or at the beginning of Martin L King period. The world is becoming more socially away and others dont feel comfortable with that, Cant come to terms with that.
There are many reasons why people have a prejudice
probably due to lack of understanding..
People shouldnt really ignore it because then they are contributing towards the unfavourable judgements towards others.
Taking a stand against it makes you a decent person i guess??

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Liked by: George tori Ryan

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