

Ask @ToriIsBack

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U don't have a booty? Wat r u, trans or something??

No I just don't have much of an ass because I don't hold much weight there??? Like all my weights in my tits.
Liked by: illy X

Do you support Israel or Palestine?

I dont support any country that can't separate government from Religion. I don't support extremists regardless of religion .
I don't support any government that starves, murders n tortures it's citizens or citizens of other countries.
I don't support countries that stand by and let it happen + still make trade deals with them

PAP of your spirit animal?

Guy added me on sc then asked if I'm into black guys. Told him that race isn't a factor which I LOOK at when interested in someone
He sends a snap and he's WHITE.
someone explain
Liked by: illy X

What do you believe happens to us after we die?

Bf said I could sleep with others if I so wished....but I'm loyal and know he would bring it up for future reference in an argument
"Well at least I didn't sleep with someone else ""
U told me to prik

Have you ever considered being a vegan if you aren't already one? Why or why not? If you're already one you can ignore this or use it as a filler!

I already eat a mostly plant based diet. However my dietician recommends eating red meat, which I hate. Idk I have never been able to enjoy red meat as much as white 🤷‍♀️
Bc of this I don't think I'll ever be able to go completely vegan
Liked by: illy X

Raised, Glazed or Old Fashioned- what's your favorite donut?

I would appreciate it if people would stop asking me things on controversial subjects. It's irritating
Liked by: Stan

What’s the weirdest thing you craved when pregnant? Or in general if you haven’t been pregnant

If you are one of those people who reply with "I was at a funeral"if someone asked if you had a good time in their country or city w/e.
You're a dick.

What is your favorite children's story?

I LOVE it when people appropriate illnesses they do not have (BUT which yourself suffer from) to make themselves more interesting
Liked by: Sean

What music are you listening to right now?

I've been on a train all day idk how I've managed to get 3k steps in 🤷‍♀️
Liked by: Sean

I’m just trying to help her appLY THE CORRECT CHARGES

Which won't go to court. Ash lacks law/court knowledge, Lawyers are costly and not many will do pro bono.
Especially to an illegal immigrant

Plus it's not like we are sitting on here harassing ash about things they can't control like their weight and appearance or something. We're literally just voicing our concerns about the way they are caring for their baby.

🤷‍♀️ I even stopped being harsh and gave valuable advice/Suggestions that would benefit Rowan more than them.
It may be a slight inconvenience but isn't it worth it if it means you and your child are getting the support you all need?
+4 answers in: “Who rules the World?”


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