

Ask @ToriIsBack

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So, just so you and i are straight on this, your argument against it, is based on stats going against the carelessness of men. Correct?

Yes, men are more likely to drink drive, or driving under any sort of influence.
This isnt something out to get men.
Its not a thing used to "oppress" men.
They make you pay more so you will take a second thought about doing something careless/reckless.
Men also tend to race more in their cars.
Women tend to take good care of their cars and many new women drivers get a black box installed.
Whereas young men tend to just go without it.
Liked by: Leanne. Zee tori

would you like the gold in oppression Olympics

I meant driving in my recent fs
Also im only oppressed for being bisexual and for not confirming a gender.
I also get the few sexist comments.
But im white and that makes me privelaged
Liked by: Leanne. Zee tori

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They mock feminism because of the faults they see in it. You speak of true and good feminism being "Justice/equality/liberation for all" but what do they focus on? Women, it's in their name. Which is why it's supposed purpose, isn't doing its job. Feminism wishes to cut wood with a dull blade

No but here is the thing.
Women need feminism most.
it was made for women by women of colour.
Then other aspects were included, It became what is now refered to as intersectional.
Feminisms top priority is women.
liberating women.
All women
Including male women.
Its about tearing down the patriarchy, The stupid expectations forced upon us.
Its about our health, Our right to life.
Our safety.
Feminism isnt for the white straight cis man who has never faced abuse or rxpe or mental illness.
Its for everyone else.
Im sorry that a group made for those who are oppressed most in society, doesnt include your whiney ass.

If a heterosexual couple get engaged and the girl wears an engagement ring, do you think the guy should wear an engagement ring too? Why or why not? (stsif)

its a mutual decision???
I dont get why the girl has to wear a ring and then when the wedding day comes, The guy starts wearing a ring??
like just wear one from the start 😂
Liked by: TitsRus Dark Lord tori


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