

Ask @ToriIsBack

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I don't really like superheroes so it doesn't bother me

It should, It doesnt matter if its superheroes or disney characters.
It doesnt matter if you like them or not, As long as you are aware of how racist the media is.

if you and me were together i would dump you after less than a week

Too bad im engaged and have been in a relationship for almost two years.
Sucks to be you, Missing out on someone as perfect as me.
Dont cry too hard now.

Representation of a character who isn't from earth?


How would you feel being a person of colour surrounded by WHITE superheroes and only seeing people with the same shade of skin as you as supporting roles?
If hes meant to be a person of colour. HE SHOULD BE A GODDAMN PERSON OF COLOUR

You're a beautiful woman babe people who say you look like a man are just jealous

How do you know im not a man?
Can you see my gender?
Can you see how it feels to feel like you dont totally belong to one gender?
Why are you transphobic

why people always run after mentioning pregnant word?😂

SherifSameh’s Profile Photosheriff?
I unno, Like we had talked it through and both agreed if i ever did get pregnant we (I) would abort but he disappeared anyways and got with someone 4 years younger (He was 17 at the time and got with a 13 year old. They are still together)


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