

Ask @ToriIsBack

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please, i need to see a picture of your socks

fun fact
I never wear socks
That or they fall off me
however i do like collecting cute /pastel/lace socks

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The world is more peaceful than ever before, people only think it isn't because the media and Internet gives us more ability to know about each conflict

But its not
Liked by: Jonny Sniper

I used to think I was a good person until I found this site... I'm one of the nicest people in person... but all the horrible things I've sent to people on anonymous I regret it so much 😔

So you're a bully.
Liked by: tori

Are you really disputing the fact that most PoC naturally have black hair?

I never said the didnt?
you're assuming i did because i had said that some poc are born with Red hair, Blonde hair, White skin pigmentation, Blue eyes, Green eyes, Some poc are born with more freckles than you'll ever find on a white person.
I mean
Did you forget that some poc have white skin? They are white passing?
and/or have white skin and black skin?
Liked by: tori

I'm not saying it's super-rare, just nowhere near the percentage as in white people. Unless you count dyed hair.

I mean. Its not really
but ok.
Liked by: tori

I know but I've always had people talk what they wanted and use to let it get to me so much and yeah it still does a bit but I'm really starting to learn, let them say what they want and just don't give them a reaction or letting them know it bugs them cos that's all really the reason why they do it

ԵաɑԵ աɑƒƒӀҽ
Its like sure, It can hinder me, It doesn't mean it WILL.
and im 100% sure i could do something that you can't ://
Liked by: tori

Anon you do know how stress affect your body right? It increase your blood pressure and heart rate meaning your organs are working faster putting strain on them over and over day in day out its very harmful. Chronic stressors can lead to weakened immune systems and are linked to mental illness..

All jobs cause stress. Whether you like it or not.
Saying that it doesn't makes you seem pretty stupid

Well all students are on the poverty line

Nearly everyone who doesnt work in major cities (Edinburgh, Birmingham, Manchester and London) earn below the poverty line.
Liked by: tori

If you live with someone it's easiler then more money

I live with 3 people, 2 work, Ones retired.
We still struggle to pay for things.
Because no one earns over the poverty line.
Liked by: tori

explain how giving your body a workout a lot causes those things because it actually decreases them??? and yes stress causes them but not everybody gets stressed because of work

Literally everyone becomes stressed through work.
And no it doesnt prevent them.
At all.
hence why its 60 mins of workout everyday and not 12hrs +???
It had a long lasting effect on your body.
Whether you like it or not, You're literally forced to work until you die. then once you do they replace you.
You literally mean nothing to working world.
You're just another number.
Another employee, Replaceable.
Whether you're stacking shelves for 10 hours or working in an office for 10 hours.
You'll be doing extra activities and keeping your body on the go.
leading to poor immune system. Tiredness, Mental health disorders as well as physical health problems.
I dont see why thats so hard to understand?
Liked by: tori


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