

Ask @ToriIsBack

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Cigarettes contain over 7,000 Chemicals including Amonia (toilet cleaner ), Rat poison, fuel from cars (gasoline ) and battery liquid . Can you warn anyone you know who smokes ?

I think they already know and simply do not care

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ironic coming from a racist anti semite like yourself lol.

Im just gonna stop talking to you because your IQ is lower than a toddler
And thats probably an insult to toddlers.
Liked by: tori nn: d

Ugh I just what a video of trump supports and how idiotic they were nearly made me cry. People can vote for who they what thats why we have the voting system but I think people really need to be educated before they vote about stuff properly :/


Have you learnt to cook something new?

Ok so i need to share something, Possible tw
Whenever im in a depressive state i binge eat. I cannot stop.
And my dad noticed the signs last night.
He watches me incase i hurt myself but thats besides the point.
I woke up to 3 bags filled with fruit.
My dad knows im insecure about my weight n whatever. And said he'd rather i eat a lot of healthy things than chocolate n junk food that'll make me feel worse

So now i have a lot of fruit to eat before they go bad
Liked by: tori

I think when will be pissed by criticism then he might say f*ck you im president and will do what I want to. But you see he was found so cool in his election winning speech. He did not seem like to be pissed of negative criticism that he had on him during election campaigns.

Because he was completely oblivious that or strongly arrogant because hes full of his own self importance.

Trump's knowledge about other countries is so bad. In one interview he said that they are worried that Pakistan has nuclear weapons. He thinks that Pakistan is weak and should not have nuclear weapons. He is not annoyed of Pakistan though. He said I love Pakistan.

Do you know what
I genuinely think that a new rule should be made for Presidency.
And IQ test.
You sometimes need one if you want to testify in court.
So why does the president not require one?
I think it should be a requirement. Compulsory.
And it will show that Trump is in no state to run a country.
Hes too naive.
Hes too idiotic.
Easily persuaded.
He cant think for himself. Logically.
how is he gonna know whats best for his country when he doesnt even know how American Politics work
Liked by: tori

Is it normal that I voted for Trump because my ex girlfriend who was Mexican cheated on me?

No. Idk if you're trolling or not.
But if you arent, you need your right to vote taken away from you. Pathetic waste of space

"He's literally done f*ck all but scam people since birth". Oh, so you get to be judge, jury and executioner. Try again, lol.

Hes done nothing since birth apart from scam people.
Trump University being the top one.
A failed Golf Course business in Scotland
Multiple failed businesses in America.
He used his daddys money to cheat his way to the top.
Hes never worked a hard day in his life.
Hes from fricking germany, His grandfather + father were nazis.
I mean
Hes done nothing memorable since birth.
The only thing people will remember is his brand name (Which isnt actually his real name. I demand he use his correct name)
And his stupid hair do.

Pap of full body?

Luke, Kate Hopkins is fun to laugh at but Trump becoming president can motivate her to become PM
And its bad enough we are still employing Boris Johnson
Liked by: tori Luke Dark Lord


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