

Ask @ToriIsBack

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Hey, I'm going to start being more active on my page so I'm going to start sending daily questions to everyone I follow for a while. If you don't want me sending you a daily question, then just say. Anyway.... If you could receive anything as a gift this year, what would it be?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
I have absolutely no idea, probably some decor for my room seeing as all i have in it is a wardrobe and a bed 😂

Well I thought you may have changed, we haven't spoken in agesss

A tiger never changes their stripes :\\\
i know omg

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Offence is nothing more than a petulant whine. People think it gives them special rights to play the victim card. It has no meaning, it has no purpose and it has no reason to be respected.

Like what you are doing rn because you are literally whining bc someone isnt cis like you??
Its like walking into subway and giving verbal/physical attacks to anyone who doesnt get the same sub as you.

you and your little posse trying to make gender and sex different meanings tut tut tut

Well...they are??
Even doctors agree.
You know, people with PHDs? And Masters? Along with others?
Even specialists like Pyschiatrics, Pyschologists.
But hey, you must be right

respect is earned and not given. difference between respect and common courtesy.

No, everyone deserves basic respect unless they have gave you a reason not to.
Whether it be a homeless person, a family member, a waiter, whoever.
Common courtesy is basic respect.
People have feelings, you dont know how they are mentally.
Just one negative word from you could end with them buried.
So please be nice because hey you made a new friend


Language: English