

Ask @ToriIsBack

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How to dress up on the first date?

KIM just let everyone know where I live but it's fine
I didnt want to be stabbed right away

A short relay: A daughter?or a son?? Cola?or Fanta?? By air✈or by land?? Mind?or beauty?? Apartment?or house?? Black◼or white◻? Strawberry?or banana?? Whale?or dolphins?? Анgel?or demon?? Sunny?☀or cloudy☁☔? Pass on to everyone you are following murr

Son - Fanta - Land - Mind - House - White for Interior decorating, but wear black all the goddamn time so - Strawberry - Dolphins are a subspecies of whales so, Humpback Whales are my favourite - Demon - Cloudy bc I burn easily

Who is the last person you texted to?

Complimented this drop dead gorgeous woman on the bus and she looked like it was the first compliment she's ever had.
Her eyes started watering. Like whyyy

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

Also worth noting that Psychologists and any other mental health professional only has the gist of what issue you have. What you suffer with. Unless they themselves have suffered. They do not know how in depth it can truly effect someone. Just saying.

You think mental illness doesn't affect people at work? You think its funny because someone has a meltdown

I have mental health issues.
I work through it. Bc I don't want to be in that mindset I was in 2 years ago. Where I NEVER left my room. Self harmed. S**cide attempts.
I'm happy and healthy to a certain extent. Yes I have bad days. But I go to work and everything mellows out. I have fun. Laugh n joke with co workers. I know my limits so I don't get too stressed which makes me go from happy to, Please don't talk to me bc I will probably cry.
This guy doesn't. He's lazy. Often avoids doing things using stupid excuses.
There's a difference between someone who is mentally ill and someone who pretends to be. Just saying.
Liked by: Brandon Meacham
+3 answers Read more

How many times have you stepped on Lego in your life?

Can't imagine how tiring it is, to come on Ask and be caught out about who you're talking to or not.
To constantly have questions that make you contradict yourself because you are trying to tell certain girls what they wanna hear.
Liked by: David

I’d like a huge wall built to segregate Western Europe from Eastern Europe,m.

And I'd like to eat anything I want without gaining weight
We can't get everything we want chubs
Liked by: tori Danieka

What was your first kiss like?

Spammed my sister with a link to my tumblr bc it looks so fucking good rn and the chances of me keeping in theme is minimal so
Liked by: tori David


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