

Ask @ToriIsBack

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Well I'm only 5'1 and I can fit in size 10, I think most of my weight is on my hips and thighs tbh

My sisters 5ft 5
Weighs 8 stone
but can sometimes be a size 14 because wide hips and big bum.
Liked by: Val tori Dark Lord

I'm 10 stone and I'm still in size 10/12 clothes

As i said it depends on bone structure wow
And where your weight is distributed???
It literally doesnt matter what to weight you are. Weight doesnt determine your clothe size.
Liked by: Val tori Dark Lord

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Sex toys are normalized for women but not for men. Its cool for women to have a sex toy but if a man does he's considered a weirdo or loser.

No they arent??
Woman are criticised.
Even if they are lesbian or bisexual
they'll still hear the words "Real d/cks are better!!!"
Women are more than likely going to be embarrassed /ashamed when entering a sex shop and most women probably order online.
whereas men dont care. homosexual and transgender men probably would, Why? because of the prejudice against them.
buying sex toys in person will/could be even more of a "hassle" for them. Gives another person more reason to judge.
Sex toys need to be normalised.
Liked by: Destiny Raye tori

What was the last thing that made you happy and the last thing that made you sad? :3

Last thing that made me happy was surprisingly so simple.
My niece (aged 2) called my dog (who had just been barking) Noise
He then pushed by her to get to the front door and she had hit her head on the wall YET said sorry to my dog
like he pushed you into the wall and you are saying sorry? fs
i havent been sad lately so i cant really say anything :((

Have your parents ever beat you? Because I would if you were my child

My mum has lived in another country for the past 13 years????
My dad never hit me or my sister, Why? because he was at the time
23st and he is 6 ft 4 in
he could have done some serious amount of damage if he was angered enough.
He didnt want to do anything he would then regret.
That and he isnt abusive.
Im sorry but your parents seem abusive though if you have urges to HIT CHILDREN.

Use this to write someone about a friend/family member you really appreciate/love :3

Probably my boyfriend???
He's helped me so much over the years. He is so supportive and caring
He can come across as rude but i know he's just being honest and sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
He makes me happy and yes there are times when he doesnt but its not his Job and he obviously shouldnt be my main source of happiness.
Hes a great guy, Hes funny and sweet. He makes me feel good about myself and hes made me do things that were outside my comfort zone, Things that would benefit me.
Hes my rock

I love him so much and i probably dont tell him often enough how much i appreciate him

Can you just answer the damn question you went into detail before about how you got fucked

Oh now i get it.
You have the maturity of a 14 year old and probably desperate because of your lack of sexual contact.
You must be male to feel so entitled.
News flash kid
You are not entitled to know about my sex life.
If i have in the past its because I wanted to.
Not because some desperate asshole wanted to know to get off to it :)
Have a nice day.

If you were offered your dream job but it meant moving to the other side of the world, moving in 3 days and taking only 3 family members with you; would you?

My family consists of 4 people. Including myself.
So yeah :///
Id be literally taking all my family
Liked by: tori Zee

Your dad is awesome for supporting you!

Not really, He knew/knows what guys are like
He raised us on this quote
"Id rather see you be happy with your own gender than see you being bruised by the opposite"
He left the pronouns out
So it could appeal to us if we were not girls

Again, not to sound rude or interfering but have you told a doctor about the length of your period? It's below the average, and I'm sure you already knew that but I'd hate to not have said anything.

Nah im all good!!!
I have irregular periods and sometimes i have 2 a month (Because it comes off and on again)
Its okay but ive to consult with my GP if i ever want to have children because it could be more difficult for me


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