

Ask @ToriIsBack

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I kinda wanna buy this game solely to make people omg the customization looks amazing.

I have a lot of cc and packs (I dont have the get together one oop)
Bc EA is a money grabber, I honestly should think you wait until more stuff comes out!!!
unless you can deal with downloading a lot of mods/CC :')

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You make me smile sm wth Tori. How's your sim family coming along?

Ive literally only finished michaela
I still have you, Mariah, Cadie nd animal mom to go
Liked by: Ahmed safar

Aw you look so lovable!! It seems like everyone except me is really good at taking selfies like whattt why am i so bad at it man 😂

I am only good at it when i cba
I like to tweak things slightly bc i have spots or whatever
Liked by: Faniezzle nn: d

What have you been thinking about lately?

All of my moms live in another timezone so i sit here patiently waiting for their return :-)
Liked by: Ari ^-^

Yes but often you can't physically tell the difference between a 15 year old and an 18 year old unless they say their age

Thats why you ask...

I'm 18 why am I still sometimes attracted to 15 year old guys? Is there something wrong with me? (I would NEVER act on it)

Well yes bc they are children

My girlfriend's kinks are so fcking messed up and problematic, she's hot asf but her kinks man they ruin my mood and gross me out I don't know what to do?

Stop kink shaming her and let her find someone better // who understands that maybe her kink is her coping mechanism
Liked by: Jonny Sniper nn: d

Everytime I try to get married something happens. In London, there was a flood which drowned my wife-to-be & her parents. In Tokyo there was an earthquake & everyone got stuck under the earth. In New York there was an explosion & everyone vanished. Looks like I will never get married :(

I swear if my sister doesn't stop playing the fckin keyboard i will put it right through her face
Its been the same song since 10am
Its now 17:18
Liked by: Jonny Sniper nn: d

I think confidence is great to have but some people think confidence is cocky. What's your opinion on confidence? Any advice for shy people?

YourQueenLuna’s Profile PhotoLuna
Having confidence is great, love yourself, however if you are constantly shoving it in someones face it will come across as cocky.
Shy people are normally only shy until they get to know you.
Or sometimes they have anxiety disorders and approaching them can be one of the scariest things (i would know ;-;)

5/5 (Sorry this one isn't as good as yesterday friends) - Do you believe Ted Cruz (born in Canada) has a right to run for president in the U.S? On top of this, he tried to get Obama impeached for thinking he [Obama] was an illegal citizen. It's a little iffy and ironic if you ask me!

If you actually think about it
Obama (I dont know if his family line has always been american origin)
Is probably the closest America has had at an American President
Considering everyone else has been European Descendent
Cruz shouldn't be running if he is Canadian??
It strictly says only American born citizens over a certain age (50?? I think) can be POTUS???
Liked by: Jonny Sniper

4/5 - What is your opinion on our current #bodyposi movement? Do you believe while talking about fatphobia we are putting down other body types? Do you believe the movement has given younger girls the idea that it's okay to post illegal pictures in the name of the #bodyposi movement?

The bodyposi movement has gone terribly wrong in some aspects.
People have taken it as a personal attack against fit and thin bodies - Which isnt the case, we just want you to know that fat is beautiful too and should be just as accepted as fit and thin.
We have minors posting almost naked photos under the bodyposi tag. - Okay great you accept yourself, But do it in a way that isnt illegal. Keep it @ a U rating if you are under 18 (Or whatever your consent age is in your state).
Thin people are taking it worse than any other body group as far as i can tell.
They point out how they are scrutinised and how they are expected to keep their thin frame. They might do, I dont know, I am plus size myself. So i cant comment on that. However understand that in nearly every magazine there is a woman in the corner with "How to get a summer body in just ______" or "lose ___lbs in just ____"
Or the woman is sharing diet tips etc.
Or there is an ad on how to get abs etc

But the woman on the front page is always thin or at least a seen-as-healthy weight.
Thin is the default.
just like white is the default.

View more

Liked by: Jonny Sniper

2/5 - Recently, Virginia GOP is working on passing a law that requires adults to check children's genitals before entering bathrooms in schools. On top of this being incredibly creepy and borderline illegal-- Do you think this is an issue regarding the trans/nb community? What are your thoughts?

This is gross what the hell.
Won't that increase sexual abuse????
Yes it is an issue, a very important one.
Gender isnt about what sexual organs you may have.
Its fluid.
This could cause a lot of stress for them, maybe even cause them to be more depressed, Anxious and dysphoric??
They wont be allowed to be who they are and would be forced back into the "closet" or wont even come out in the firsy place??
What is this f*ckery.
America sort your priorities out jfc

@aribackup likes littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering littering and littering

Liked by: Jonny Sniper


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