

Ask @ToriIsBack

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Yes they are

White people are a result of a recent mutation.
And yes "recent" because compared to the rest of the planets evolution, White people are one of the newest.
Liked by: hannah

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London is only 44% White and only 37% of the 44% of White people in London are British, the indigenous British have been run out of their capital by non Whites, I now know what it feels like to be Native American.

Did you just compare immigration in the UK to the mass genocide and slavery of Native Americans and the restrictions they still have in 2017.
Are you fcking kidding me?

dont me done with everyone babe ill be their for u sweetie i love u tbh and care tho babe

I love how people run to my boyfriend to ask him about whats wrong with me
As if he automatically knows????????
Like this has absolutely fcking nothing to do with him at all

I don't have friends , what should I do ? It is really hurts 💔

I hate my ex boyfriends mom.
She recently got a puppy (hes 6weeks) hes not vaccinated yet because hes too young. He should technically still be with his mother but hey ho.
And they have already began to lock him outside. Hes tied on a short leash to a clothes pole. Hes yelping/barking because he doesnt understand why hes outside alone. Hes sitting watching the door and looking around confused.
Do they not know that socialising is essential right now????
That playing with your puppy is ESSENTIAL???
No wonder the first two ran away
Liked by: »Maddie«

How to keep a strong bf gf relationship

Heres the thing, its actually healthy to argue during your relationship. I'm not saying every day, or every other day.
Its just whether the relationship breaks you or you both learn and grow from it that makes your relationship strong.
You don't really know how strong your relationship is until you've argued, or doubt comes into play and how you both cope with it.
Having no arguments is not realistic at all. You shouldn't aim for the "perfect" relationship because it doesn't exist


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