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(Birthday spam staif) How did you celebrate your 21st birthday? If you haven't turned 21 yet, how do you plan on celebrating your 21st birthday?

maresx’s Profile PhotoHave Faith In Me
I turn 21 next year.
I wanna spend it with Josh if we are still together - if im not working that weekend either.
My birthday is in summer (July) so maybe go a lil holiday together or something idk.
Liked by: tori Dark Lord

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Are you scared? Let's go..

No, Im not scared jfc.
I knew that this wasn't simply an "argument" about how n*gger is racist and that being racist is never without consequence.
You literally turned it into a personal thing.
You wouldn't make such a pathetic bet and therefor proving that no matter what i say, Whether it be right or not.
You would challenge me simply because you do not like me.
What makes me curious though. Is why you don't like me.
You're on anon, we have probably never talked off of ask before.
Which makes me believe you are either threatened about a woman being more educated than yourself.
Or you have a boring, somewhat empty to life and you believe that the only thing that will fill that void inside is harassing others at any chance you get.
Sad really.
Liked by: tori Dark Lord

Do you hold some conspiracy theory? Tell us!

Some people on here have a good ol' thirst for drama
And they are adults.
Grow up. Get a job, go to college/uni whatever and stop causing arguments with people you'll never fcking meet.
No matter how "close" you are on here to someone, they are still a complete stranger if you haven't met.
You dont know someone till you live with them kind of idea ygm.
It's becoming boring.

What makes you worry?

Pro tip for people who want to get w others.
Do not start your f*cking message with;
"Hello how are you?" its generic / Boring.
"Hey you're cute (etc)" People know what they look like and don't need you to confirm it.
"Wanna go grab a coffee (other Beverage) sometime?- Its creepy to ask right away.
Dont ask what someone is wearing, Or if they are in bed.
Dont talk about kinks from the get go.
Dont offer the person money to sleep with you unless they are a sex worker.
Do not ignore someones age, location boundaries.
Do not send a nude. Just dont.
Bc i just had to explain to a 32 year old man, why i would never be interested.
And he told me
"you never know unless you try or at least give it a chance"
Mate you're 6 years younger than my step dad. Move along.
Also. If someone says they are taken.
Asking them to cheat anyways or say "they'll never find out" makes you a rlly sh*tty person and its not surprising you're single.

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#6 - what kink do you really dislike/find gross? if you think this involves kink shaming and dont wanna answer - what is your favorite thing about yourself, a trait not many people know you possess? (appearances, talents etc excluded, ofc)

Rxpe play.
I had someone on Tumblr follow me who was heavily into rxpe play.
She wanted to be strangled, battered and bruised.
She had (Has) a knife collection and she made a video of herself with a knife blade going inside her pretending a man was rxping her with it.
Like thats all shades of f*cked up.
Yes i watched the video.
Im 20 grow up.
Liked by: tori Scottish Twat

#5 - who is someone whos not in your life anymore that you wish still was? or someone you used to be close with but arent anymore and regret it? what happened? would you try again? why/why not?

I dont think i have anyone tbh
Bc even though i am a sh*t friend (i dont talk daily but if you need anyone im there for ya buddy)
I still check up on you from time to time and most of the time it feels like we never stopped talking
Liked by: tori Scottish Twat

#3- what gets you really uncomfortable? if answering this makes you uncomfortable, answer this instead: what do you really like to eat or do that most people find gross, or unusual?

I get sensory overload a lot within my household//around my family bc they are always so noisy whether its breathing/Eating/Talking it feels like i have a hangover and i get rlly angry/ frustrated/ sometimes it gives me a headache lol!
But it makes me uncomfortable because i feel like everyone can see my anxiety and can see me shaking and they are judging me so
Liked by: tori Scottish Twat


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