

Ask @ToriIsBack

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he is absolutely correct Abortion should be a discrimination to all humanity its the same as murdering a person

Abortion saves lives?
Abortion after 20weeks are only done if the mother* is miscarrying or its endangering both theirs and the fetus' health???
Abortion is safer than Pregnancy.
Its cheaper than pregnancy.
and as for the "my tax money pays for it" WRONG.
Federal money since roe v wade is not allowed to be used on abortions.
Planned parenthood do not sell baby parts, They donate fetal tissue with the parents permission.
Also, You know how the thing where pro lifers say "They rip babies apart"
Well, Yes, Later term abortions are done in such a manner because pro lifers thought that burying the VERY WANTED fetus would cause too much stress and upset.
So instead of having a baby to bury, They have nothing.
Also pro lifers, Pro fetus, Pro birthers are sometimes paid to lie to people and to push their religion on people
Doctors are asked to spread misinformation for some money
So please with all your might, Dont be that stupid.

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Guys I'm undecided as to whether I should leave now I've discovered Colby and his girlfriend also are aware of this profile. I feel like he's taken my freedom all over again and I'm not sure whether I'll be deactivating soon. What would you do?

Do what you think is best for you.
If you want to take a break whether temporary or not, Do so. Its okay and dont feel like you are letting anyone down.
If you want to come back. -if you do leave- maybe have an anon account and let people who you used to follow know??
i just hope you are okay x


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