

Ask @ToriIsBack

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10 random facts about yourself

1- I hate human contact but also like being cuddled into someone ://
2- I fall too fast for people, but i can also shake feelings pretty quick.
3- I love lizards and really want a blue tongue skink.
4- I dont have a preferred genre of music, I'll listen to anything. I'd go to a gig without knowing the artist and probably would enjoy it.
5- I'm a very secretive person irl. I'm an open book to one person. Everyone else it'll take like a year before you find out my fave colour for example.
6- I hate wearing make up. Idk why. Just irritates me. However i feel pretty darn insecure without it.
7- I'm a v friendly person. Sometimes it comes across as flirting or whatever. When really im just a nice person. V affectionate.
8 - I rarely eat. Especially when others are around.
9- I hate sleeping. It just takes up way too much time. However i do like going for naps or staying in bed all day 😂
10 - I lack 2 bones in my ankle, Foot area and my head is slightly titled because i almost broke my neck. I severed the muscles years ago and they haven't mended properly.

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