

Ask @ToriIsBack

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But we don't inflict our laws and religion on them

And they don't do the same?
Infact Christians are most likely to come to your door asking if you are interested in converting.
Christians are the ones who force people who attend non dominational schools to sit through their sermons REGARDLESS IF THEY ARE CHRISTIAN OR NOT.
Wasnt it just 4 months ago that Christians were mad because some company had written "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" because it was more inclusive and applied to everyone?
Its Christians who want to take away reproductive rights to women*, Who want to shut down clinics that specialise in sexual health, Cancer screenings etc

Lmao dont you dare say Muslims are the ones forcing their religion when everywhere you go there are crucifixes, Jesus pictures and bibles.

@sophielouise961 is nearly 3 months pregnant and she still smokes

Ok but although its not advised as smoking reduces the amount of oxygen a developing fetus receives amongst other health aspects. Its completely her choice and you cannot force her to stop, Especially if shes considering abortion (I read her page a little) If she is deciding to have one then smoking isnt really a concern. If she decides to keep the fetus, I support her 100% and support her decisions about smoking or at least quitting for the sake of her potential child.


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