

Ask @ToriIsBack

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Oh I never saw these filters ? :s I dont use the app that much I saw bob one I was like that's bad but never saw any like that again :s

And then there was one that was Homophobic / transphobic
It was shortly removed.
However the people who work for snapchat have some vile tweets n sh/t
Liked by: tori

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What is your opinion on public wish lists? What about including this in bios and such? Some people may perceive them as greedy, what's YOUR opinion? Do you have a wish list? Post it! 🌸

Um, well it could help people?? maybe they could see something on someone elses wishlist they'd like for themselves..
Nah its not always greed.
Especially if the wish list has something relatively cheap!
If you are friends with the person it will give you birthday/Christmas ideas for them:D
Liked by: tori Tamara

Are you as petty as me when it comes to cleaning up? I refuse to wash my sisters dishes because she does NOTHING, EVER (she's 20), I take her things out the washer and make her do it herself etc etc... No way am I letting her get away with doing nothing. Anyone in a same situation?

I dont do anything for my sister, however that being said, She works and no one else can do it.
However when she is off she will do her own, Regardless if i offer.
I mean who cares who does it as long as its done?
because what they dont do wll reflect on you. You'll be viewed the same to an outsider.

I'm glad everything's okay. Again, sorry for being interfering.

Not its okay!! its one of the few things im happy to talk about, Its something that should be normalised.
We need to educate people more on periods, Especially if you never have them :D

What would happen if you competed in the Olympics?

I wonder how many people with penises take pregnancy tests
- hear me out-
Because its a sure fire way of knowing if you have testicular cancer
Do men actually do this???
because if you dont you REALLY should.
Liked by: Destiny Raye tori Val

Where do you get the majority of your clothes e.g brands, thrifted or homemade :3

Eh, All highstreet, I dont see the point in designer clothing.
You're literally wasting money for a name/label that no one outside the fashion industry cares about???
Like honestly?
it may be nice to have attention from it but its just as good as any other piece of clothing.
Also designer stuff can be really "ugly" sometimes.
Not worth the money. unless you desperately want it and you've saved for it.
Liked by: Val tori

Inspired by new documentary; "Celeb Trolls - We're coming to get you" // Would you ever hunt down a cyber bully who has been "trolling" you personally? Why do you think so many cyber crimes go unreported?

Because police claim they cannot help, Until you know, You have a dead teenager to deal with.
Many people dont want to admit that it effects them. Especially those who are teenaged, And those who are continuously in the spotlight/public eye.
Teenagers are too stubborn and celebs want to seem like they are good role models, They want to be good role models. Who seems strong. Etc.
Schools dont take it seriously enough and neither do politicians.
Liked by: Zed tori »Maddie«

im having trouble with coming out about wanting to be a girl. I think theres something wrong with me :'(

Nothing is wrong with you?
You're just scared about being true to who you are.
In this society i dont blame you.
Its a horrible world.
I just hope you find the confidence to tell at least one person you love, Care about and trust.
I hope it works out for you. If not. you deserve better.
I wish you all the best
Liked by: George tori


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