

Ask @ToriIsBack

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1 thing U are not the boss of me ok, cos i met someone else, who treat me better then @Luke_Oliver0304 ever treated u, and im not telling u his username

I am not the boss of you, correct. No one said I was or even insinuated it.
You're really delusional. I suggest you get psychiatric help if you believe you have rights to a person.
We've both made our annoyance with your presence known.
Not only are you delusional, You're stupid
Liked by: JustKariOkay tori Luke

Make me, u cant make me stop talking to my friends @Luke_Oliver0304 is tbe best person i ever met, without him i wont be still here without him, what about u leave me the hell ALONE or i get @askfm into this ok

Shut up, You're delusional.
Ask can't do anything?
I haven't threatened you or went against any of the company guidelines. I've just told you to leave my boyfriend alone.
He has told you, I've told you. If you wish to continue then your behaviour will be considered as harassment which is a punishable offence, if we wish to go ahead with reporting you.
Your move.
Liked by: tori Luke JustKariOkay


Cammierango’s Profile PhotoCammierango
We've been through a lot and trust has went, However we are working on some shit. I miss you a lot, truly. We were good friends but yeah lmao
oh well
you're a decent enough guy
Always there for people even when you're not 100% ok
You just need to focus on yourself now and again
Liked by: tori Cammierango Luke


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