

Ask @ToriIsBack

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omg everything coming out of your mouth is bullcrap 😂

Yet you have still to cite sources on why abortion is murder, What makes it murder, How pregnancy CANNOT be daunting for transgender men, How pregnancy cannot be a mental and physical torment etc
Oh yes i know why because you dont suffer from any of the above and dont believe it exists because you have this thing called PRIVELAGE
Liked by: Dark Lord tori

The fact that you can compare bacteria to a fucking child lol bye if you can open your legs you can have a damn baby

...I would like you to further explain how an embryo/fetus which is unborn, Underdeveloped and non sentient can be classed as a baby?
Also to say "If you can open your legs you can have a baby" is not only transphobic (Pregnancy can cause dysphoria amongst transgender men) but can also be insulting to those who are infertile (I mean they shouldnt have sex if they cant reproduce right??)
Do you suggest that those who have disabilities and can never carry a pregnancy to term should never have sex?
DO you suggest those who are too mentally unstable to be pregnant should never have sex?
Are you also saying that people who do not want to have children, Should never have sex?
what if they use contraceptives and they fail? should they then be forced into parenthood? burdened with a child they did not want?
Do you suggest that if someone is underage and have sex without protection due to lack of sex education should be forced to carry a child when they are a child themselves?
Do you suggest that if someone is rxped/forced into sex then they should continue their pregnancy?
And what of those who are in abusive relationships? Should they also carry the pregnancy to term?
I am sorry but who are you to police people on what they do with THEIR body and THEIR fetuses???
Do you know the developing fetus?
Will you provide and care for them?
Then get to f/ck with your ignorance.

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Liked by: Dark Lord tori Seán

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Omg your anons must be middle schoolers because they simply can't understand simple things,

i have to explain everything otherwise its like "what????"
Liked by: Karli bItch tori

It's not that weird for it to hurt a little the first time... I mean, the first time I had sex it was just a by uncomfortable at first because I hadn't had anything big in there before and hymens are a thing

Yeah you should feel discomfort but you should never feel pain and you should never bleed


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