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Should I pay for the cat? I feel awful, I want to get this bad feeling off my back:/ xx

you could go back and talk to the owners? x x

(c) not sure what to do, because I still want to do well but I don't want to be that nerdy girl in class. I'm not very sporty either. Please give me some advice, or just try make me feel better about myself? xo

it honestly doesn't matter what people think about you, honestly, it's better to be more brainy. You'll get the best grades, whilst they'll be getting bad ones. Don't change for anyone just be yourself, if it's really bothering you then tell someonexx

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(c) one of my lessons have a nickname for me that means I'm clever that upsets me. Also I've heard a few people call me a swot but I'm not sure if they did. I've been called a teachers pet too, because I've won the pupil of the week award in my class twice now. I'm (c)


I'm quite clever. I'm near the top of the class in Maths, English, Science, and quite a lot others. I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging haha, but that's how it is. The thing is, some people call me names because of it. I've never been called a nerd, but the people who sit near me in (c)


So, I ran over a cat yesterday. I feel so bad, I just drove off because I didn't want anyone to know it was me. I feel so bad, I know this is a rubbish question, but what the hell should I do, I feel so awful!

well there's nothing you can do now I'm afraid :(x

I've thought about breaking up with my boyfriend, but I can't! I've liked him for two years, and now I'm dating him.. I'm still going to keep liking him even if after we break up.. And he says he doesn't want to break up with me too because he loves me.. Help!:)

Well why do you want to break up? Talk to him about how you feel, you can get through this together and make the right decision :) x x

Me and my boyfriend barely talk, and we need to talk! We have no classes in school together and we really need to socialize in real life not just by text messages... If we do talk, sometimes we don't know what to talk about and sometimes I get shy or something.. What should I do? Help! x

Well there is no point in a relationship if you don't talk in real life. Just make sure that you talk to him as much as you can, just talk about anything which comes into your mind. Good luck c

Me and my boyfriend got together, he really loves me but I'm not sure what I want, like I think I have other crushes, what should I do?

You should talk to him about how you feel, you can't carry on if you don't like him that way. Have some time to think and I'm sure it will be fine in the end, good luck! x

but i like my teacher a bit so idk what to do?:( hes so amazing i mean pastys were named after him! i need help should i tell my mum? what the hell will i do at parents evening:/

tell your mum bby x

this may sound funny but, this .... who thinks they are my friend and keeps calling me swear words and when im around her she judges me and embarrasess infrort of everyone and hot boys and follows me around im not going to 'tell her how i feel' i just want to get away from her shes horrible

well tell her to stop, you shouldn't be treated like this. If she doesn't stop, then tell someone! xx

so this guy i really like told me he likes me andi told him i like him back. Weve chilled a few times but he hasnt asked me out.. all my friends tell me to ask him out but im scared.. wht do i do?

well he likes you, so there's nothing to worry about. He might just want to take things slow, hint it to him and see how it goes! x

I cut myself. Like A LOT i wish i could stop but i cant. I have so many suididal thoughts. I havnt told anyone they wont understand what im going through i have no one who cares.

I understand what you're going through, and there are people who cares, even if it doesn't seem like it. You don't need to commit suicide, or cut yourself. You're beautiful, you're wanted, you're loved and you're needed. Have you heard of the butterfly project? I think you should try it, it could help alot!
Make a diary, and write all of your thoughts down, it will make everything better I promise you.
I'm always here for you, talk to me whenever you want x

I was wondering if you have any advice for things that make you feel in control of your life? Because I self harm because it make me feel in control, so can you think of anything that will do that other than cutting and burning myself? Thanks:)

Wear an elastic band around your wrist, and when you feel like you want to self harm just fling it onto your wrist. It still hurts, but it's without the cuts and scars. Also, write a diary/journal and write down all your feelings on how you feel, and why you self harm. You should also get a hobby, write poems, read books, listen to music.. it will really get your mind off it xx

This girl is giving me abuse telling me I'm homophoboic but my mums gay she keeps saying that my mum would be so dissapointed and I'm just lying so people don't know the truth help ?

well tell people the truth! don't worry about what they say, just ignore all the comments. xx

I love this girl who do I ask her out

You should take her out somewhere- like the movies, or for lunch or something.
Become her friend. If you are already her friend, tell her that you really like her and ask her what she thinks about a relationship between you both. The worse thing she is going to say is that she justs wants to be friends. Which should be fine with you cause you will still be able to spend time with this her. You don't want to seem desperate, so just take it slow, and don't force it on her. Just take it one step at a time because if she does just want to remain friends than it may turn out even better for you because she will discover what a great guy you are.

any interaction with famous people??

not meaning to brag but yeah I guess haha, I've been to beyonce, the midnight beast, olly murs, plan b, pendulam, paloma faith, Stevie Wonder and jack johnson concert. Hugged, took photos and spoke to The Midnight Beast (and got autographs) Stefan Abingdon, Ashley Horne, @midnightbeastuk, chapters the band, tmbeastshop follows me on twitter. Jai Brooks, Beau Brooks, Daniel Sahyounie and James Yammouni follows me on twitter, Daniel saw a drawing I drew of him, Chapters dm'd me, went on runescape with luke, james shouted me out on twitcam, ariana grande, gina and norman follows me on twitter. Norman has retweeted me, tweeted me twice and dm'd me lots, and I have James's two sisters on facebook, and one of them retweeted me, messaged me, and liked my status(y) AND I MET THE JANOSKIANS :DDDDDDDDDD I think that's everything haha whoops x

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Liked by: becky mcmanus


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