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My friend is being really moody lately.. And I tried to talk to her but she never wants to talk and never wants to meet up anymore... What do I do?

I think there's something bothering her she could be feeling down. Talk to her and try and cheer her up. Don't blame it on yourself whatever happens- molly xx

My mum and dad are seperating. We might have to live on the street. What do I do?

hello, you really need to talk to someone about this! You need to find out what's going on so ask someone close and who knows whats going on. good luck. - molly xx

I kissed someone! properly, on the lips. It was the boy I have had a crush on since 3rd grade. He wont even look me in the eye anymore. What shall I do? P.S he kisses real good!!!

aw, good on you! and you should really talk to him about it. It would help alot. - molly xx

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i get bullied what do i do , because i had sexual intercorse with my teacher because she forced me to ! :(

go talk to someone urgently! they'll help you - molly xx

Basically, I had sex with this girl through a glory hole and you know like I couldnt see her face, but anyway I bussed in her throat, and she swallowed, but like the enzymes didnt work properly, and it went down into her vagina somehow, and fertelized with the egg, what does man do?

um what

this is serious i really really need to loose weight before i turn obese im addicted to food and i eat chocolate almost everyday i cant help it and if i dont eat i feel ill omg have got got any weight loss tips i cant do swimming or o to the gym id like to loose it t home and stop eating so much x

hiya talk to someone about this- your parents and a close friend. They wil lhelp you through it. I don't have many tips but I hear that the best one is just to eat healthy meals, fruit and veg. Exercise regulary, but just don't over do it. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned. - molly xx

I was going to meet up with my friend today as it was the only day I am free, turns out she made other plans as she didn't think we'd planned anything, I feel stupid as I was looking forward to just catching up with her, it feels like she doesn't like me, I feel worthless and I cut, I'm so upset:(

talk to her, tell her how you feel. You deserve to know if she likes you or not. Think positive and don't put yourself down! When you feel down just turn your laptopl, computer, telly, radio off and just lie down, get comfy, breathe slowly and relax. It will help you to calm down. Have you heard about the butterfly project? It's really helpful (picture) Stay strong, talk to someone about this, someone you trust and love. You don't derserve to go through this alone, and they will help you. It will only make things worst if you don't tell anyone, good luck and talk to us whenever you want to- molly xx

what should i do if i know that my friends are backstabbers?

you should defiantly talk to them. Tell them how you feel, if not then just distance yourself away from them and try to make some new friends or just hang around with diferent people- molly xx

So I got this girl pregnant and I wasn't trying to because we were just drunk af but yeaa should i kill her or dip?

Um what don't kill her

Thanks girls I know my sister is probably smiling down on you guys right now. Because you two are so sweet. Thank you for helping me realize that Murphy needs me just as much as I need him because it's the two of us now.

No problem and aw! Thankyou so much:') And yes he does. - molly x x


okay, I am going on my ipod now haha so I will try to answer questions quickly on there but it is quite difficult :( - molly xx

you to, molly and eva, have the words inspirational wrote on your foreheads

thankyou so much! this means the world to us! - molly xx

I'm a girl and I'm starting to feel like I want to be with a girl...can you give me any advice?

theres nothing wrong with that all, if you're still unsure then just spend some alone time and just think about it. It might take some time, but make sure you give it time. If you haven't already, I think you should talk to a friend about it. It will help. Whatever you do, accept the way you are and just be yourself. Good luck- molly xx

I want an iPhone 5 but my parents won't get me one. Right now I have a crappy phone. How can I work things out?

well you can't force them, just keep asking them and if not then do chores and earn money. - molly xx

It just hurts so much knowing that someone you grew up with for almost 20 years is just erased from your life like nothing. I know it's selfish but I need her my whole family needs her. She was the one thing that kept us together.

it must do, and it's not selfish! - molly xx

I told a load of people in my school that I'm related to a famous person and they're going to meet them and they're telling them about them knowing me and I'm terrified cause we're not even related

well there's not much you can do then telling them the truth that it's not true.
I just read a story about someone doing this :o
just tell them the truth and laugh it off as if it was just one big joke. You don't want to go embarrising yourself to those people- molly xx

I will be in a different group to her in the youth club

you can work it out can't you? talk to her, and I'm sure you'll sort thinks out :) if not just carry on texting her- molly xx

I can't do it. I have put on a fake smile for everyone these last couple days. I can't do it. I want my sister and I'll do whatever it takes to get her back. Murphy needs her he can't live his life. She never hot to grow up. We were a part of each other and now she's just gone.

you can do it! It WILL get better, you have to believe that. It must be so hard for you, but what will 'giving' up do for everyone else? It sounds harsh, but think about your brother. He will be alone. You CAN do this, do this for your sister, your brother and everyone else. They're counting on you to stay strong! you just have to believe in yourself. - molly xx

I had sex and/I myt be preg

do you have the symtoms? If you do, you should get a pregnancy test to defiantly make sure you are. Tell someone who you trust and love and they will help you get through this. Good luck- molly xx

I asked you about the girl that I love and asking her out a while ago and in the group in we meet in once a weekI'm moving group. When I told her she was really cut up and said that she had always had feelings for me but now we can't go out because I wouldn't see her at all and I'm really upset. :(

what do you mean by 'I'm moving group'? surely you can work this out, if you both really like eachother? anything is possible in love.- molly xx

Can't take this. My brother can't my whole family can't she was a ray of sunshine in everybody's life and now she's just gone. I can't do this. And I won't do this. There is no life without my sister. There's nothing to live for without my sister here by my side.



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