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She won't admit that she likes meu

check her body language. Do you catch her looking at you? Does she lean in closer to you when talking? (if you do) does she flirt?
etc - molly xx

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My friends cut and...I'm tryin to get them to stop but…how?

Try to get your friends to look at the reasons why they do it- let them know that you're there for them, no matter what. Tell them that you care for them, and you're worried for their safety. Encourage them to go and seek help, and to tell their parents if they haven't already. Offer to go with them, make sure you do not force them to go and seek help, this could just push them away from you. You seem like a good friend, don't let go of them. Don't give up, and don't loose hope. Good luck! - molly xx

How do you know if your penis is too big for your girlfriend? I just don't want to hurt her.

talk to your girlfriend about it- molly xx

i have this person i really like and want to ask out but were not EXACTLY close just friends and i want to be out before and on valentines day and tmozz is the deadline.. should i go for it.. please answer! much appreciated!! xx <3

you should go for it. Take a risk! You never know what the answer will be before you do it, if you're feeling a bit uneasy ask their friend if they know if they like you? it will help alot better- molly xx <3
Liked by: jake the dog ;)

I'm depressed. What do I do.…?

hiya, okay you need to 'assess the situation' so keep a daily diary, it can help you learn about why you have it etc next you should try and work out your problems. Realizing the problems is one step closer to being happier! Exercising can make you feel alot better, even if you really do not feel like it, go for it! It can make you more happier and active. Listen to music, hang out with friends and family, watch movies, etc- do hobbies. Do stuff what makes you happy. Make sure you get enough exercise and sleep, and to eat proper meals. You have to remember that you are not alone, hundreds of people are in the same position as you. You should talk to someone if you haven't already, a trusted family member or a friend. They can help you, and it's better not to do this on your own. It won't make anything better. Also, remember that you will not have this feeling forever, and with help from people you can overcome this sooner. Good luck, and talk to me and Eva whenever you need- molly xx

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He only admitte it to one person only

You should try and get him to admit it to you, or you could just tell him. If you are too scared/shy to tell him then you should show him that you like him by body language.
Try to get him to catch you looking at him a few times, don't do this to often though because it might become creepy. Make eye contact with him. Start small and gradually make more contact with him, 'work up the ladder' How about you compliment him? Tell him 'your smile is really nice' etc
Be playful with him, don't ignore him, try to hang out with the guy, don't laugh too much at his jokes, and smile! Hopefully he will get the message and admit it to you- molly x

I don't have a date to the Valentines dance that's on Friday...Should I still go? :s

That's nothing to worry about, get some of your friends to go with you! - molly x

Do you want me to share your page aswell? Love you two gallies lots and lots, you've been there for me, Tia x x x

up to you but thankyou:-) and we both love you too lots and lots, and :) :) - molly xxx

Hey wow I've got to say you give good advices I'm going to tell everyone about your ask page :) can I have 15 like on some of my answers? Pleasee xx

thanks and done. - molly xx

how do u stop crying if u break up with some1

never ever run back to someone after a break up, or don't contact them. This will just make the matter worst. 'Forgive and forget' Don't let your ex see you miserable without him. It's okay to cry at first, for a matter of fact cry your heart out. You will stop crying in the end, listen to sad love songs. Weirdly, it will make things better. Stay positive about yourself, don't let the breakup get you down. Spend time with friends and family, talk to them. When you miss them, try and take a nap to clear your mind. Don't try to work things out with your ex just yet, you might make a decision you'll regret. For now, give it time. Your heart will heal itself after a while- molly x

So your saying it's completely ok to just break down and cry at the funeral no matter who's watching?

of course it is, it was your tripet, they meant everything to you, they're gonna expect tears and upset at their funeral
eva x

I don't know what happened, I just felt empty inside.

stay strong, we all get these days where we feel low. Just try and be happy, you could write out your feelings in a notebook- it feels better once we get it all out - molly xx

It doesn't sound cheesy I just want to be strong for my brother because we lost our triplet. We don't know what to do. We were always together now there is a piece of us missing. I can't cry if I do I'll never stop.

you've just got to speak, memories, what you think of her, the good times, it's okay to cry, everyone will understand how hard it's been, me and molly are always here!
eva xx


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