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to whoever is gonna send me a question- I'm going to school, I will be back in 6 hours and I promise you I will reply to everyone you will just have to wait. Thankyou x
Liked by: Dana

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I have all those symptoms:( but I'm 15 and if I went doctors on my own would they tell my parentss?

I've heard that if you're under 16 then yes they will tell your parents but I'm not 100% x

Thanks so much for the advice I already know somethings we hav in common I just don't want the guy I have a crush on to act differently around me when he's with friends idk what to do anymore

no problem and he might be feeling abit shy about it, just go and talk to him. It will help you gain confidence-carry on the conversation as long as possible x
Liked by: Dana

Alright this may sound weird but I'm in love with two men they know I have feelings for them and they have feelings for me, but I'm not sure what to do or who to choose or if I should even choose one of the. If you want to know more before you give me advice I can give you some more info. about them

Have you heard that quote "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second" that's exactly in the position you are now.
You should choose the second one, because you must be more in love with that one.
Talk to the other one about it, and he should understand. Go with your heart.
Talk to me whenever you want x
Liked by: Blue Dana

Umm..I'm kinda at the point in life I want to give up, everything's fallen apart and I don't see the point in trying to fix anything rather than taking the easy way out...I just can't be bothered anymore

please don't do this, you're stronger than this- I know, You are important, you are beautiful, you are loved and you are wanted. Suicide isn't an option. Do anything you can to get it off your mind- read a book? make crafts? cook? watch telly? watch a film?
listen to music?
We all have a purpose to the world. You really don't need to do this- talk to someone you trust about this, and they will help you. Whenever you feel like you're going to break just lie down and listen to your favorite songs, calm down and take deep breathes. Get a journal and write down all of your feelings.
You can stay strong, I know you can!
talk to me whenenever you want x
Liked by: Dana

I think I'm depressed and I really dunno who do:( I'm to scrared to talk to yone and I onleally have 1 proper friend and I dunno what to do I'm really scared and I'm starting to feel alone& trapped:((

well if you 'think' you're depressed these are the syntoms-- always sad/upset, feeling hopeless and useless, having no confidence, no enjoyment in life, no intrest in things feeling anxious or worried, having suicidal thoughts or self harming.
moving or speaking slower than usual, change in apetite or weight, constipation, unexplained aches or pain, lack of energy, disturbed sleep.
not doing well at work, taking part in not as many activites, avoiding contact with friends, neglecting hobbies and intrests, and having difuculties at home and family life.
if you are feeling unsure then you should contact your doctor- you need to tell someone about how you feel, you can't do this alone, it will just make you feel worst. Take your mind off of depression and think of something good in your life, this will clear thoughts. If you're feeling alone then get a journal and write alll of your feelings inside, it will be good for you to get it off your chest. Talk to someone you trust/love and stay strong.
talk to me whenenever you want x

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Liked by: Dana

i'm shy, and people don't seem to like me because of it. i stay quiet, but i'm not like sitting in a corner or anything but whenever i say something they just shut me down and bully me and then claim its 'banter' i've told my parents but if they tell the teacher then it will just get worse. help me?

for it to stop you need to pretend it doesn't hurt you, I know it might sound stupid but as soon as they see that the bullying doesn't effect you then they will get bored and move on to someone else. Is it your friends who are doing it? just ignore them, they're being pathetic.If you get your teacher involved it will help and they could speak to the people bullying you about it.
Also, your shyness will go- it won't be there forever x
Liked by: Blue

Thanks for ignoring my question. Just proved my point of nobody giving a single fuck. Not much of a 'help page' are you...

sorry I was kind of sleeping you know.. I will do it now

What would you say to someone who has a group of friends that doesnt treat them right but doesnt have the guts to stand up to them

well I'm going through the exact same thing so I would say that they should talk to someone about it ((like I did))) and that they should ignore them ((like I did))
Liked by: Dana

but i dont really have any other friends apart from the two peole sending me the hate? and my boyfriend is in S4, and im in S2 (scottish) haha x

talk to someone about it? as soon as you do I'm sure it will get dealt with, and the hate will stop. Try making some more nicer friends, and remember I'm always here if you want to chat x
Liked by: Şule ♬♪♩

Is it annoying getting all these questions?

nope, it is annoying when I get the hate and all of the jokey questions when there are more serious ones waiting- but I don't mind about the advice ones and the ones where people want to talk because that's why I made this today :-)
Liked by: Dana

i keep getting hate on this but its anonymous and its one of my best friends in school but i dont know what to do about it. i hav an older boyfriend and they keep saying "im pushing them away" when im with him, "i ignore my friends". my parents know but i dont want them involved. what do i do?:s x

this is exactly what happened to me! I had an account, and my 'best friend' sent me aload of hate on my account- I found out it was her so I just blocked her.
ignore all of the hate comments, they're just there because they're trying to make you feel like rubbish and to make you feel like you've done so much wrong when you haven't. Hang around with your boyfriend, and your other best friends and just ignore the person sending the hate because they're not worth it x
Liked by: Dana


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