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How do I stop cutting myself. I don't want medical help. I just want to stop. You don't have to answer,

first of all what you need to do is think of all of the good things in your life, not all of the bad things just the good. Maybe write all of your feelings out into a book, just let it all out.
You could speak to some of your friends or your family who you can trust and who you love so they could help. Focus on other things, start new hobbies.
Also, make sure you don't stop cutting straight away. You will just want to do it more. Try and stop gradually.
Take it slow.
Also, have you heard of the butterfly project?
it can help alot!
If you ever want to talk I'm here x

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erm my girlfriend recently left me cos i broke her bum hole , when we decided to have anal , my willy was extremely large and so when it was inserted it broke her bum wall , also i had poo poo on my dick so i took the piss out of her , help me get back together with her ! i love you

okay, well you might want to talk to someone else about this lmfao

I wanna kill myself and nobody ever listens or takes me seriously. I can't take it anymore

Even though it might not seem like it but you are needed, you are important, you are wanted, you are loved and you are beautiful. I know it's hard but you need to stay strong, for yourself, family and the ones who love you.Try not to think of all of the bad things in your life, and think of all of the good things in life.
focus on something different and try to take your mind of it. Try new hobbies, something new and different. Try and distract yourself- make food, or things like crafts, just entertain yourself. Watch telly, or a movie.
or maybe you could write all of your feelings out into a journal get all the things out from your heart and your head and just spill them out, it will be for the best.
Suicide is defiantly NOT the answer,I know you can stay strong and you have a whole world out there and if no one is there I am, talk to me whenever you want okay?. Please just don't give up.
Leave the past behind you, and look towards the future. You have your whole life in head of you x

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what is bipolar ?

Bipolar disorder is known as a manic depression- the people who suffer from it goes through mood swings so one minute they're really happy and then the next they're depressed and upset. Some people with bipolar disorder can also see and hear things that other people around them don't..

I have bipolar disorder and I struggle with life every day, what should I do?

I've got a friend who thinks she has this so I understand what you must be going through. Have you spoke to your parents about it? If you haven't don't be shy about talking to them about it, or a friend.
Also maybe you should go see a proffesional about it and see what can be done for it. It would be a good thing if you talk to people about it, as they can help you and you can understand abit more on what to do.
Also, sit down with your parents and ask them if they know if there is any 'family history of medical illness', if they say yes- ask more about it and then if they ask why, then explain to them what is going on.

i believe that my boyfriend doesn't deserves me but i love him and i don't know what to do :(

well, are you happy with him? does he seem happy with you?
if you're feeling abit unsure about it, talk to him about how you feel, and how you feel.
Think of all of the reasons why you should still be together, and some reasons why you don't think you should be together.
Don't let his friends, or your friends decide your choices in your relationship, it's got nothing to do with them.
Think carefully about how you are going to think of this, it's no one else's decision but yours and his.
Good luck x

Va jajaja pues a ver,que esque pienso que siempre estorbo aqui,que vale Alomejor tengo a mis amigas pero siempre siempre se enfadan conmigo y me duele mucho,encima yo soy muy sensible,y que joder ya no se que hacer,me gustaría irme de aqui ya.

por favor, sólo hacer caso omiso de ellos! mantenerse fuerte, estoy seguro de que son increíbles si quieres hablar conmigo cada que estoy aquí. Buena suerte. x

Ughh, I just read your symptoms for depression and I have a few of the symptoms :'( Can my life get any worse >_<

don't worry about it, it doesn't mean 100% that you have depression if you have a few.
If you feel worried about it, maybe go to the doctors and ask about it?
stay strong, and talk to me whenever you want. I'm always here x

I'm the gay guy from before; He knows; we kiss and stuff and we date; I want to make it so everyone knows we're together, is that too selfish?:s

Of course that's not selfish, it must be horrible to hide a relationship away. Just remember from what I said before, he must be anxious about what other people may think. Let him take his time, when he's ready for going public about it. Talk to him, but make sure you don't put pressure on him and make sure that if he gets any comments from people for him just to try and ignore it.
I hope it all goes well, good luck x

I like this guy but I feel I cant tell him I like him bc we ate like 3 years apart and he live far away

well age doesn't exactly matter, you can't help who you like. You're 3 years right? that's not bad at all!
Some people may judge you which would be pathetic but just ignore them if you ever got together. Aldo about the ''living far away' bit, some far away distance relationships work.
My friend and her boyfriend have been together for a year now and they only see eachother like 3 times a year, it can be done. All you need is a strong enough love and trust.
My bet is that you should take the risk, and take a chance and tell him. Who knows he might like you back?

an advice about how to write a dissertation ?

have a clear objective, be well and planned. Include analysis and discussion and be structured right.
Start thinking on what you want to write about.

Straight best friend

does he/she know how you feel? If they don't you should think about talking to them. It will help you, no doubt about it, but it will shock them. But if they understand, then they should support you.
He/she will take time to get around it but I'm sure they will after abit.
I wish you the best, x

well i have all of those symptoms apart from the hobby one, the only time i'm ever remotely happy is when i'm playing football. apart from then they all apply. do you think i do? and thanks!

hmm well I can't exactly say because I don't know you personally. Talk to someone from your family who you trust about it. I'm sure that they will help you in every way possible and tell you what is best for you! x

I get told I'm skinny, or even just thin. But the people who say it don't see my body.. They can't say that I'm thin when I'm not. I feel really fat but can't tell people I hate myself because I don't want to seem like an "attention seeker". Help me in any way please?

first of all, there is no way that you are/will be an attention seeker. Next please don't put yourself down, I'm sure that you are beautiful. Ignore what people say, and just think about you and only you.
Look in the mirror at yourself and think of something good about yourself maybe if you have beautiful eyes think about them? go on and boost your confidence!
You must remember that millions of people in the world are in your position.
If you do maybe decide to go on a diet (if you really do need it) - make sure you don't drop out on food completley, gradually change- not much though.
Eat more healthy and exercise abit more? Talk to someone you trust about it all and see what they think, stay strong x
Liked by: Made In LV


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