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How do i get girls to like me

First of all whatever you do when approaching a girl, don't become too clingy or desperate, next- don't forget things about her, pay attention to her. Be friendly, and be her friend. Make sure you're there for her when she has no one or when she just wants to talk to someone, last of all, give it time. You'll never know if she falls for you or not but it will take time!xx
Liked by: Samantha Lea Jones

okay so theres this guy whos graduating this year and i just really want him to notice me before he graduates. i really like him. we havent really ever talked, but i really want to start talking to him. any advice on how i should start talking to him and maybe get him to be interested in me??

okay, so aproach him and start general coversation "good morning/afternoon" "having a good day?" etc
just talk normally, and stay calm. Step up, and talk about hobbies, find out what you have in common..
I'm sure it will soon be fine!xx

met this guy in a club, he's amazing kind&great to party with,we had a really good night dancing away,no contact except forehead kisses&hugs.switched numbers&now we're texting,hes really dirty on text& he wants a sexy photo of me I've never done that before,im still a virgin he sent me one&idk what

this is your choice, in my opinion I wouldn't send one because he could turn a bit mean and put the photo against you, but he could be different. Its best to be on the safe side, but its up to you. xx

i cant do this anymore ... i have to go

So you want to kill yourself? because no one cares for you. Your family hates you. Right? no. Your parents walking in the room to only find your dead body. They'll try their hardest not to think negative, and to think you're just fooling around. Then they'll start shaking you. Why aren't you breathing? They'll be broken. Tears. More tears. More tears than you have ever shed. Was it them? Were they the reason you did this? More tears. Pain. Every day. Every night. Every single second of each day. Guilt. More guilt. What about your best friends? They're not going to care. Right? no. What's the first thing that will run through their minds when your principal comes into your class and tells them you're not alive. While your bestfriend sits there in tears. The girl that you'ld smile at but never talk to? she's crying. The boy who would kick you under the table just to annoy you? He's in shock. He's devasted. He blames himself. What about your teacher? thoughts cross her mind. She'll question if you did it because she made school too hard for you. Pain. Devistation. Who organises your funeral? Who has to go through your stuff? clothes? notes? Those few older girls who used to give you daggers at school? They regret it. They blame themselves. See, if you killed yourself today, you'll never know what might of happened tomorrow. You'll never know because you're dead. Plain dead. Not alive. Not breathing. Just dead. Your family hates themselves for it. Your bestfriend then falls into depression. Tears. Tears. More tears than a river. All because you thought you would kill yourself because no one cares, right? You are loved, by many. Someone right now is thinking about you. You are beautiful, no matter if you're white, black, homosexual, tall, short, over weight or anorexic. You are beautiful. You want to kill yourself? Think about it first. There's no coming back. And I promise, if you do, you're not just hurting yourself, you're hurting many. You are creating more tears than you led your self into. You are making everyone miserable and making them all feel pain and guilt. Never will they feel whole like when they had you, you are beautiful and you are never alone. Please don't do this xx

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Sometimes I feel like everyone hates me, all these girls always talk shit about me behind my back.. I dunno what do to.

we've all been there, its a hard time, but dont worry. I'm sure they don't all hate you, girls pick on other people to feel good about themselves, they put other people down. But who is them to judge? ignore it, and smile. Show them that you don't care, and talk to someone you trust about it because they can help xx

There's this girl I really like (been crushing on her for 7 months now). Althiugh I've tried many times to forget about her I never managed to. We are now very close friends and I like her more than ever. Yesterday I've been told that she doesn't want 2 go out with me. Pls help

tell yourself that you can't force anyone to like anyone, you just have to let her go. I know that its hard, you've had a crush on her for so long but if you put your mind to it, you can do it. For now, just dont be as close to her as you would normally be- just talk to other people, and try and get her mind off her. Tell her how you feel if it helps, just give it time and it will soon be fine xx

tell me about yourself....

i like to draw
i like history, religion and geography
and thats about it hahaha- molly xx

Ok. So There Is This Boy That Is Friends With My Bestfriend. He Showed Her My Fb And Now He Wants To Talk To Me. I Wanna Talk To Him , But Im Very Tall And Dont Want Him To Be Short Or Scared Of My Height.. Im 5'8. Also, I don't Know If He Will Accept The Fact That Im Slim. What Do I Do?

just talk to him, theres nothing wrong about being tall or anything else. Just talk to him, get to know him and see how it goes. Good luck xx

I have been realising my attitude towards food is completely changing, I fear I might becoming anorexic I don't have anyone who I trust to tell. what should I do?

you should tell someone its the best thing to do, ask if you can go to the doctors to see if there is any thing wrong because if there is, the longer the leave it the worst it can get!xx


ask us for advice
hiya guys, i just want to say that i'm going to be taking a break from this account for like a week or something. I have a few problems myself and i'm not handling it very well, eva doesn't come on this account anyway, i hope you understand and I will try to be on as soon as possible. If you need me then feel free go on my personal ask @MollyRosev thankyou- molly x x

How can I become more confident? I can't speak in front of groups of people and have actually cried because I had to do a presentation before. What shall I do?

make yourself happier at home, talk to friends and family. keep hair off your face. Make eye contact, if you can't do that then look at their shoulder or something near their eyes. Don't hide. Smile/laugh at peoples jokes. Smile alot of the time, and just be yourself. Good luck! xx

My friend likes this guy who is one of her best friends but he likes me. She know that and she's been really sad recently. I don't like him back and I feel so bad for my friend. What should I do?

first of all don't blame it on yourself, its not your fault. As you don't like him back it shouldn't really be a worry, talk to this guy about it if possible, and just be there for your friendxx

I'm really not confident so what should I say to keep it casual but interesting??xxx http://ask.fm/askmeadvicex/answer/32886230677

Ask about likes and dislikes, and basically make it apparent that you like him. Talk about any interesting news you heard, or anything that might be coming up that would affect both of you, or just him. You can talk about yourself, but generally speaking you want to start off talking about the other person. Also, talk about stuff you have in commen. xxx

I really really like this guy, I can't stop thinking about him and he's so hot!! He's in my year but we're not in any of the same classes. He told one of my friends that I'm really smart but how do I get to know him and make him attracted to me so he sees me as more than just a geek?? :* xxx

Speak to him! Just start to talk to him and get to know eachother x x

my bf wants to spoon, what even is it :L

Its when you're lying down and he hugs you from behind, look up pictures on google x xx


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