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Well he knows but I mean I'm scared that he will go after someone else. Since I'm having a kid

ohh well talk to him! you deserve to know - molly xx

How do u hide sh scars?

I've heard that 'vitamin e' helps, they're watery capsules which you break apart and rub them on the scars. You can get them from stores, and also of course long sleeves - molly xx

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She doesn't like him back anyway, thanks for the advice! x

thats good for you then haha, and no problem! - molly xx

I got pregnant by my best friend. He's a lot older than me but we kinda knew that we like each other. I'm scared that he might leave and find someone else. Help!!!!!!

you need to talk to him. You can't keep it for a secret for long, it's best if he found out! - molly xx

I've started talking to this boy latley and we've become really close. I've got a crush on him but he likes my best friend, what should I do? x

hint to him that you like him, flirt to him. Be nice to him, etc
but don't fall out with your best friend over a boy! - molly xx

I've been trying for awhile to talk to her and she doesn't understand that I'm really scares she's going to do something like take her life and I just don't know what's been going on lately she's been keeping a lot of things to herself and uses the same excuse what should I do

make sure you try and talk to her, you have to tell her that you're there for her, you care for her and you love her. Try and spend as much time with her as you can - molly xx

I'm 15, 16 in a month, and I'm interested in a guy 4 years older than me, and I really like him but I'm afraid my parents won't like him :L help?

talk to them about it, they might not like him as much seing as he's 18+ but just try to talk to them. It's better then hiding it, then them finding it out themselves. - molly xx

My best friend won't tell me everything anymore she's been really pissy and doesn't want to talk to me about it she always say I'm fine I'm just tired but ik better than that I know somethings bothering her what should I do???

Keep trying to talk to her. There is something bothering her. If she doesn't want to tell you then you have to understand. I'm sure shell tell you in her own time - molly xx

Should I suck his dick we have been together for 1 year the anniversey is coming up should i do that and give him my virginity?

Like I said do whatever you want to do, don't feel forced into anything..- molly x x

Should I suck my boyfriends penis? He really wants mt to. He says I would enjoy and taste what he tastes like for the first time. Im thinking about doing but I would like some advice first.

don't feel forced to do anything - molly xx

Thanks, I'll try to make it work out. When would be the best time? I feel like such an idiot, I'm 16 asking 13 year olds about my love life, but I really need some non-judgemental advice right now. Do you think it should be after sex, or at a meal or after a concert?? I'm so worried about it all xx

I'd say, when you next see him, maybe at a meal or something, sit him down, and just tell him, its the easiest way to say it
Eva xx

my friend is sending disgusting and very graphic naked pictures of herself to boys, and when I'm around her she acts like nothing has happened! It's vile, and other people act like nothing has happened as well(mostly boys cause she is quite pretty). How do I get her to notice what she has done?

you should talk to her if you're worried about her. It's not nice knowing your friend does that, just don't upset her. Just say how upset you get because she does it. - molly xx

This girl is a real slut and she has sent naked pictures of herself to boys, and I think my crush likes her..what do I do?

well I spose it is her decision to do that, but she can put a bad impression on her. If you're close, then just tell her that you're concerned etc
and just talk to your crush like normal, and flirt and be nice to him. He will soon see that you're more 'nicer' Good luck! - molly xx

your doing great girls but leave advice to the pro's. but carry on with small projects, ok? - concerned mother-

I understand where you're coming from, but we do put 'we are not profesional's' at the top, so it's up to anyone to see that and still ask for advice. We give the best we can, and we do not like missing any questions so we try to do them all, and not delete any - molly xx

I'm 14 yr old boy and weigh 12,1 stone(my dad weighs slightly over 14) so yeah i get a lot of bullying, i have BIG moobs(i can acc make them bounce:&)and my belly ALWAYS gets out and hangs below my shirt-.- i was sleeping once and mum asked was it a pillow under blanket,it was my belly,help me:(

hiya, well we're still young so we shouldn't really be worrying about our weight but if you are concerned, go to the doctor about how you feel, and your parents. They will help you- eat more healthy food, and do some exercise regulary. And about the bullying just ignore them, they're just trying to make you feel bad about themselves. Just get on with your life without them- molly xx


thats great, I'm so happy for you! and no problem! - molly xx

I cheated on my boyfriend right before we broke up, we might get back together, do I tell him?

In this situation, I wouldn't say anything, the past is the past, move on from it
Eva xx

Talked to my mum and dad about how I feel inside and we are goin' to get a new house so we wont live on the streets!!! THANKS!!!

aw that's great! no probolem- molly xx

Thanks for the advice (about me cheating on boyf) I really hope it works, and I just love him so much and it's hard to speak to my friends about it as they all have either 0 tolerance on cheating, or they want to go out with him themselves and would tell him.. what do you think I should say? xxx

I would tell him by making it short and simple, don't make it long, thatsd the worst thing to do, and don't think about it to much, you'll create bad situations in your head that probably won't even happen!
Hope this helps,
Eva xx

I like this boy, how can I get him to like me back?

well first of all you got to know that you can't force anyone to have feelings for someone you just have to wait. First of all, talk to him alot. Get closer to him, and flirt alot! Be there for him, be kind.. just do friendly stuff and I'm sure he will start liking you - molly xx

My boyfriend went on tour with his band, and one night at a party I made out with another guy... I haven't told my boyfriend yet, and I don't know if I should, because when we're together everything is perfect and we've even talked about getting married. I just need some girl advice xxx

Honestly, I don't believe couples should keep secrets, if you guys had a strong enough bond, you should be able to tell him, and get through it together, but if you think there's a chance he's gonna leave, think about it first, think of how you're gonna say, and when.
Eva xx


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