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im really self concious about the way i look i think that im going to end up being lonely how do i stop myself from caring about that xx

I'm sure that you are beautiful and whatever you do don't put yourself down. Just dont change yourself for anyone at all. When you wake up just look in the mirror and think of all of the good things about you and focus on one thing you love about your body/face and just compliment yourself. It will get better if you try and don't put yourself down. Trust me x x

sometimes i get this feeling in the bottom of my stomach were like when something goes really wrong i just want to go do something stupid and i don't want to but sometimes i just go one step to far and nearly do and i don't want to one of my friends did kill him self last night </3

Please just stay safe and stay strong. I don't want anything bad to happen to you and no one else does. You are loved and wanted and beautiful. Keep strong okay and don't worry we all make mistakes and I'm so sorry! It must be so difficult for you. R.I.P <3

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is it okay to date an older woman? i'm only 16 and she is 25 and so beautiful and looks much younger.

I'm not sure is it illegal to date an over 18 year old where you live? I personally think its okay if you're both happy x

i just came across your page and i was wondering if you could like maybe possibly give me some advice or even help me out about some stuff :(

Of course what's up? X

I'm really shy, how do i gain confidence?

Keep telling yourself that you will come out of your shyness, and you will. Make sure you note the situations when you are mostly shy, and work on it. It will help. The next time you are in any of those situations do something different which you wouldn't normally do.. smile, make eye contact, ask a question...etc
Relax, and also remember that mistakes help you learn. If you are shy and worried that you will make a mistake, then don't worry about it- we all do!
As you might know, shyness is hard to overcome but don't worry if you keep working on it you will get better.. good luck and don't give up- It takes a lot of practice, and hardwork. Talk to me whenever you want x

wow thank you the other anon who has replied to this :) and thank you to you too, person behind this ask fm account you have really helped me feel better about myself xxxxx

no problem and good!xxxx

You're 15 and give such good advice, dayum girl you are amazing, you should take this as a profession one day ;-)

aw thankyou this means alot, and yeah I would love to do something like this:')

are you sure i will like someone? and even if i do, they definately wont like me back, i am just a weirdo who is ugly and no one will want to go out with xx

the right guy will come trust me, and please don't put yourself down. I'm sure you're beautiful, and look at the answer below.xx

To the anon saying they feel weird because they don't like anyone; I am like that too. Its best just to stick to your school work and stuff, and not get tied up in relationships and liking people anyway. It may ruin your grades if you spend your time hung up on boys instead of focusing on your work!


i have never liked someone before. all my friends have a boyfriend or a crush, and i just havent. i feel like the odd one out. what do i do? do i just pretend that i like someone or should i tell my friends i dont like anyone? please help, i feel like such a weirdo xx

first of all don't put yourself down, it won't make you feel good about yourself at all. Next, don't pretend to be someone you are not, you can't force yourself to like someone that's not how it works. You will like someone at some point just focus on other things like friends and family for the mean time x x

last night i asked my boyfriend what he sees if he close his eyes and he told me that he sees me in his bed..we are together for 9 days and know him for 6 months..what shall i believe about him now?that he wants a serious relationship or something to pass his time and have sex with me?;s

don't give up on him if you really like him for something he has said once. Just talk to him that you're uncomfortable and he should understand and help you through it. Don't be forced to do anything x


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